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Everything posted by tgw

  1. if they want this checkpoint to last, they will have brought some heavy vehicles and at least a company of infantry.
  2. ironic. a defenestration is exactly what Putin needs.
  3. both stories are bad for the Russians. I read earlier that there was partisan activity in Kherson.
  4. I guess I don't have an opinion on the fights themselves. I accept it as something that exists because it's free people doing what they decided to do. But I do have a favourable opinion on them having the right to do it. If men can do it, there is no reason to be against women doing it.
  5. alright, we don't know the alleged Chinese gangster's name but the name of the owner of the room along with private information about two of his nephews was worth throwing into the public ...
  6. I gotta agree. Not to mention the waste of energy, very hazardous flying due to cables and other flying vehicles, unaffordable insurance premiums (hello airbikes falling out of the sky onto other vehicles, into homes) ...
  7. I think Putin can stop it on his own - just leave Donbass and Crimea, then offer peace. I'm quite sure Ukraine would accept, even with those unfavourable terms, since it would let many war criminals go unpunished and Ukraine would probably only receive Russia's foreign assets that were seized earlier as reparations.
  8. they do it all the time. we foreigners think that they scam us because we are foreigners, but the truth is that Thais aren't racists when it comes to scamming.
  9. That's exactly what Ukrainians want to get away from: barbary, thug-like thinking. Surrendering soldiers will be treated as humans, war criminals will be tried, others will become PoWs.
  10. here is a good translation of Zelenskiy's Telegram post addressed to Ruzzians: Do you (Ruzzians) still think that we are ‘one nation?’ Do you still think that you can scare us, break us, make us make concessions? You really did not understand anything? Don’t you understand who we are? What are we for? What are we talking about? Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you. Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as scary and deadly for us as your ‘friendship and brotherhood’ But history will put everything in its place. And we will be with gas, light, water and food … and WITHOUT you !
  11. antibiotics after wisdom teeth removal is routine and advisable.
  12. is there a ferry or a boat from Pattaya to Koh Chang ?
  13. <iframe src="https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?height=314&href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Feuromaidanpress.en%2Fvideos%2F614339233696988%2F&show_text=false&width=560&t=0" width="560" height="314" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="true" allow="autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> looks like the media embed plugin is out of service. here is a link: https://www.facebook.com/euromaidanpress.en/videos/614339233696988
  14. the northern Ruzzian front seems to have collapsed. https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3568896-invaders-collaborators-fleeing-from-luhansk-region-toward-russia-regional-chief.html there seems to be some kind of news blackout, but there are Ruzzian social media posts saying Ruzzians are running from Svatove, and even from Luhansk too. I don't know if this is Ukrainian propaganda trying to amplify the rout or if these are genuine and Ukrainian troops are just being careful to not get hit by a Ruzzian counterattack.
  15. since the post reactions seem functionally challenged, I will comment "ROFLMAO" ????????????
  16. I don't think it's him, ear shape, chin shape and skull shape are different. still wears rank insignia of a lieutenant colonel, so not a bad catch.
  17. meanwhile in Russia: https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/russia-ukraine-war-new-09-07-22/h_722d5d1c686d7e431d770888260a63da Ukrainian official tells UN Security Council that 2.5 million people have been forcibly deported to Russia
  18. as long as the tattoos are lewd and don't impede on each other's legibility, they are ok. I'm not a fan of tattoos in the face though.
  19. what you describe wouldn't be justice for an accident.
  20. my advice would be to complain to 3BB that you can't connect with some apps. I suspect 3BB to apply traffic shaping, which may break encryption, for example by using a dynamic shared IP system that could change the client's originating IP at every request. I believe 3BB support has a "switch" with which they can exclude your account from that.
  21. the best tyres will be those that will allow you to avoid an accident on a wet highway. and driving slow on a Thai highway is incompatible with safety.
  22. all part of Putin's evil plan to conquer the world. debunked? links please ? ( I have many more links to back up that Ruzzia interfered in Brexit, UK elections and Scotland referendum, Trump elections, etc.)
  23. https://www.facebook.com/MinistryofDefence.UA/posts/pfbid02ehHUHQfeijPfTVWWK6SPK29cd8iNne9Ep8iRJFStonst3GMetUstEz5t1pc3Tbxwl UA air defense intercepted five out of five Ruzzian kalibr missiles. well done. seems UA air defense has received some upgrades ????
  24. one link of many: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijacked-democracy and this broadcast shown on ZDF (reputable German public TV channel) I believe you can turn on English subtitles Putin's fingerprints are all over it
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