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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Linux is fine for mainstream use such as: - office applications (mainstream: word processing, calculation sheets, presentations) - internet surfing - email - watching videos - a few games run on linux too Beyond mainstream use and a few specialized uses though, Linux won't work for most users who want a jack of all trades or want to use the computer for gaming or "prosumer" applications. The cause for this is the lack of Linux versions of drivers and software. Linux is also more difficult than Windows to bend into the right shape for specialized use, lacks some software, lacks many drivers, is complicated (kernels / distributions), and it has bugs. yes, many. I am a Linux user, I use Ubuntu on my servers. For my personal computers, I prefer Windows by far. If I had to choose computers with a productivity suite for office staff, I would probably choose Linux.
  2. he's a visionary. I'm sure NATO could consider let Russia join once it has been denazified
  3. not necessarily the same, as there are different models of intel integrated graphics, but yes, both are of the integrated type, which means poor performance in games. In general, to play any game, you would want to avoid "integrated graphics" and "intel UHD graphics" and "nvidia GT730" or "GT1030" they are all rubbish. choose a PC with specific graphics references such as "nvidia GTX 1650" or "RX 550 4GB". A graphics card needs to have at least 4GB RAM to be of any use You also want to avoid PCs with less than 8 GB RAM. I would like to make suggestions for you, as I am a gamer myself, but for this I would like to know the make and model of your monitor. Here are some suggestions from online offers that are closest to your apparent budget: https://www.advice.co.th/product/desktop-pc/desktop-pc-acer/desktop-acer-aspire-tc-1150-r58g1t00mgi-t003 https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/desktop-pcs/asus/rog-strix-g10dk-a3400g091t-star-black-p059518/ https://www.invadeit.co.th/product/desktop-pcs/lenovo/ideacentre-5-14iob6-90rj004qta-mineral-grey-p061192/ the above will run modern games at low settings and will run most older games (3-4 years) ok. you might need to add a HDD.
  4. finally a big question I had about the fall of Kherson and its bridge has been answered: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2022/3/29/2088926/-Ukraine-update-How-did-Kherson-fall-so-quickly-Betrayal-looks-like-a-good-bet https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/zelensky-sacks-traitor-generals-wbqkrr06r https://web.archive.org/web/20220329212559/https://novayagazeta.ru/articles/2022/03/26/kherson use google translate on this one the original page has been censored, but can be obtained via wayback machine
  5. lol yes, 90% of the West wants Ukraine to shove it to Vlad
  6. okay, can you buy 100.000 USD using Roubles at that rate ? not if you are in Russia.
  7. the problem is, you can't convert from RUB to USD at these rates, so what are they worth? to buy USD with RUB, it will cost around 250 RUB for 1 USD.
  8. military officers unaware of where they are? does that sound realistic to anyone who has done some time in the military?
  9. Russia threatens Wikipedia with 4 million ruble fine for articles about Russia's invasion. Telegram post by "Roskomnadzor" https://t.me/rkn_tg/226 (in Russian) Russia claims oil depot fire in Belgorod started after Ukrainian airstrike https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/04/1/7336235/ and there is right now Maria Butina being butchered on BBC. she is blabbing out one lie after another and don't get away with it.
  10. weaker baht is the more likely explanation, as I expect Russia's war to reduce demand for computers, and as computers aren't made in Russia, an oversupply is to be expected. but I don't know how long the baht will remain weak, because with the inflation figures we are seeing in Europe and the US, rate hikes become very likely.
  11. so what are the details of the extortion ? if some cops came to me demanding for money, I'd at least ask for what ?
  12. from CNN: https://edition.cnn.com/europe/live-news/ukraine-russia-putin-news-03-30-22/index.html I can imagine how the russkies were having meeting after meeting at the Kremlin, brainstorming over what lies they could try to sell to pass their military failure as a win. "so what did we achieve?" the voice of the deputy chief of staff thundered "we got attacked by many Ukrainians" offered a lt-col "and the troops aren't all dead, that's something" commented a col "even some didn't even surrender and got away" said another palkovnik "ok ok" the public relations consultant, who was previously working in advertising and is an expert in his hobby of Dorodango (google it), says "so we succeeded at having many Ukrainians attack us, meaning they didn't attack us somewhere else, and we have succeeded at moving for hopefully regrouping far away, and as a magnanimous gesture, we could say that we will attack less in these areas, da?"
  13. that's why Ukraine will be seeking security guarantees from other countries than Russia.
  14. the Russians only targeting military infrastructure did this to the city administation building in Mikolaiev:
  15. truth version: Russia unable to keep fighting near Kiev and Chernigov Russian Ministry of Defense was forced to radically reduce military activity near Kiev and Chernigov The Russian Ministry of Defense was forced to radically reduce military activity in the Kiev and Chernigov direction. This is reported by TASS. "Due to the fact that Ukrainian troops are utterly destroying our military units in a practical format, we have been forced to retreat military units at the Kiev and Chernihiv directions at times," said the deputy head of the Ministry of Defense Alexander Fomin.
  16. it's not a real exchange rate. eastern block countries, the real exchange rate has always been the black market rate. that practice perdured for a long time after the collapse of USSR, well after the year 2000. with free currency exchange, this disappeared, but as Russia reintroduced currency restrictions, the black market is back. the black market rate is the only true rate for exchanging currency behind the new iron curtain. current rates for 1 USD are around 250 roubles, +/- 25% https://globalhappenings.com/economy/119924.html
  17. Russians in Thailand and anywhere : want your life to return to normal and be respected as a Nation ? then go to Russia and help your compatriots to depose and prosecute Putin.
  18. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20220328-russia-s-investigative-newspaper-novaya-gazeta-suspends-publication-after-second-kremlin-warning Russian investigative newspaper 'Novaya Gazeta' suspends publication after Kremlin warnings now Russia is without independent press.
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