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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. Are you in America? If not are not most of the employees Thai?

    Are you talking about Thailand or the American multinational I work for.. its a ghost town at lunch time too


    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

    Wrong mate, The forum is about Thailand and the majority of the workforce where I am is Thai,

    Happens in other locations I've worked in for the same co.

    Doesn't matter where you are. Lunch is lunch and people deserve a break

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

  2. Are you in America? If not are not most of the employees Thai?

    Are you talking about Thailand or the American multinational I work for.. its a ghost town at lunch time too


    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

    Wrong mate, The forum is about Thailand and the majority of the workforce where I am is Thai

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

  3. Shal we talk about the latest version of linux operating system..

    You call that normal conversation?

    I can understand anyone using whatever excuse to get away.

    And in many thousands of public conversations about sexual topics, I've never heard anyone admit to actually wanting a hand job, no point in travelling all the way here to get something that's so cheaply and readily available back home.

    Actually HJ stands for Head Job, your talking about a handy. Here we go making me talk about sex again... i just cant help myself to turn every subject i read into something about shagging

  4. On going battle, sometimes win, sometimes loose.

    But each day I read, speak and listen a bit more.

    Once you have a go, people are surprisingly encouaging I've found

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

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