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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. Don't think that Thai drivers even know what these crossings mean...........are they included in the driving test rules and regulations/training?


    from the thai driving computer test

    Good point eeeya.......... but does it say anything about the markings indicating a pedestrian crossing and what it is for?

    A long time since I took my driving test in a Western country, however I'm sure that we were told what a pedestrian crossing was for and indeed to look out for pedestrians on them, or even to slow down when approaching them/be ready for pedestrians to cross.

    Here I have seen so many people escape injury by the skin of their teeth because motorists and motorcyclists have paid no heed to the fact that there are pedestrian crossing markings on the road and have simply sped by, irrespective of the fact that there are people standing there waiting to cross – – even overtaking a car in the unlikely event that it has slowed down.

    I've been driving here for a while now and I realize the pedestrian crossing is a difficult situation, if you stop, traffic goes crazy around you and you risk getting rear ended by some one who doesnt understand why you stopped when there is no red traffic light about.

    but on the other side of the argument if you nail someone who is using the crossing your probably not gonna have a good day and i'm sure the police will see to that.

    how can you change driving culture which sux so bad?

    • Like 1
  2. I often wonder why so many people que up for tickets during peak hour times. Is there that many dis organised people out there who haven't got the forethought to buy a prepaid card.

    Most of the times when you get to your destination the ticket desk is relatively empty so you can just swing back, buy or top up your card and then continue on.

    • Like 1
  3. Two reasons.

    1) Ordering additional rolling stock typically has about a 2-year lead time, so much planning must be done in advance... when will an operator actually "need" to add additional rolling stock based on passenger loads, desired load factor, revenue per passenger, etc.?

    2) Following the foregoing, the BTS has not reached the point (yet) where it really needs to add carriages as they are apparently happy with the existing ridership / revenue mix.

    Some riders may dislike existing "overcrowding," but you cannot run a profitable system with empty trains, hence no rush to add carriages. As both the BTS and MRT are run by publicly listed companies, strategic planning decisions will almost always have to take shareholders "welfare" into account. Folks should not confuse the fact that while the BTS and MRT are public transit, they are not a public good.

    I think this sums it up pretty well. While its a bugger to catch a train at peak hour. During quieter times its still very pleasant, hardly crowded at all.

    If I go to the station at 8:30am its a bit of a pain, sometimes waiting for 3 or 4 trains. But if I plan my day and get on at 9:30 its as different as night and day.

    A 24 hour service wont happen anytime soon because there is no ridership to make it profitable. Like previously stated, this aint for the benefit of the public, this is for the benefit of the shareholder.

    Pretty sure they could cut back on the number of trains from midnight to 6am....

    I dont think that would be very efficient for a business trying to be profitable., a whole train running up and down the tracks with 1 or 2 passengers on it, still employing ticketing staff, security, maintenance staff ( who are probably performing maintenance during shutdown periods already).

    or those one or 2 people could just use alternate transport eg. taxi which would be taking up less resources.

    • Like 1
  4. Two reasons.

    1) Ordering additional rolling stock typically has about a 2-year lead time, so much planning must be done in advance... when will an operator actually "need" to add additional rolling stock based on passenger loads, desired load factor, revenue per passenger, etc.?

    2) Following the foregoing, the BTS has not reached the point (yet) where it really needs to add carriages as they are apparently happy with the existing ridership / revenue mix.

    Some riders may dislike existing "overcrowding," but you cannot run a profitable system with empty trains, hence no rush to add carriages. As both the BTS and MRT are run by publicly listed companies, strategic planning decisions will almost always have to take shareholders "welfare" into account. Folks should not confuse the fact that while the BTS and MRT are public transit, they are not a public good.

    I think this sums it up pretty well. While its a bugger to catch a train at peak hour. During quieter times its still very pleasant, hardly crowded at all.

    If I go to the station at 8:30am its a bit of a pain, sometimes waiting for 3 or 4 trains. But if I plan my day and get on at 9:30 its as different as night and day.

    A 24 hour service wont happen anytime soon because there is no ridership to make it profitable. Like previously stated, this aint for the benefit of the public, this is for the benefit of the shareholder.

  5. This one gives me a real laugh.

    Me and my 8 month pregnant wife trying to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. We got to the middle of the road and waited for the other side to clear.

    One taxi flashed his lights and beeped his horn and speed up, then a lady stopped for us but another taxi wasn't having any of this and over took the lady who had stopped.

    yep, that's how it works here. why don't they just save the white paint and not bother painting the crossing?

    I wonder if this will be on the list of crack downs?

    • Like 2
  6. yes, i agree, we should change everything to suit ourselves. 

    I have noisy ducati bikes going up and down my street all day (dealer neaby / Show off street) . there is also a guy selling fruit out the back of a van with a loudspeaker. the security guards blow their whistles all day long parking cars.


    where do i go with my shopping list of noise complaints?





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  7. So all us offshore workers are screwed rolleyes.gif again common sense must prevail here TIT

    Oil rig worker here on a 28/28 rotation. I have a passport full of entry stamps. even have 2 x Non Immi O visas in my passport since personal circumstance allowed me to apply even though I was coming in every 28 days.

    2 weeks ago I came into Swampy airport and the immigration guy asked me alot more questions than usual. "how long you stay" etc. the indian guy next to me was getting equally grilled.

    they only gave him 1 week entry then he complained that he had 60 day tourist visa so it sounded like they changed it back.

    Lucky for me now I got immunity in the form of work permit and non immi visa otherwise id be worried about not getting in!

  8. All aside, did you take the time after the incident to alert maintenance people to the possible defect in the braking system of the trolley? Or did you simply discard the cart, leaving it to perhaps maim a defenseless child in an upcoming sloping escalator incident?

    Agree. why take the time to cry about it online where it will forever be lost in the internet. Report so there is a chance for positive change.

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