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Posts posted by eeeya

  1. Im looking at minix neo X7 android box, been around for a few months and firmware seems to be getting a few updates to iron out the minor problems.

    Got a pretty good development community and forum which can help with problems. This is in my view the most important part!

    can get in Fortune BKK for around 4***฿ i think

    forum on here about it

  2. had this problem in a house where my father and myself built a bathroom and tiled it ourselves. Was good for a couple of years then one day i moved a cupboard in a room which shared the same back wall and there was the biggest mould growth ive ever seen.. So we ripped the wall down and all the wood in the wall was damp and rotten.

    we traced it back to the shower floor which had been weeping water over the years. Ripped up all the tiles, painted a membrane to seal it all up properly and then re tiled it.

    Still going strong after 25 years.

  3. Just bought canon S120. Has wifi so you can upload your photos to your phone and facebook straight away.

    Bought it for the wife for christmas so I wouldnt have to carry the damn nikon D90 around on holidays etc.

    S120 just slips into your pocket.

    14990 in nearly all camera stores in Thailand

    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

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  4. Maintenance of boats are expensive. Boat owners are happy only twice... once when they buy and when they sell smile.png The bigger the boat , the deeper the well. Good luck

    Isn't a boat a hole in the water into which you throw money ? annoyed.gif.pagespeed.ce.EWbqpZ7s0b.gif





    Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk

  5. Stories of sucking all the gunk out of my ears by the way of fire and candles sounded awesome so I bought some. ( a few years ago now in Australia)

    Couldn't wait to get home and stick this baby in my ear and fire it up.

    and .... it was crap, didnt do anything and looking back on that moment, lying on the sofa on my side with a burning candle jammed in my ear must have looked pretty silly.

    No wonder it was on the shelf next to the healing crystals and fairy wings

  6. So im at the pub, having my nightly 2 pints before i meet up with the wife. Phone on full charge, head long into some who know what trivial internet bull sh!t to entertain me.

    Along comes another expat up for a chat. phone goes down and chat commences. ive been here before and im playing the game "what do you do and how much do you earn"

    Have all expats got a chip on their shoulder?

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