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Everything posted by LivinLOS

  1. So I have been in a great long term rental with friendly owner for years.. I (usually) do my TM30s and always do any time I know I have to have immigration interactions. I have a current TM30 to the house. The owner is selling us the house and it will of course be owned and gifted to my wife (comments unrequired ???? ). Its likely that this process is finalized this or next week. Once this is done and the house ownership transfers from the landlord to my wife as housemaster, does she have any obligation to do a TM28 on me, and does my TM30 remain valid or must I do a new TM30 to a new housemaster and within how much time of the transfer. Partly why I ask is I am going to be renewing an annual extension end of this month, and I have a very low tolerance for being fcuked around and extorted even when the amounts are small. So I wish to give them no opportunity to waste my time, bounce me about, or claim a fine for something I or my wife did not do. If it wasnt for the timing of the extension I would simply ignore, have a euro holiday in mid summer and come back fresh.
  2. People expect too much.. They also have this false idea that paying into a pension is somehow 'thier money returned to them' when it isnt !! Whats paid in now is spent now, whats paid out now is a drain on the current workforce now. You get the benefits of the now payment in government services when you pay it.. Plus UK pension input can be an absolute pittance standard class 2 self employed stamp in the UK is 3:15 a week !! 163 quid a year and you can claim a pension with 10 years contribution.. a full pension with 35 years.. And then you think this is going to pay out 1000s a year for 20 30 years index linked ? Do the math !! You want a pension for your expat lifestyle go get a private pension or savings plan.
  3. Thanks.. tho they appear bangkok only (I am chiang mai)
  4. The problem you face is not matter what the rules are on paper, the corruption and pure incompetence means that almost anything can happen. I would engage a lawyer, report the chanote lost (wifes job) get the replacement, etc ASAP. If she refuses to cooperate, you can safely assume shes in on the process and then its much more dicey.
  5. Been working with a non Thai architect for a while. Hes been superb in quality of work but as he isnt in this building environment theres been a few wrinkles in local building techniques and costs, as well as needing to be guided to deal with roof overhangs, shade and rainfall / drainage expectations. A change in the roof structure has resulted in needing to change the planned in ceiling cassette air system to ducted splits (not in any way considering central air) overa large open plan social area we are now finishing up and working on hiding the split systems, access panels and accommodating ducts. Before we lock all this in I want to have some discussions with AC engineers who supply these systems. I already know Daikin have a whole range of ducted splits but who else supplies them here ??
  6. Struggling to see how this is anything other than pulling out without looking (a national trait).
  7. 1) the investor visa is for investment in Thailand.. So unless your willing to invest 3 million THB to Thailand this route is not open. 2) you seem to keep mixing in working visas (smart, shelter, non B etc) with tourist visas.. So which is it ?? Do you intend to work while here if so then legally the options reduce.
  8. The 'new generation' are running OF accounts, private line groups, marketing with twitter and getting far more money in 'easy, lazy, well paid, work-party environments' than before..
  9. I already knew the answer.. The question was to establish the honesty and accountability of the elite visa team, which was duly answered.
  10. Only thing I will add.. The Thai Elite people are flat out liars for self interest when they want to be. I emailed them asking if it was legal to work on the elite visa.. They replied vaguely that working online in Thailand was OK without a work permit.. I pushed for clarity and after much trying to remain vague they finally made a 100% declarative statement that working online on the elite visa was legal. I then sent multiple sources that it was not, including the case of the man deported working online on tourist visa.. They replied they were shocked and it was new information to them (who believes that.. With all thier lawyers !!) and would take it on for the future advice. I email from a new email account.. The same person replied that working online didnt need a work permit.. Days after admitting they did only after being presented proof. If that is the kind of honor and legal advice they give.. Make your own mind up.
  11. Lets not forget the Elites disdain for democracy, rule by the population and love of authoritarian (thier term 'good people') leadership regimes.. This culture simply does not believe in human equality or equal social participation.. So decisions must be viewed through that lens.
  12. No but I shave in the shower which does take that bit more time
  13. yeah leaning to a capped heavy twist.. Busy today.. look at it tonight or tomorrow
  14. I am unsure.. but looking at it it looks and feels like single strand 2.5mm single core.
  15. Worried the existing in wall cabling isnt up to it..
  16. Which is why I asked about twist and solder.. But I have no experience of joining higher amp use.. Plenty of low voltage data transmission type stuff.
  17. last q.. Am being told that 6kw should be 4mm single core.. Is that a real need or overkill, looking at the internals of the unit it does not look that heavy gauge inside after the initial connection block.
  18. Well its not 'likely' to get wet, but I am trying to over think it. Once installed than there will be an investigation into what trip circuit is is behind and why it didnt pop.
  19. that was my intention.. I thought the block terminal safer as I can likely find heat shrink large enough to hold it all.. Hence provide some water proofing. Less so for the above terminal. Theres no 'water proof' version of that is there ??
  20. Note I am not any kind of electrician but neither am I an idiot, basic cable runs, jointing, etc I can likely do tidier than the average 'hack' with a light up screwdriver !! So this weekend this happened. The safety cut did not pop while electrical fire poured out the side and the circuit burnt itself out before the shower cut kicked in. The house trip did not trip !! Pulled the unit to find that it had burnt in a block connector in the unit before the trip block. The fact that the house trip didn't blow is a big concern and subsequent testing showed this isnt on the bedroom trip (unsure which is it on). This will be investigated !! Purchased a new 6kw unit yesterday and discovered that the existing mono core cables are 10cm too short to meet the 'input' block. This units input block is mounted way 'down' in the unit needing 30cm of free cabling. I have no desire to recable the house so need to extend the cable 10cm plus. I don't have a crimp tool (obviously can get one) and I am not sure that crimping solid core is the right way anyway ? 6Kw is apparently 27 amps.. I was going to get a 30 amp screw terminal and heat shrink it in ?? The rest of the internal connections are screw terminal so am I safe in assuming that mono core wire and screw terminals are 'safe' for 30 amp ? This would be better than a well executed / tidy twist, solder, and heat shrink ?? Then I will be finding out why the house didn't cut and where (if any) this circuit is trip protected. Shockingly I have a suspicion that the bed/bath combo is on a circuit but the higher voltage shower may have been wired with only the house main trip !!! Nice !! Certainly the image for shower on the trip box does not correspond to the shower unit and did not pop. Once rewired I will have to have someone better than me come and investigate where this is connecting.
  21. OK for head units.. I wanted a big screen android which ALSO did Android Auto from my phone.. I bought a 'chinese unit' that was so <deleted> in use I took it back the next day and he took it out and fully refunded.. After that I had to heavy demo lots to find one that was swift and worked well. I highly recommend this unit and brand Theres also the same unit with a 'vivid' UI 'upgrade' which having tested I dont think is an upgrade, it superficially looks better and handles multi screen split screening better but is less simple in day to day use and doesnt do simple tasks as cleanly imo. I bought it from aliexpress, fully loaded with front and rear cameras, toyota plugs for plug and play, etc etc.. They also had tyre pressure sensors, DAB TV, etc etc things I didnt want. PX6 Max10 was my choice of the model selections. I think it was 12k plus maybe 2 in extras ?? No tax on import (is it always like that from china) and local shop built in for a grand. Its by far the best generic android I have used. https://th.aliexpress.com/store/group/Two-Din-Units/600991_511230213.html? They now seem to have 11.6 and 13.3 screens.. The 11.6 might be an upgrade but thats as large as I would want. Be careful as theres units, units and car play, units and AA, and I think some that do carplay and AA.. Pay attention to the choice, I ordered and then hd to reach to customer support to clarify and it was without android auto, they switched it around before shipping. I have it set now (with an app called tasker) that as my phone detects the bluetooth of the car it auto turns on hotspot and the car picks up my phone wifi signal all without any user intervention. I also used home wifi to download a large google maps area (I prefer google or waze to the built in app) and have a 64GB thumb of music.. Add on streaming spotify and its a slick package.
  22. Not only Thailand.. Its a hallmark of 3rd world or banana republic type governance.. When folks rail against the term 3rd world or developing nation for Thailand.. This is the kind of stuff that keeps them included.
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