I agree 100%. Unfortunatly only the far Right are prepared to voice a strong opinion and they are ostracized and jailed for expressing what many citizens believe to be true.
Radical Muslim residents of cities in many countries have taken advantage of open door immigration and lack of enforcement.
They have become a threat to western society as we know it.
The rise of people to the right of the political spectrum are welcome and long overdue
look at the weather in places like the UK. Confined to your home because of bad weather must cause boredom and depression.
Enjoy Thailand and count your blessings if you can live out your old age in the tropics.
in our condo we have many Russian tenants. who because of their numbers physical appreance and beligerent attitude intimidate the manager,owners and committee members when confronted for breaking the rules.
lots of crime by ethnic minorities particularly committed by muslims in the UK has long been supressed.
Remember the three louts from Pakistan origin who beat up a young policwoman and broke her nose in an airport brawl have never been charged.
Nigel Fararge has threatened to make a private prosecution on behalf of Reform.