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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Do not eat during daylight hours. you will lose weight but your life will be miserable.
  2. I thought boozed up Brits didn't stray this far north from Pattaya. Seriously smokers seem like they are entitled to smoke wher ever they wish. Glad the stall holder responded
  3. The fact they had to be reminded to respond to the request for information following the lawsuit indicates justice fot Thaksin will be delayed as usual.
  4. The lawyers big bluff to delay demolition. It has been years in the process. Six years of legal action is common place in Thai litigation.
  5. Rudi has fallen from grace big time. Defending Trump and not getting his hair professionaly dyed did't help.
  6. Taylor Swift did nothing to advance the cause of Harris ( or American football ) Not sure celebrity endorsements increase votes.
  7. Nothing wrong with Trump's comments. Hitler's staff where loyal that is factual. He was not condoning Hitler just stating obvious well doumented facts. More panic mode false accusations and headlines to prevent Trump's advance to the White House. Melania has already called the landscape gardeners.
  8. These massive illegal jetties should be removed for many reasons. The main one is they are illegal. Period. No argument.
  9. The justice departmet and politicians must change the law reagding the statute of limitations. It has been common place for decades that accused given bail flee the country and return when the statute of limitations has ended. Thus escaping justice. The statute of limitations should pause when the accused leaves the country and restarts when they return. Increasing bail and removing passports is no deterent to wealthy Hi So criminals with private planes.
  10. His Royal pardon reduced his sentence from ten years imprisonment to one year in jail. He failed to serve onr year in prison
  11. You thinkThaksin had nothing to do with that do you??
  12. There have been protests against the lenient sentences given to predominantly Muslim grooming gangs guilty of molesting children in the UK. These sex offenders demand a high moral standard from their own daughters but think nothing of abusing ours.
  13. Action not just words against illegal immigration is a vote winner. Voters are quarenteed action from Trump that's why they are voting for him.
  14. If Elon wants to gift some of his own hard earned cash to voters good for him. Thaksin did the same but didn't use his own money.
  15. No suprise here. The political elite have tried every dirty trick legal and otherwise to curtail Trump. The positve factors for Trump's campain Elon Musk and Kamala Harris.
  16. The receipts are free. The fines for reporting late are not.
  17. Unproven accusations by women against men sometimes from many years ago now have the 'Woke power ' to cancel immediatly the accused without evidence or trial.
  18. Trump carried out more of his promised election mandates than any other US president in his first term in office. His direct approach will be welcome for another four years. Bring it on Donald America is voting for you.
  19. Starmer's whole manifesto promises have been bown to bits during his first 100days in office. He is a bigger deceiver than Tony Blair.
  20. Isralies are doing a good job of assasinating Hammas terrorists. However there are no reports of decapitating them.
  21. It is noticable when travelling some western children seem to be lacking parential guidence and control. Perhaps the banning of an occasional slap is one reason.
  22. Another Thaksin family member that should be in jail not in exile abroad. Waiting for her brother to 'pull strings' and cicumvent the justice system to bring her back to Thailand.
  23. i'm a consumer of fish and chips regularly in Pattaya. Currently my favourite place is the Golden Ferret.
  24. it's a no brainer. Sorry for the Harris supporters on this forum but she really has blown her chance. Trump a winner on immigration, foreign policy, the economy and putting America first.
  25. Chaing mai is often the most polluted city in the world for weeks during the burning season. Rest of the time l find it a pleasant city with nice people.
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