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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. A bit 'long winded ' account of your love life.
  2. Just shows how inept the local police are at identifying foreign sex workers. These foreign people has staked out their own territories close to the police station to the disadvantage of local Thai people.
  3. She is trying to defend the indefensible. Thaksin is a liar pure and simple. He has been a self serving cheat all his political life.
  4. I bought a machine on Lazada for 300baht two years ago. Use it daily and had it checked for accuracy at local hospital.
  5. If you disagree or dispute Statements why don't you do your own research and demonsrate to us why in your opinion the statements are incorrect
  6. it's not a conspiracy to say most people where conned during the covid epidemic. Sometimes intentionally by Governments and sometimes by drug companies. The UK Populal vaccine Astra Venica has been discredited and millions in compensation paid.
  7. More lies and deceit just weeks before her budget. The chancellor and her boss Starmer are tarred with the same sleazy revelations weeks after the election. The labour manifesto was based on lies and deception to con the public.
  8. At a time when tests on tinned Tuna worldwide showed an alarming level of mercury from 150 different suppliers worldwide. not on my shopping list these days
  9. Start with proper checks before entry. Not free for all visa on entry.
  10. The frustration at the poor performance by Harris is the main reason a Trump election staple for many years the MAGA Hats is under fire from her supporters. Petty yes but maybe Trump bumper stickers will be next!!
  11. John Howard the Aussie premier had a no boats policy that worked. The navy turned them round and sent them back. After a few failed attempts immigrants decided not to risk it. The UK policy is to welcomr them with open arms and provide hotels. No wonder record numbers are crossing the channel in small boats. The majority are muslim men who would never qualify for legal entry.
  12. He won't be getting an invitation to the White house for the next four years.
  13. Yes going down town to the white house.
  14. This company should have enforced reqular stringent health and quality controlls on the franchisees selling their product. Not waiting until customer and social media complaints forced the closure of several outlets.
  15. I hope i'm wrong but i don't think for a moment any findings will damage Thaksin in any way. Teflon Thaksin's imunity to justice is sickening.
  16. Don't like the guy. But they cautioned him a year ago and ruined his career. Time is long overdue for the CPS to put up or shut up.
  17. Business must be good. Roll reversal here
  18. Glad the tourist reported the scam to the police. suprising they took his complaint seriously after one month. Even more suprising is he received a refund.
  19. I think Joe is stating the obvious. No one should be in any doubt that Israeli retaliation against terrorist aggression wil be swift and strong.
  20. Following labour's poor performance since the electlon the Tories are now ahead in opinion polls. The election of a new leader is too little too late for the tories the damage is done.
  21. Muslims are the majority immigrants in the UK. They have been allowed to infiltrate local government and have a strong Muslim following in UK Politics. Holding antismenic protests go unpunished by Muslims when Englismen are jailed for far less.
  22. That's the best place for Harris. The entertainment channel. She has been giving us all a laugh on the campaign circuit since she deposed Joe.
  23. Perhaps his live in ex Sarah will have to find another would be Arab Sheikh to extort money from to bolster the family finances
  24. More rubbish to defame Trump. The opposition are reduced to nonsensical medical issues in panic mode. For a man of his age to campaign in so many rallies in so many states for months does not indicate medical issues. Compared to deposed Biden, Trump is a picture of robust health.
  25. Trum p's alligations of voter fraud have aways been villified by US mainstream media. As more cases of fraud are revealed his previous accusations are confirmed as correct.
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