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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. A poster in this very forum today was reflectlng on the positive ambient vibe he got in Pattaya. Hope the gunfire did not disturb him.
  2. good point
  3. Joe and especially his missus have never accepted it would be better for the election chances if Harris replaced him. Harris poor show may endorse those feelings.
  4. if various politicians had not delayed charges the defendents would have been tried long ago or at least spent many years in exile instead of just a few weeks. Murder suspects can now return untried to high paid jobs representing the people. Hypocrisy at it's worst in action.
  5. The Scotish lawmakers join the long list of officials accused of double standards during Covid. Non more so than Boris Johnson the UK prime minister exposed as a liar over covid. His documented lies and deceit forced his welcome removal from UK government.
  6. it is shocking to see a prime minister mired in sleaze and deception only days after winning an election. He asked to be judged on his election manifesto. Well he is and that is why his betrayal and sleaze make him the most unpopular politician in decades.
  7. The persistent persecution of Donald Trump with vinditive legal action and media lies has backfired. The dirty actions of the opposition have far outweighed some questionable actions by Trump. As a result he increased voter support and will win another term in office.
  8. Strange case. The man bought the Ducati high end bike on HP and didn't pay the installements. No mention of why! however he did have the money to pay the lawyer 30,000 baht in instalments. The lawyer sold the bike unlawfully to repay unpaid fees. Why did the guy not deal with the finance company in the first place and pay them the 30,000 baht. No court case, no lawyer, no loanshark debt to save his house. and he still had the Ducati.
  9. For the citizens of Israel absolutely.
  10. You notice recently high profile individuals supporting Trump on the run in to election day. Trying to get a ride on the gravy train now Trump looks like the winner.
  11. Crazy crazy. money grabbing politicos legilise cannabis allow gambling but wont allow you to enjoy a beer under your umbrella on the beach. hypocrisy in action
  12. So good to hear of a good Samaritan helping the most deserving people in Thailand. Congratulations to the lady on your award.
  13. Yet another Thai criminal makes his escape and runs home to mother.
  14. Thaksin is a master at political manipulation cleverer by far than the current crop of elected politicians many like himself convicted criminals. After he brokered a deal with the military to secure his return his massive ego craves publicity and power. This combination may be his undoing and that of his daughter also. Hopefully the most devisive person in Thai politics will be exposed for the self serving manipulator he is and once agaln exiled with his billions to another country.
  15. These old politicans protect each other by delaying court proceedings and allowing guilty parties to leave the country until once again the statue of limitations has expired. Blatant and shameful open flouting of the justice system.
  16. lucky to escape as he did. Attacked by eight armed men and a had crazy woman with a ligature in a strangle hold around his neck. Not professional assasins me thinks
  17. Not alltogether correct. Thaksin has blitzed the media with success to publisize PTP and his daughter as PM. However recent polls still indicate a loyal support base for PP. who remember the fiasco of betrayal connected to Thaksins return.
  18. Well they want to save face by prempting the inevitable before the verdict is on record. However you are correct this does not exempt Thaksin from further prosecution for running PTP when banned.
  19. At least he provided for himself and didn't rely on free handouts unlike todays illegal immigrants
  20. Not many Muslums arrested when they marched agaist Iserael displaying anti semenic banners.
  21. Utter rubbish. Put the brakes on Thaskin's interference and she is toast.
  22. I hope she does. Another election would reinstate People's Party to it's rightful place as the most popular party in Thai politics. Shame Pita was banned for a lot less than Thaksin is guilty of everyday.
  23. You still pay wether you get good service or not. Greedy management love suckers like you.
  24. Nothing new here. Rubert Murdoch for example has influenced elections in different countries for decades via his media empire.
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