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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. Lots of hi so Thai politicians and wanted fugitives abscond to the UK. No hassle for them buying property and no 90 day reports. Thaksin and his sister Yingluk two examples.
  2. tm30 is not required. However the agent got you a visa with no money in the bank and a false address. now you complain the agent is corrupt. You accepted the corruption when you wanted the visa. You have double standards when it suits you.
  3. post. Utter garbage from a curtain twitcher. Mind your our business and get a life
  4. The prime minister is a puppet of Thaksin and will face similar exile to evade justice when the vote buying scheme is declared illegal in the future. To make a financial promises in an election campaign you must declare how you propose to fund it.
  5. Glad i don't live near you.
  6. A heartwarming story of total strangers helping someone in distress. Hope the gentleman recovers.
  7. I think i would give the driver of the tuc tuc the benifit of the doubt as he continued to the ageed destination not increasing speed to flee the scene.
  8. she is a smameless liar. Not uncommon for Thai politicos.
  9. Rubbish story .Tourists and residents being choked to death in the most polluted place on earth .The only people that are unfazed are people like the prime minister who still will not declare the city a disaster area and provide government assistance to those suffering.
  10. The whole family are self serving and adept at fooling the public .Are the Thai people really this gullible ? .Let's see how many they didn't fool at the next election.
  11. That information was a great help to the poster
  12. If this was a foreigner especially in Phuket there would be protests and press releases by MPs calling for harsh measures against foreigners.
  13. Thai rider of the blue bike entered the major road from the left without stopping or looking right. Thai drivers of motorcycles do this all the time.
  14. Sme is milking the situation for all it's worth. A real drama queen enjoying the publicity.
  15. And the PM refuses to declare it a disaster area to con tourists travelling to the city to enjoy Songram. He should try living there.
  16. I wonder how long it will take you to dislike your new location and bore people with your inane dribble.
  17. Some caretaker poor chap lay unattended for three days. RIP.
  18. The behaviour of foreigners is insignificant compared to that of Thai politicians
  19. Still in a panic about the Swiss guy. Making a mountain out of something to get press coverage
  20. MP's will meet him in private one at a time . Reminds me of a scene from the godfather .
  21. is Chaing Mai a no go zone to ther politicians when Thaksin is visiting? Good on you Pita you secured more MPs in Chaing Mai than Pheu Thai every reason to visit. Your welcome anytime.
  22. You should mind your own business. Lucky you didn't get a punch in the mouth for your stupid actions.
  23. As senate members in Thailand
  24. What a load of drivel. Please 'plop off'
  25. You are the one with too much time on your hands
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