ievery day you get these forcasts the predict how many visitors or how many
millions such a music festival or other promotion will make. All pie in the sky. Boring guess work.
Robbing school kids is not uncommon in Thailand. Previously the school free milk was watered down..
No escape for honest Thai people or their children. This Will contiue if they elect convicted criminals at every election.
I kown one widow that receives a good works pension from her departed husband's employers. But still looking for another foreigner. Don't forget when Thai Women Are not fishing they are mending their nets. Quote from Chinese cookie.
At least living in Thailand pensioners can spend their money on the good things in life that make them happy In a warm climate don't forget it's cheaper to run a fan than a heater.
Greedy inept underwriters at fault here. They accepted the premiums issued the policies then tried to cancel when they had to pay out. Well done the courts on this occasion.