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Everything posted by jippytum

  1. To free yourself by divorce and have full custody of the child is your objective. Concentrate the direction of your finances to present an agreeable financial settlement to your greedy wife and inlaws.
  2. How much longer is the justice system allowed to be manipulated by a bunch of crooked doctors and HiSo politicians.
  3. Thailands politicians a bunch of crooks and convient sickos.
  4. The posters reaction seems a bit over the top. He's acting like Sherlock Holmes trying to solve the case even contacting Scotland yard in London. Frustrating but you will get a refund and a new card chill out. #hit happens
  5. He should have worn dark underwear at night.
  6. Five pills changed to one pill.Cannabis legal then illegal . Tourists to be charged 300baht then another U turn . This government sucks .
  7. I will be forever grateful to the Junta and senate if the current charges result in proper jail time for Thaksin
  8. Its not the first time Thaksins connections have tried to coerce and bribe judges to help him avoid justice .The recent covid delay gave them more time to prepare the brown envelopes. The public are getting tired of his constant abuse of the law while on parole .
  9. correct. I should have made it clearer.
  10. Since Aseannow got taken over recently i notice old posts repeated often in new editions. I keep thinking i read this before a bit like groundhog day.
  11. The reward should be extinction
  12. If there is the slightest chance of him being sentenced to a 'proper " jail term he will as usual flee justice and escape on his private jet .
  13. See how casinos destroyed the once scenic seaside location of Sianukville in Cambodia.Or at least the Chinese mafia that ran them .
  14. She should be worried. The deal Thaksin made with the coup makers is in trouble. That's what happens when you make a deal with the devil. We could lose a Prime Minister and the DeFacto publicity seeker in a few weeks. Hoping justice prevails. Bring it on!
  15. no not worried yet. He got an adjournment with the excuse of covid to give the shyster lawyers working for him more time to cut another deal to keep him from justice
  16. the crime reports from the UK would indicate foreign immigrants lead the table of street muggings and knife crime
  17. I quite like what he stands for. However I an sad the George Cross flag is now associated with the far right and not given the honour it deserves.
  18. Some of these so called activists are more concerned with personal publicity than the dangers connected with anyone buying the rice.
  19. Tip of the iceberg compared to bogus bank deposits to secure visa extensions. Agents and immigration working together.
  20. Pattaya will always be regarded as a location for sex and low quality tourists
  21. I think compared to twenty five years ago the Thai population seem less happy than before. Personally i think mass immigration may be a factor. Some locations are overwhelmed with foreign visitors who's bad behaviour seem to be on the increase.
  22. that happy event wellcomed by millions would be short lived. the constitution court would then rule MFP illegal. No way forward for Pita at the moment. However i hope to see him as PM one day.
  23. An example should be made of those Thai thugs as it would if a foreigner kicked someone in the face that was already on the ground and unable to defend himself. Cowards.
  24. Good news. Glad to hear Thaksins publicity tours are not fooling the population. Hard to believe he is still on parole and banned from politics.
  25. Why show a vidio that is blurred out. Waste of time.
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