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Posts posted by Gers1873

  1. The total lack of courtesy and consideration for others is what really infuriates me. No road manners and a total lack of common sense. How many time do you encounter 'grid lock' due to people blocking intersections??? Meanwhile you are surrounded by impatient people on motorcycles squeezing through gaps that dont exist!!!

    Glad I read this thread -- I can show my wife I am not the only 'angry farang' on the roads.

    Deep breath, deep breath.......:lol:

  2. No driving education and a totally inadequate testing system are not exactly conducive to best driving practices.

    There is a junction on the way to my son's school with a 'four way' stop system. Few people actually STOP. Last week we saw a motorcycle with sidecar thingy get wiped out by a van. BOTH had totally ignored the STOP sign.

    Even my missus takes the 'slow down & look' approach --- cannot understand STOP.

    Traffic lights --- just there to add a bit of colour to the road.

    People using the on-ramp to LEAVE the highway.....

    Most of it is down to bad practices learned over time and an "I'm all right Jack" approach to driving. This will be very hard to change.

  3. The only people who have the ability to get rid of Blatter are the FIFA sponsors.

    Get on Facebook and let the sponsors know you will not buy their products till Blatter is gone.

    Coca Cola, Emirates Sony Visa and Adidas - let them know you are pissed off

  4. Surely sorting it out like men is better then having court cases and media trials over such trivial issues.

    If Terry had intentionally broke Ferdinands leg and ended his career there wouldnt be such a media driven uproar.

    His leg can be fixed - he cant change the colour of his skin.

    Wow that is one of the most racist comments I have ever seen. You are implying that the color of his skin is a 'permanent disability'.

    I guess you didnt mean it that way.

    If you read that implication in my post you sir are to be pitied.

  5. I'm quite sure for every Thai female telling lies we could dig up some great lies these ladies have heard from farangs.

    I'm in the CIA but I cant talk about it.

    I'm a millionaire - can you buy me a beer

    Someone stole my belongings - lend me some cash and I'll pay you back.......

    I'm not married and have no kids

    and so on and so forth........mind you never met a farang who needed money for a sick cow...:whistling:

  6. Surely sorting it out like men is better then having court cases and media trials over such trivial issues.

    If Terry had intentionally broke Ferdinands leg and ended his career there wouldnt be such a media driven uproar.

    His leg can be fixed - he cant change the colour of his skin. Blatter has shown himself again to be totally out of touch with reality. He has milked the FIFA cow for long enough --- time to go NOW.

    Just hope when he steps down he doesnt have a sister in the wings ready to takeover :whistling:

  7. Depends on your definition of good.......... Good beer in America - is it Canadian?:D

    Most Canadian beer is garbage too. Aside from the newer West Coast and Maritime breweries, it's mostly tasteless fizz that only tastes good when compared to the worst of the American beers.

    Go to Vancouver Island or Nova Scotia for the good stuff.

    Totally agree. Lived in the Pacific Northwest for 30+ years and those microbrew boys have really started to get it together.:rolleyes:

    Often wondered if a micro brewery could be successful in Thailand...............

  8. I found that I had to drive out to the house every day or the workers would do things they thought best, in the end it was more or less what I wanted, 8 years on is OK but a few items I did not think about at the time, at least with a ready built you can see 100% what the finished house is like, if to your likes then buy it, or have one built like it but with the changes to suit your needs.

    I would second these comments. You gain control but it takes a lot of dammed hard work. Especially when the structure is complete and they get to the house 'finish'. Itr seems Thai builders do what they think is best not what you or the architect designed. My wife went through a spell where she spent an average of 10 hours per day on-site --- she became quite unpopular with the builder. But in the end we got what we wanted.

    Cheaper ???? Perhaps but only slightly so.

    Peice of mind --- certainly -- but as I said it ain't easy.:)

  9. that means i have to report 89 days after entering the country then i guess.


    Its not as bad as it looks most of the people there are for other reasons. Last time I got there at 7:45 and was out of there at 11:00 that is the longest I have ever had to wait. That was the time I renewed my retirement visa. Other times out by 9:30 But what the heck I am retired so I take a book with me or find some interesting people to chat with. Once they told me to come back in the afternoon that was for a renewal I came in and was out in one and a qurter hours with my retirement and multiple entry.

    I print and sign the already filled in form from my PC. I then drive my wife to the imm office. She goes into immigration while I wait in the car and have a can of coke or coffee. Average time in 5-20 minutes. Hardly an ordeal :D

  10. OP wrote - In America, this would be called trademark or copyright infringement, or both.

    In America, whether fake or real, the contents would be horse piss :whistling:

    There are plenty of good beers in America nowadays. Somone does not have a clue. :rolleyes:

    Depends on your definition of good.......... Good beer in America - is it Canadian?:D

  11. Simple problem management in most Western countries:

    1. Identify problem
    2. Find Fix or workaround for problem
    3. Implement fix or workaround
    4. Define how to prevent problem happening again

    Problem management Asian style:

    1. Find someone to blame
    2. Hope problem goes away :whistling:

    I guess I am seeing a lot of posts on this forum from asians...........all apportioning blame, and very little, if any effort, allocated to the four problem management ideals you place in the 'westerners' camp........didn't realise we had so many asian members

    You expect solutions on TV forum....... hmmmm. Like the OP i was of course referring to the actions of government officials,

  12. I went to Mikes today and will not go back. The chicken fajitas were burnt, the flour tortillas the worst I ever ate, and the chips/salsa a bad imitation of the real thing.

    The place is no where near a real tex-mex restaurant in the US.

    But how does it compare to the other available Tex-Mex options in Pattaya?

    It tastes like every other Mexican place in Pattaya -- Simply Horrendous Imitation Tacos........:whistling:

  13. pedophiles can't be cured as this is a stable sexual preference and t's not something that goes away — this is a fact being recognized by the medical profession.

    The problem for society becomes how to deal with these people how to reduce 'their urges'.

    If we fail to address this problem then as a society we have failed to protect our most vulernable members, our children.

    If I have a pup that I dont plan to breed or to show I do not leave him intact. Why doesnt society take the same attitude to paedophiles?? Castrate them. Doing so will not 'cure them' but will greatly reduce their urges.

    Back top the OP from a NZ paper---- he used on his website. The words included "boy'', "gay sex'' and "Thailand''.

    Not exactly the language of ambiguity :whistling:

  14. Often venting sounds like hatred to many people especially when the written word is used and the nuances of facial expression and body language are missed.

    Lived in a number of countries where a common rematk from expats was "I hate this so-and-so place"

    I would then ask how long have you been here

    20 years.....!!!!

    Often its just frustration, knowing you cant change anything, as opposed to hatred.

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