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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Don't forget to bring your wife for the change, she needs to sign an acknowledgment form. Subsequent extensions wife not necessary anymore.
  2. Looks like there was a reason for the Mercedes being in the car shop.
  3. To celebrate this auspicious event the airport was temporarily renamed "Borat Thani International Airport"
  4. By doing what? Scrubbing the atmosphere?
  5. Why the community? Education department enjoys a very large piece of the budget.
  6. What reason would a monk have to self-publish his good deed story on Facebook? Making sure Buddha notices?
  7. Yes they do, especially couples at the same place and time.
  8. If somebody approaches I don't want, I say "consulting fee 5,000 baht"
  9. It's not a merit based society...
  10. Nah, just being subtle: Thai politics, it's a shifty business shift·y /ˈSHiftē/ adjective INFORMAL (of a person or their manner) appearing deceitful or evasive. "a shifty, fast-talking lawyer"
  11. This must be the Dear Leader's very own cheese-enriched poop, the regular NK folk don't have enough to eat to produce a substantial amount of excrement.
  12. and a stay at the Police Hospital.
  13. Thai politics, it's a shifty business
  14. No "dead friends" coming to the rescue...?
  15. the titillations of Pattaya result in repetitive oscillations, vacillating between destinations
  16. This one got away! Thai abbot flees after wild animal carcasses found in his room
  17. This article underscores the prevalence of AI in news reporting, and emphasizes its telltale repetitiveness usually found in the concluding sentence of the article.
  18. It appears that Phummarate had anticipated a potential fine and had it diligently included in the total charge. I'm sure he also welcomed the 3 hours nap opportunity in an air conditioned room, and as for the 90 days suspended license, guess what: copy.
  19. That's easy Robot, upgrade to AI.
  20. Headline: Pope just got his ticket to heaven cancelled
  21. Yay, Prawit for President, or whatever they use here.
  22. Schwing! ((slang, US) An exclamation of excitement or appreciation for the female form; insinuating the act of a male achieving an erection. She's a babe! Schwing! Wiktionary.)
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