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Everything posted by klauskunkel

  1. Yes, throw some money at the police, they seem to have a good track record: ... did not pay the subscription fee?...
  2. 5 officers out of 9 is more than "a few", it's over 50%
  3. Remain? Parents make kids and then vigilantly drop them off to be raised by grandma...
  4. A single fart can manipulate reality. It can empty a bus, for example. I doubt there is vegan based estrogen or testosterone...
  5. I see a different business opportunity! Sell the name and address to a kidnapping ring...
  6. Anyone who owns a quarry will make a fortune. I foresee lots of stonings in the UK's future...
  7. anyone diverting from this ideology is equally excluded
  8. In response, people should go into the Parliament building and take a nap in one of those comfortable chairs, maybe sit on some MP's lap if the chair is occupied. No dust there I betcha!
  9. Mayo Clinic: Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental health condition in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others. Symptoms of conduct disorder include serious, ongoing behavior problems, such as: Aggression toward people and animals. Destruction of property. Lying and dishonesty. Theft. Serious violation of rules. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/symptoms-causes/syc-20353928
  10. How did the reporter miss this juicy tidbit: Theeraj Athanavanich, newly appointed (Jan 23) Board member of AoT, is also the current chairman of the Tobacco Authority (4 years and counting) https://www.marketscreener.com/insider/THEERAJ-ATHANAVANICH-A3JQML/ As soon as the Tobacco guy becomes a AoT Board Member, AoT proposes to reinstall smoking rooms..., what a coincidence...
  11. Yes. And just see what kind of alphabet they are using...
  12. On balance, those type of MPs flee to a neighboring country to await the expiry of the statute of limitations for their cases, usually enabled by their families' fortunes. Then they return, have their records cleaned through their contacts and resume their lives...
  13. The PM and Anutin seem to believe that criminals do register their guns and apply for permits... And then they wonder why they are being ridiculed
  14. I'm glad he is not going quietly into the night! I miss my weekly Big Joke stories...
  15. New BBC TV Show: Government Got Talent hosted by Jeremy Clarkson
  16. that's a desperate level for corruption..., couldn't find space for decorative lamp posts at the airport?
  17. Why sterilize? Oh I see, she self-inflicted to create an attention moment... Could've just stopped f...ing, but then the headline would not be as dramatic.
  18. Those thighs were not designed to achieve escape velocity
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