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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Or, you could buy a sandwich from the 7-11 and sit on a bench in Central/Royal Garden to eat it.

    it is really nice to snatch some 10 baht meat sticks or liver sticks from guys with cart grills, and sit on bench at Beach Road at night. At night there is no need for aircon, and everything looks much nicer

  2. Best street food is around Tukcom, and Therprasit night market, behind the clothing and other crap. And 40 baht, 50 is seriously over payed. Best Kao Pat Gai is across the street from Tukcom, and little bit towards 2nd Road, cook is a happy fat Thai guy and angry lady serves the table, 30 baht, so good!

    • Like 2
  3. I've seen many people that after years of interacting with Thais using simplified English, has reduced their vocabulary to 'Me Tarzan, you Jane' level even though they might be speaking to compatriots or well educated Thai staff in 4+ stars hotels, it's patronizing

    I think most people immediately detect the skill of Thai persons Englishs level, and switch from ThaiEnglish to English when we know Thai person speaks fluent English. Pretty sure all farangs do that, we use different English in 5 star hotel (I'm poor but I once visited a friend in 5 star hotel) , and different when giving a taxi driver directions. But true, it would really be very rude to speak ThaiEnglish to person who is fluent.

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  4. I don't have sex with anyone else because of some great desire to be somehow "moral" or "righteous", but because if I did it would be betraying my partner's trust ..

    If it works for you, then that is wonderful. But don't think your relationship is somehow 'better' or more valid than OPs. This topic is about OPs desire for men, and where to find it in remote area, and while he is married to a woman.

    Do you understand this is about a guy who wants to meet other guys, NOT about your relationship. But this is moot by now, OP has already thanked us for our wonderful judgmental views, and I doubt he will be back.

  5. Monogamy is simply a part of marriage - if you don't like that then there's no compulsion to get married and every reason not to.

    I know it is part of marriage very often. And it is the main reason why half the marriages fail.

    btw Im happy we are back on talking terms.

  6. The less verbs and those other kind of words (nouns and other kinds) the better. I mean why say 'I shall go now', if you can say 'I go' and everybody understand that you are going 'now' cos you are standing up and going. English has so many useless words.

    'I go Bangkok, I come back two days' works well. No need to go into confusing 'Depending if I find available volunteers around the Palace after 10PM , and I will find affordable hotels around there, I may stay for a bit longer'. It helps if you yourself can't speak English well in the first place, so some of us have natural advantage


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  7. Trust that is broken is like a broken plate. You can glue it together, but it will never be quite the same again.

    Many people are unable to forgive, they say trust is broken, and things will never be same again. Basically, it means you can't forgive the guy, ever. But he is still the same guy, he who loves you. Nothing is really broken, except your pride. You are hurt, and you will never forgive him for that.

  8. ​I'm afraid it isn't that simple. I used to go out with a guy whose father, after thirty years of what everyone thought was a happy marriage, decided he was gay too and came out to his wife, his son and me one evening. His actions completely destroyed the family.

    If you've made commitments to people then you ought to keep them or negotiate your way out of them with the agreement of all parties. Anything else is just pure selfishness.

    30 years of marriage is long time, a lifetime really. I don't know why his honesty destroyed the marriage, but if his wife couldn't forgive him for being gay, she should have found it in her heart to forgive him, after all there isn't much they guy could do about it. Maybe she couldn't forgive him for not telling everybody sooner. Maybe he never should have come out, sometimes it is better to stay in closet in order to keep the family, still his decision tho.

  9. It's not about morality at all what I am trying to say.

    It's the question whether they have found their soulmates. If they feel like they are in prison, they haven't found the right partner. And shouldn't have gotten married in the first place, but I understand that they thought they had the right partner when they got married.

    I agree with you. It shouldn't be about morality, it should be about if you want to stay together with your life partner or not, even after you have discovered you have sexual needs that can't be met at home.

    It is very rare to find a true soul mate in your lifetime, people who have found it are very lucky. They should not put an end to their happy partnership because one side has sexual needs that are outside marriage. How often do we find true soul mates in life?

    One side can get hurt, true. But every relationship is different. Maybe they love each other so much, they don't end the marriage after a physical act of sex outside of marriage, after all it is just sex, not love. If the guy falls out of love with his wife, then of course its over. But it is very possible to very much love your partner, but want sex with other people.

  10. All so simple according to you everything will work out just fine, meanwhile back on the ranch the OP is having issues/desires and his wife could have one hell of a shock coming.

    As to your other post asking where the notion of monogamy comes from - why not ask your parents assuming they are still with us and report back.

    If he loves her, and she loves him, it really is that simple. Everything will work out just fine, assuming they love each other, and they do, why else would the be together. You say she has one hell of a shock coming, how do you know that. Maybe she will very much like that part about her husband, they will enjoy very nice threesomes soon, and life together is better than ever.

    People assume just because he is bi curious, he doesn't love his wife. People often assume the worst. Don't you allow for possibility he loves his partner, but still have desire for sex with other people?

    Your line about my parents is confusing is to me, and I don't understand what you mean, but I would ask you not bring my parents into this.

  11. Do you have no consideration at all for his wife or her feelings?

    I don't really know her, so it is hard to say how she would feel about his man possibly liking both men and women. But generally happy husband is a good thing, if he is happy and content, then she would also be happier.

    Imagine the guy craving for something that he isn't allowed, day after day. Imagine the stress that brings. And if one of the spouses is miserable, it can't be good for family.

    If she doesn't like that her husband may be bi, and has sex with men, she will probably divorce him. Now, maybe after divorcing her man she will find next guy that she will fall in love with, but maybe she will never find another love in her life. She will be lonely and miserable for the rest of her life, of course she take comfort how high her morals are.

  12. Those gaining the most from this stunt are the owners of FCKH8 .. Some people may see nothing wrong with someone cashing in on it any more than they see nothing wrong with it being a fake on the grounds that any publicity is good publicity. I don't go along with that.

    Except you don't know that the letter is fake. There is zero evidence that it is fake. For some reason you want it to be fake.

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  13. .......... nd for anyone who thinks that giving in to one's desires is natural and healthy, its not - its anarchy.

    it is very human to give in to desires. It is very unhealthy to deny pleasures, it can lead to sadness, depression, despair, those feelings usually lead to alcoholism and other types of self medication. Depression is very difficult to treat, often impossible.

    Where does this notion of monogamy come from? Is it some sort of morality thing? Long time ago marriage was a business arrangement, still is in many cases, so that part I understand. But monogamy for purely moral reasons makes no sense at all.

    What does monogamy achieve, other than questionable pride in padding yourself on the back 'Oh Look How Moral I Am, I Am A Really Good Person'

    And why do you care how OP decides to live his life? Makes you guys feel somehow better about yourself when judge and condemn him?

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  14. It does seem that the OP made a wrong choice. Scott has a point, and the marriage might not have been the right choice from the beginning. I feel sorry for both of them.

    I feel really happy for him! I feel happy for both of them, I hope they are in love and it lasts long time.

  15. Maybe I'm like that famous Stereofile reviewer who a few years back came to a similar conclusion that one can get good enough sound with high end digital playback on decent gear that the high-end of the market may be doomed.

    Corey Greenberg? He was such great reviewer, flipping back issues so much fun to read

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