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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Jingthimg,

    Are you just worried you will be on a baht bus with drunk Russians enjoying themselves that you feel the need to learn the language in case you get scared again.

    Is there a way to combine topics here at TV Pattaya sub forum, maybe?

    Cos I'd like to respond to TV user MrZM about 'Learing Russian' and also post at the topic of 'Things That Grate You In Pattaya'

    my combined post to 2 topics:

    TV user MrZM grades me in Pattaya, more than anything else at the moment, and that includes road construction at Beach rd, thats is possibly highest level of annoyance possible in this town

  2. This cheerful post is from Awaholitsiktoli. Things that grate me about Pattaya: Crime and associated violence; worst of the worst people from Western countries and parts of Thailand migrating here (but some are good); horrible traffic (at least during the high season); alcoholics and mentally ill people all over the place; people abusers; filthy beaches; no American style Chinese food; no American style smoked BBQ, no decent spagetti and meatballs, overpriced pizza, horrible Mexican food, no Greek style gyro; people pollution (just too many people in a confined area); over-development (insane); mafias running many venues; corruption left and right; overabundance of cheats, liars and mind-gamers; boom-trucks all over playing very loud music; and too many signs in Russian.

    apologies about off topic, but Im really curious if there a anything that does NOT grate you about Pattaya

    • Like 1
  3. When we gone have a Baht bus sub forum ?

    When pigs take baht buses?

    This isn't a BB topic per se.

    It's about "enemy" nationals being crammed together into small spaces in Pattaya. Could have just as easily been a stuck elevator!

    Well in that case I suggest next time you take a baht bus ride you leave your usual uniform at home.


    OMG, there's nothing more gay than Captain America. Cool gay dudes avoid this look as plague.

  4. instead of feeling awkward, I would have tried to seduce the cutest one of the bunch.

    Iranians are so easy to lure into casual encounter. Of course if there's a group of them, that may complicate things, it is much easier to approach a single, lost one. But generally the Mid Easterners are easy prey, and you should have at least scored a phone number of the cutest one.

    JT, it seems to me you have lot to learn about baht buses filled with Mid easterners.

  5. you seem to fail to understand the matter at hand. OP is not complaining about the 5 baht, no doubt its not going to break his bank.

    Point he is making is price doubled.

    My examples are fair examples because the % increase is the same, the actual amount is not the issue in this discussion. and OP

    so you argument is that 5 baht increase to 10 is doubling the price? Sure, no argument there. But the amount plays a role. If 5 baht snack price has to slightly increase, it is logical that it goes to 10. When you say beer price increase from 30 to 60 is same thing. it really is not. Other than math, it is not same thing at all.

    Now you gonna say amount has nothing to with anything, and price doubled. It is not outrageous at all. If price had quadrupled, I would share the disappointment with op.

    So when you keep parroting doubled doubled doubled, finish the thought with 'doubled from 5 to 10'

    Well unless you know different mathematics to what i know, 5 to 10 is double.

    No amount plays a role because we are not discussing the price, but price increase and it is double


  6. you seem to fail to understand the matter at hand. OP is not complaining about the 5 baht, no doubt its not going to break his bank.

    Point he is making is price doubled.

    My examples are fair examples because the % increase is the same, the actual amount is not the issue in this discussion. and OP

    so you argument is that 5 baht increase to 10 is doubling the price? Sure, no argument there. But the amount plays a role. If 5 baht snack price has to slightly increase, it is logical that it goes to 10. When you say beer price increase from 30 to 60 is same thing. it really is not. Other than math, it is not same thing at all.

    Now you gonna say amount has nothing to with anything, and price doubled. It is not outrageous at all. If price had quadrupled, I would share the disappointment with op.

    So when you keep parroting doubled doubled doubled, finish the thought with 'doubled from 5 to 10'

  7. lemoncake, chicken liver stick price increased 5 baht. That is all that happened. If you say 'Oh, the price of food doubled', sure that sounds horrible. But since the chicken liver was only 5 baht, maybe new cost of 10 baht isn't all that outrageous?

    You earlier posted how we wouldn't like if cost of beer at 7/11 went from 30 to 60. Of course we wouldn't . But that is not a fair example, cos if beer goes from 30 to 35, increase of 5 baht, we would not panic, and that happens all the time to cost of things. Chicken guy also raised the price by 5 baht.

    When i say 'I can't believe we are discussing this' it was a reply to poster who suggested maybe chicken liver vendor should give us few more peaces of liver, since he raised the price to 10 baht.

    • Like 1
  8. should the vendor at market rise price from 5 baht to 7, or 9 maybe? Have you seen items that cost 7 baht or 8 baht at market or street vendors, no. Stuff is usually rounded to next 5 or 0.

    What it cost of matches in 711 is raised form 1 baht to 2 baht, that is 100% rise, yes? Should we freak out then too?

    • Like 1
  9. Pattaya haters posting how this place sucks, maybe hate everything? Maybe it isn't about Pattaya at all? If you ride in baht bus in Pattaya, we, farangs almost never speak to each other, usually we are very careful not to even make eye contact. Its different with internet, here we are brave. So maybe Pattaya haters get to vent here, cos 'hating' Pattaya is somehow more acceptable than hating some other town or region? If they dont do it in Pattaya forum, they'd find another sub forum

  10. Comparison food costs

    Eggs are cheaper here than almost anywhere in the western world, 30x size 2 at Makro for 100bht. (two months ago that was 77bht)

    As for milk, cheese, ham,salami, these are imported foods, of course they are more expensive in Thailand.

    Although 5l of whole milk in a plastic bag from the milk factory is only 130bht

    You are aware that unless milk in thailand is labeled "fresh milk," it is reconstituted instant milk made from powder. If you're lucky, it's imported from New Zealand and if unlucky, from China.

    This issue of milk keeps coming up. To all milk lovers, why not look into owning a cow? Many peeps here live outside of Pattaya, and own houses, how hard would it be to own a cow. And jbrain mentioned his friend found cheaper eggs somewhere in Europe.. so maybe have few chickens, to control the egg cost. It may sound strange when you first think about it, but I see no other way to get cheaper eggs and real not powder milk.

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