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Posts posted by anon8

  1. Much of it is subjective. Never forget that the ears are yours and what you hear is all important. The room is a major factor too - think of it as part of the sound system especially when it comes to comparing speakers.

    Yup, good acoustics in listening room is probably the most effective way to improve sound. Doesn't have to be Live end/Dead end, but early reflections in room make the most expensive system sound lousy, and good room makes not even super expensive system sound good. Often the good sound at hi end dealer is not just good equipment, but also good room, there are always absorbers and diffusers to deal with reflections and to make the frequency response even.

    I also used to read Stereophile religiously, gave up after the hyping of cables, became ridiculous. You could somehow justify $7000 Mark Levinson amp (thick Al face plates etc), but there is no excuse for $500 power supply cords. In many ways hi end audio industry can blame itself in its decline. Still nice hobby tho

  2. By the way, I often see Thai / Farang couples sitting in silence in restaurants. The guy invariably looks miserable and the female couldn't make it more obvious she doesn't want to be there.

    Good observation! So many Thai Farang couples look like they barely tolerate each other. Maybe they are happy, but they don't look happy. The girl usually doesn't even attempt to hide her contempt, and Farang has this lifeless, resigned look about him.

    • Like 2
  3. You dubious about just how much "media attention" this has actually attracted outside the gay media?

    Yes. Particularly as according to one of your links (three of which lead to a link to the same article and one of which (the Huff) is most definitely "gay media") "The company also used the post to advertise their $19.99 hoodies and $9.99 "equality tees."

    Not sure about the hoody advertisement, but Huffpost is the largest online newspaper, and definitely not gay media. Globe And Mail is large, I think largest national newspaper in Canada.

  4. Why not go with the premise it is a genuine letter?

    Because there is no rational explanation for how the letter got from Chad's mother to Chad to FCKH8 and it is now being used by FCKH8 for commercial profit.

    You dubious about just how much "media attention" this has actually attracted outside the gay media?

    Yes. Particularly as according to one of your links (three of which lead to a link to the same article and one of which (the Huff) is most definitely "gay media") "The company also used the post to advertise their $19.99 hoodies and $9.99 "equality tees."

    Cmon, lets make up!

    You seem to think letter was leaked by mother, but then question her reasons behind such unwise move. You maybe on to something! That sad woman probably wouldn't advertise her failure as a mother to news outlets.

    Much more likely the grandpa sent a copy to somebody, or his gay grandson did. I would have! Who wouldn't want to show the world what cool grandpa they have, and how there is hope for other gay teens who have horrible bigot mothers.

    What do you think?

  5. With all due respect, I have little constructive to add to this discussion with you.

    Do you notice, when people start sentence 'with all due respect' they always mean the opposite.

    I wish we could talk some more, but since you don't want to, lets part ways on a happy note:

    This is very much on topic, I urge all TV members to view this, very educating!

  6. "You think they are successfully recruiting new members to their cult? I doubt it."

    Presumably you haven't heard of Richard Reid (the shoe bomber), Samantha Lewthwaite (the white widow), all four July 7 2005 London suicide bombers, Kafeel Ahmed (Glasgow airport), Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebolawe (Woolwich) and those responsible for every recent terrorist attack in the UK (and a number elsewhere), all of whom were recruited converts.

    I count 5 so far.

  7. I think we'll have to agree to disagree there - if that were true then everyone who doesn't believe in God (atheists) would be anti-discrimination, support diversity and equality, science, progress, etc. Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, and three generations of Kim's would seem to contradict that idea.

    You don't need God as an excuse to do evil acts.

    We were talking about religion as a tool for few week to dominate many strong, suffering and misery that it brings to people.

    I never claimed it is the only tool to fool masses and control people. Stalin, Mao, Hitler and others invented their own religions to repress people, but notice, their totalitarian systems didn't last very long, they should have learned few tricks from Jesus, his cult has lasted 2000 years, luckily it is crumbling now and will soon be gone as well, maybe few more centuries and its bye bye.

  8. Creationism (in case you missed the date reference) is also becoming more popular, despite scientific progress as a number of studies of university students show - while they may not necessarily be the most intelligent/least imbecilic people, they are certainly the most highly educated.

    Religious extremism is on rise in some places, sure, mainly in Mid East, and some southern US states, parts of the world yet to enter 21st century, or 19th even, so that really isn't strong argument. Religion is in decline, and science and education are on the rapid rise, even if some lunatics wish to teach kids strange fantasies about talking snake, dinosaurs walking the Earth with Jesus etc. Maybe you will find some numbers to support your claim religion is making gains in some places, I cant argue with that, maybe in Mongolia Jesus is making gains, but that won't prove my point wrong.

    Now, the first Guardian article, here's a quote from the article:

    "Dozens of schools are using creationist teaching materials condemned by the government as "not appropriate to support the science curriculum", the Guardian has learned.

    The packs promote the creationist alternative to Darwinian evolution called intelligent design and the group behind them said 59 schools are using the information as "a useful classroom resource"

    Dozens of schools in UK teaching creationism? You think that proves religion is gaining strength in UK? Please!

    The other Guardian article:

    "Earlier this month Muslim medical students in London distributed leaflets that dismissed Darwin's theories as false. Evangelical Christian students are also increasingly vocal in challenging the notion of evolution.

    Leaflets questioning Darwinism were circulated among students at the Guys Hospital site of King's College London this month as part of the Islam Awareness Week, organised by the college's Islamic Society"

    If anything these links show handful of extremists in UK are running around, doing what they have been doing for centuries, spewing their poisonous crap. You think they are successfully recruiting new members to their cult? I doubt it. Despite their desperate efforts religion is in rapid decline, science and reason are prevailing.

    It is amusing that you used words "certainly the most highly educated people " to describe this sad bunch of extremists.

  9. Its an attention grabber and the subject deserves attention, but to me stunts like this simply cheapen the very issues they are intended to highlight.

    How does this letter cheapen the issue of fighting homophobia, and standing up for whats right? Why call it a stunt?

    We need more grandpas like this guy! With lots of media attention to his letter, he has advanced our cause so much, maybe more than 5 years worth of gay parades.

  10. If you are married, you shouldn't pursue other people, male or female.

    To the contrary, if you have desire to meet other people, male or female, go for it! If we think of marriage as a prison, a life long prison, that is not a recipe for happy life, and happy marriage. Most marriages would last longer and be happier if rules were more relaxed.

    It is only natural and healthy to have desire for sex with people that you find attractive, even if you live together with another person. It seems very unnatural to be in life long contract with only one person to the rest of life.

    Unfortunately I can't help with meeting people in Isaan, I wish I could.

  11. Just what do you think God, if he exists, should be doing?

    Well, obviously he does not exist, and therefor he can't do nothing about anything.

    What WE PEOPLE can do, is putting the stop to this dangerous, hurtful charade that is religion.

    By speaking in defense to organized religion, you give cover to all the evil that is done in the name of God.

    After people stop believing fairy tales, there will be no need to ask what God should do about haters. The moment people stop believing, problem takes care of itself, peoples lives get better, instead of having religion ruining it, often to the point of suicides and murders.

  12. "Science is on the rise, religion is in decline everywhere" .... I'd question that.

    There may be less "believers", although even that's arguable, but many are getting more "orthodox" and stricter than ever before. Science isn't convincing because it doesn't give the answers people want to hear, so many people are turning to religion for the "answers" they want

    Science isn't convincing because it doesn't give the answers people want to hear? Maybe. We will never convince every imbecile that there is no God. But as science progresses, and more people get better educated, the fairy tales will be exposed as nothing more than cute stories. Adults generally don't believe in Santa, some do, and we will always have some seniles, and vey dumb people around. But given time they become a tiny minority, a fringe.

    You say you'd question that religion in decline, and science is on the rise. I'm sorry, but that is very strange opinion.

  13. Tried that and guess how many owners replied. .

    Lazy owners is the cause if the OPs problem, not conduct of agents. Example owner needs to send one email, agent needs to check 1000. Seriously lets be realistic here

    So as an agent you are selling a house, but the owner of property isn't even replying to your email.

    What are you selling then exactly? How can you have property listed, if you don't even have way to contact the seller?

  14. What's all the Jesus tunes got to do with the OP.

    Rock & Roll, Punk, New Wave, Electronic have brought us some great tunes over the years. Jesus hasn't got a monopoly on great tunes.

    From what I understand, OP insists this topic is about God tunes. The robes that priests, and choir singers wear in church could be considered somewhat gay, so there is some gay connection here. And lets not forget Pope wears red Prada shoes, that's as gay as it gets.

    • Like 1
  15. Enlighten you? Why you being sarcastic? Did I say something to offend you?

    By divine music you prolly mean music written with religious services in mind, music in itself can't be divine. Nope, not gonna link to church tune, instead here's an excellent clip with an interview so good, its divine:

    • Like 1
  16. Not created gays? I can't go along with that one, as you'd have to include anyone who wasn't 100% "normal" and just have a human race of bronzed demi-gods. I prefer a bit of variety, whatever it might be, and I'm very happy with the way I am.

    Made gays more "acceptable"? Isn't that up to us? ... and if he was to stop the cruelties and excesses done in his name how could he do that and still let us have free-will?

    Of course it's up to us. Science is on the rise, religion is in decline everywhere. In time, several generations after we are long gone, people will laugh at the fairy tales about old man in the sky and other similar stories that make hating and even hurting a fellow man acceptable. Its gonna take time tho. We can make it happen sooner, if we all shout out loud THERE IS NO GOD. We need to stop being nice about these hateful, vicious cults, and not make excuses for them.

    Im pretty sure we all prefer a bit of variety. But how can you even ask 'Not create gays?' and use words like 'normal' in this context.

  17. I know how it works fella, a 10 year old would, but it still is NOT a scam. If a supermarket advertises they sell coke on a board outside but when you get in there they don't have any so you buy some sprite instead? Does that mean you have been scammed??

    If an advertisement outside supermarket promises Coke at 5 cents a bottle, but they never had in stock at that price, it is a scam, you been scammed to enter the store in hopes that once you are inside the shop, you buy something.

    its one thing not to remove expired listings on real estate agents web site, its another thing when agent places a prominent ad describing a very attractive property, at very low price, a listing that never really existed and is deliberately misleading, designed purely so you contact the agent.

  18. OK, back to topic, guys! Question was what has God ever done for us.

    It really seems that God is not great, and religion poisons everything, Hitchens was correct This is gay sub forum, it would only be fair to point out that while God plays cruel tricks on all mankind, he has been particularly vicious towards us, gay people. Countless our brothers and sisters through centuries have been killed for no other reason other than simply being gay. Two young men in mid east were hanged for no other reason than being gay few years ago. So next time I enjoy Beethovens Missa Solemnis, I think of those 2 young men. That to me represents what God has done for us.

    Some argue that it isn't God who is responsible, that it is bad people who use Gods good name while they do bad deeds. I say its God. He sees all, and doesn't stop the cruelties done in his name. He is a heartless thing, a sociopath. All the good music is here not because God inspired the composer, or singers in a choir, all this good music is written DESPITE the evil that is religion.

    This should be on topic.

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