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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. 11 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


    Not the first time I have read on here about Price Waterhouse saying that, but it most certainly is not a rule.


    Not the first time I have heard Price Waterhouse charging USD 800 per day to give incorrect information :smile: 

    They should never have merged with Coopers & Lybrand...


    They have a hundred multinationals in Bangkok on their client list, they must have a reason to advice this




  2. 29 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


    That has never been a rule, otherwise how did all the retirees on extensions of stay open their Thai bank accounts ?


    PWC recommends us to advice our expats to wait opening bank accounts until they have their work permit book


    The correct reason seem to be that they do not get the full interest if raise before they show the work permit book


  3. You should not click dial, just enter *#9900# on the keypad as if you were to dial a number and a menu should come up automatically.


    There you click on Delete DumpStat/Logcat . If it takes many seconds for the phone to wake up, then it is actually deleting, if it is very quick, then command is most likely disabled and it does nothing



    2 minutes ago, NickJ said:

    You might do better if she gets into grilling and barbecuing.  


    No fear factor in that. A 12 year old girl who can handle a furnace and forge her own knife, that is coooool.


    And she really wants to get her hands dirty, isn't that great?


  5. 47 minutes ago, Gary A said:

    I'd advise her to forget it and take courses in metallurgy. Today's choice of exotic super tool steels is is mind boggling. After more than 30 years of selecting steel for specific  specialized needs, I never quit learning.


    Not quite university age yet :)


    This is for a 12 year old girl who wants to get her hands dirty and I really want to support that. And Daddy too of course


  6. 13 hours ago, raro said:

    hmm...my question was rather....IF it work, what will it do to my phone? Apps all gone? Log in to a number of apps again after? Chat history in LINE messenger gone (one of the big drawbacks of LINE....)


    Oh, sorry for that misunderstanding


    If it works, then it will clear the Data\log directory and other temp files too = it cleans up at system level. The Data/Log directory is normally very big after a few years so it clears a lot of internal memory that cannot be cleared by apps that are not rooted


    It does not clear chat history, apps will not disappear and you will not have to log in again


  7. 2 hours ago, trogers said:


    There is no judiciary precedent in Thailand. Lower courts need not be bound by decisions made even by the Supreme Court.


    If you are dead sure, please explain why a Japanese tried to kill his ex-thai wife after the Family Court award her sole ownership to both house and car?


    Neither you nor I know what had gone on in the obligatory negotiations in court, what the Japanese guy had done, what the wife had done or perhaps fabricated, something must have happened and we have no idea what. And what he did to "clear the problem" was utter stupidity


    Appeals in Family and Juvenile court is quick, not at all as in criminal court. He should have appealed and he would have been in the appeals court in a year and gotten justice. Unless his wife set him up and fabricated evidence. It's also easy to frame an idiot, wife deliberately build up a "debt" for the family is a common one. We simply don't know


    The problem is the foreigners Thai lawyers who absolutely need a negotiated agreement if the judges want it or plain dishonesty


    Just refuse and let court order and Justice works in Family and Juvenile.  


  8. 14 hours ago, trogers said:


    Even if in her name, because her foreigner husband need not sign a disclaimer to any ownership interest when the condos were transferred to her name. Unlike acquisition of landed properties.


    Wrong again. Ownership disclaimer is not required for the first condo but I have in court seen cases of both disclaimer required and no disclaimer for condo number two onwards


    I have a feeling that you will not stop posting wrong information regardless of how many people who post and tell you that they in court have seen the opposite


  9. 15 hours ago, trogers said:

    And being in your Thai wife's name means all of it belongs to her.

    No 50/50 split should the relationship goes sour.


    That is rubbish, totally wrong. You have by any chance never been to family court have you? And yet you post


    Family court do not care about the agreement that foreigners married to Thai's have to sign at the land department if wife buys land


    I have myself been in Family court when a wife tried to push it and the judges disregarded it and still split assets 50/50 


  10. Can't remember this ever happening to me in over 25 years. But then, I stay away from neighbourhoods like Bronx (Pattaya) or other tourist holes


    Mistakes happen of course but that's a totally different matter. It happens because Thai's generally are bad at mathematics and there is no ill intent behind it. I have never had any problems when I in a friendly way point out a mistake


    Where on earth are you people who have these problems?


  11. 7 hours ago, sandemara said:

    As a general guide (but not definitive) a family court might estimate normal monthly expenses based on the age of the child in the following way: 1 to 10 years old: 10,000 Baht; 10 to 15: 15,000 Baht; 15 to 20: 20,000 Baht. If one parent has sole and complete custody the other parent would have to provide this sort of amount every month


    Still need to post correction Harry


    Sorry Sandemara, your numbers are way too high in Thailand. There is zero wife / mother alimony according to Thai law so what is given is solely for the child and nothing else. 15-20,000 can quite easily support a whole family, way to much


    It of course varies very much case to case but when I was active at Juvenile 4-5 years ago, then child alimony started around 100 baht per day and child, perhaps 150 now. It is impossible to say as most cases in court are not court order at all but negotiated agreements enforced by court order . That's what the judges want


    5,000 per month and child is easily enough today, anything more and just let court order and it will go down for sure


    7 hours ago, sandemara said:

    If one parent has sole and complete custody the other parent would have to provide this sort of amount every month


    I have been in court when absolutely no child support was awarded at all. The interpretation of Juvenile law is not that there must be child support, it can be negotiated away or more importantly from what I have seen, the judges don't necessarily remind / encourage child support for a party that doesn't seem to deserve it. Again, can vary much though


    Sole custody: It is possible that no alimony at all is paid if father gets sole custody - both have and not have exists. The judges reasoning for that is that the mother is hardly going to need child alimony if she is not taking care of the child


    New legislation: Yes, our HR department often have someone in the commercial department that we deduct salary from by court order. This really work nowadays and is not difficult to get (unlike what many westerners on TV says)  - Problem is it only works if person who must pay has an official job


    These 2 posts explain pretty thoroughly






  12. 11 hours ago, raro said:

    I'm tempted to try the  *#9900#  command on my zenfone 2 as it became very sluggish. 


    What are the consequences? 


    If it's not compatible then it won't hurt. 999,999,999 of the times :)


    I think that Androids bought with subscription from AIS will not work, perhaps some smartie turned it off when they loaded their useless extra software, it is possible to do


    Should be no harm in trying. It doesn't work on my Grand 2




  13. Yes, the company recently switched from DTAC to True and I and many others find that internet connection with TRUE is much worse


    Pretty quick but not as fast as DTAC when making a speedtest, not important, connection simply drops totally, yes, real pain in the arse



  14. I lost Bok Bik to Parvo in the early 90s, the vet didn't know what it was then, I lost Jo^ng in the mid 90's found out what it was then, the VET tested and then refused to take her in so she died a day later. I lost Simbie in the mid 2000 because the vet didn't tell me that Parvo needs to be topped up


    I hate Parvo

  15. Agree totally. Can't remember of course, I hopeless at that but the tick shots cost more than expected


    OP: The bottles are OK priced, there are 2 types, one to pour on the neck of the dog and another one to use on the cement floor outside the house. They  work quite well together unless it's a real tick season. Clean the cement a bit first, I use washing machine washing powder and a long brush from Carrefour, then pour and let dry. Tick season is hot season but I find it good to start a few weeks early or at least don't be late


    There are tick hell holes and nothing helps... I live in Bangkok and would love to live on a farm, won't happen for another 10 years. Will prep myself for the tick war :)



  16. 8 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

    In Thailand, every Official has the right to ask for additional documents (or better explained: "Bend the rules to their liking").


    Hmmm :smile:


    IMO, it's mostly because officers are afraid of making mistakes and the rules aren't clear so they don't know how much documentation they need to protect themselves.


    But of course there are some of what you say too


  17. 4 hours ago, Confuscious said:

    One VERY IMPORTANT note:

    I was married and divorced about 7 years ago.
    The mother agreed to let me have "Sole Custody" of the child (in exchange for 40,000 baht cash).

    We went to the Amphur and the divorce was signed between me, my wife, 2 whitnesses and the maire at the Amphur.
    I had the Thai divorce papers with clearly written that I would have the sole custody of our child.
    Also, on the divorce papers in my home country the same custody of the child was cleary written.


    But when I wanted to get my child a Thai ID-Card, it was impossible to get a Thai Id-Card.

    I went with my child to different "Thetsabaan", a local Thetsabaan, a Thetsabaan at the Amphur and a major Thetsabaan in the city.


    But everywhere I went, I got the same reponse:
    "Sir, we don't care what is written in the Divorce papers or any other documents. The law says very clearly that the child need to be accompagnied by a Thai parent for the the ID-Card and we will not issue an ID-Card unless we see the legal mother of the child.

    Finally, I hired a lawyer who managed to get an ID-Card for my child paying some VIP people.


    About 6 months later, I needed to travel to my home country for an urgent operation.

    I booked a last minute ticket and went a few days later to the airport.
    Everything went smooth, untill we came at the Immigration desk.

    At the Immigration desk they wanted to see a "Letter of Consent", signed by the mother.
    I missed the flight and was able to fly a few days later after I managed to localize the mother (steady on the flee for the loansharks) and managed to get a "Letter of Consent".

    The "Sole Custody" has NO VALUE in Thailand.
    It is a worthless piece of paper.
    You will need the presence of the mother for everything you want to do with your child.

    This is not only talking or saying bad about Thailand, but it is the true story of everything I went trough and I can show you the proof if you want.


    For getting an ID card, I actually don't know. You could very well be right and the law says that a Thai parent must come. Impossible situation as the Thai parent according to law no longer have the right to sign for her child if she signed away sole custody...


    Yes, I can really believe that. Thanks for the information


    Immigration rules for leaving the country have been clarified so that should be different now. Still wise to plan with additional time as it may have to go up to supervisor / manager level


    There are 3 ways to get sole custody in Thailand

    1) The law does actually allow parents to write a custody agreement of their own - if legalization has been done - but that paper is generally not accepted even though it should legally be. Totally Useless Yes!

    2) Sole custody through court order - That document if containing the correct stamps is definitely valid. You need to take it to the amphur in person to have it updated into the registry.

    3) Sole custody by stating sole custody at the back of the divorce form at the amphur - It does count the same as a court order (after the obligatory waiting time as a court must order, this is a process behind the scene). Both the divorce status and the custody status should automatically be updated in the amphurs computer, I do not know if that always happen


    By current clarification:

    1) I bet rules were not clear 7 years ago 2) You didn't use the correct legal document according to current interpretation 



    Immigration will most likely not honour a sole custody agreement if it is done through point 1 above


    Immigration will honour a sole custody agreement according to point 2 - with the correct stamps. They can demand the original to see if stamps are valid


    Amphur sole custody: The officially correct document that you must have is not the divorce papers but another document specifically stating sole custody. You can request from the amphur but from what I have heard only if you have sole custody according to point 2 and 3. I also tried to request it myself having sole custody according to point 1 once and I was denied. 


    That document only deals with the custody of the child and does not include anything about the divorce and can only be given if there is proper evidence of sole custody. Sorry but I cannot remember the form number. As I said, it could very well have be different a few years back. Divorce papers from your home country are useless here


    Confuscious: I recommend that you go down to the amphur only with the birth certificate and your passport and ask who has custody. That way you should find out if custody was updated or if only divorce was.


    I do worry about leaving the country with the child being so young in this case. There will be warning bells going off everywhere if a farang comes with a newborn child without the mother.


    The OP has taken legal advice and the lawyer clearly confirmed current rules so OP should be OK




  18. Fred007, I'd like to add some advice that I hope can help. I love driving around Thailand with my daughter and I think that you perhaps want to do the same. It feels sad to miss such a wonderful experience. I write hard sometimes but that's because I want to help, not to be hurtful


    I started driving in Thailand 1991 and I thought exactly like you back then. Idiot Thai's of course

    I opened up a small (1 man) company and drove around Bangkok. I bought a Honda Dream in 93? and I drove 35,000 km per year around Bangkok standing still more than being able to drive and mind you, the traffic jam was worse 20 years ago than it is now thanks to flyovers and the express ways. The read lights had a blue tint because 90% of the motor cycles were 2 strokes as apposed to now when 95% are 4 strokes


    I still remember my "best" days Tuesdays and Thursdays back in '94. I Started at the Australian embassy 7:30 to 9:30, had where Phaholyothin meets Viphawadee 10:30 to 12:00, then Srinakarin 13:00 to 15:00 and Sukhumvit Soi 115? (Samut Prakan) 16:00 to 18:00 and Moobaan Town in Town 19:00 to 21:00. I made around 3,900 baht per day Tuesdays and Thursdays :)


    I saw new real pained marks on the streets made by the police where someone had died almost Every Single Week, sometimes more than one per week. Yes, Thai motor cyclists and pedestrians died as flies. I didn't want to do that so I tried to learn how to survive and it was easier than I thought. There really are patters in the chaos, you just don't have to fight them because you think they are stupid and wrong and you will quite easily find them


    You have to stay calm at all times. You will not have an accident when you are calm, you will have one when you are angry and upset. I bet your pulse hits 120 + sometimes when you drive and it's not because you're driving a formula 1 car. I probably keep my pulse at half yours when I drive. Relax!


    Keep your concentration up. Background concentration must always be higher here than in western countries. 


    I still get more tired driving in Thailand than in Europe also after so many years, you will certainly feel much of this the first few years. It will slowly go down but it will never really reach the level you have driving in western countries. Thai's drive closer, have smaller safety margins, roads can have surprises. You need to learn to manage it, that is all


    You are a very experienced driver, you easily get into the driving rhythm of your western environment and you drive safely within it. You need to find the driving rhythm here. You should not drive too slowly and not fast. You should not stick out - of course! Speed doesn't normally kill, speed differences do


    Be humble: It doesn't matter if it's his fault when your children are pushing around your wheel chair for the rest of your life. If you in any way could have avoided the accident, then it's your fault that you sit there even if he broke a traffic law. Don't like the last thing I wrote, take the bus


    Thai's really want to avoid accidents. Again, it is surprisingly easy to avoid accidents in Thailand


    Westerners who stubbornly insist on following the traffic laws here without consideration to safety are stupid idiots. Go home to where you came from and don't risk the lives of me and my family and others please


    Get out of Bronx if you are there, bad place to learn to drive (Pattaya)


    You need to plan ahead - now this is of course difficult before you learn the patterns but it really becomes quite easy when you do. Planning ahead is the key to safe driving in Thailand. It doesn't matter if the law says that he should wait, it doesn't matter if the law says that he is not allowed to turn there. If you don't plan ahead based on what you see, because of whatever law or he is wrong, then you are a bad unsafe driver. Driving in Thailand gets much more relaxing when you do this


    You can never protect yourself from the odd out idiot who may crash into you tomorrow or in a thousand years time. It is statistically a very very small risk if you adapt, plan ahead and stay alert and concentrated


    Turn your lights on day time too. I always do and few people blink nowadays


    Keep your distance and do not care if people fill the gap, just increase it a bit again. No reason to get upset. Accidents often happen here because people drive too close. That is something that you should not copy in the Thai driving style :)


    Don't worry too much about bothering others when you need to cross an intersection with no traffic lights and a lot of traffic. Thai's choose a moment with calmer / less traffic and then stick their noses out to show that they want to get over (higher speed and bigger gap etc.). It can be OK to block one way waiting to be able to cross the other lane if you match it right (too aggressive is bad, shouldn't be too passive). Most people will not see it as bad if you don't force them to have to break hard, you are just using the generally accepted way. Thai's will not want to hit you. Important to not do it in an aggressive way though


    Don't worry about small accidents, it's not a personal failure, it's just a dent and you have insurance


    I actually like to travel long distances during the night instead of day time, you eat km faster, less traffic so you get less tired and it is safer, feels good to be able to relax -


    I load up the car and drive to Phuket with my daughter almost every year. Roads are OK nowadays, always stretches with road construction somewhere but not a problem at all. Main Point: I prefer to leave Bangkok at midnight 1 AM or so and I have a wonderful relaxing night drive and I am in Surat Thani when the sun goes up. I don't know if it's for you but just want to tell you that it's safer night time actually though all Thai's will insist on the opposite. Beware of cars with no lights on around 6 AM


    It feels sad that you should be so negative and perhaps not have the wonderful experience of driving around Thailand. You are so experienced that you can easily adapt and make this safe


    Good Luck



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