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Posts posted by MikeyIdea

  1. Should be easy and straight forward


    Courts will choose negotiated decision, they will never order in a case like this. Remember the fundamentals => This is about a benefit for the mother of the child that you don't need but is happy to help out with. You will of course get what you want without having to pay so just refuse if that is suggested. You should see any pressure on you about money as a warning sign that something is wrong


    Don't get fooled by your Thai lawyer, you can trust the court, it's your lawyer you can't trust



  2. 3 hours ago, eyecatcher said:

    just use a base coat of colour stain to give it some depth and warmth and then a clear  satin stain over the top.

    it brings the colour out great


    Hmmm, a glossy door in a 40 year old house would definitely look over the top, yes. OK, out goes high gloss and even semi probably. Agree, Clear satin is a good match


    I must say that I lost you on "colour stain to give it some depth and warmth". Please give a sample


    I worked with wood in a couple of sailing boats when I was young and there was an enormous difference when we used oil based. Oil based made the texture and colours pop out much much nicer than water based. I'd certainly prefer it unless someone advice anything against it and if I can find it of course, haven't seen it here. Do they even have it? Sample?


    About the graffiti. Idea grew up in that house, she's 12 now :) She likes to get her hands dirty so now is a good time to teach her to sand and paint





  3. Like Toa T3000 polyurethane lacquer? Thank you very much for that information. I've got a small belt sander and 180 and 240 paper


    Is there anything to use to bring out a better texture before applying the lacquer?


  4. 10 minutes ago, Strange said:


    You stated "Non-Democratic" 


    The USA is a Democratic Republic. 


    We don't operate by your standards, and its time for you to deal with it. 


    Regardless of how you feel about it. 


    Democracy in America  means that the less popular person with less votes can win. Yes, that is the law there. 5% of the world thinks that is democracy, the rest of the world, 95%, wonders why Americans call that democracy.


    Whatever, it is legal and correct there so Trump won, as it should be because the law there says so


  5. Hi,


    I have an old Thai door, the cheap type that is not solid wood but just veneer. It's for my daughters room so I want to sand it down and make it look really nice. I have good power tools for sanding and polishing


    I don't know what to use to bring out the texture the best and if perhaps lacquer on top would look nice on a door like that?


    I really prefer oil based and not synthetic, someone please advice (I'll take off the door and do all outside). Please also advice brands to buy in Thailand 


    Thanks Michael20161124_065537_1.jpg



  6. 2 hours ago, gemguy said:

    By the book maybe...but all that can and will be ignored for any amount of money paid to a police officer for their "assistance" helping you with your personal matters ...whether it be right or wrong while jurisdiction is not a concern.

    Just a reminder of how it works here....... all too often...


    ThaiVisa can be a great source of information for foreigners who don't know the law in Thailand or don't know what to do or how to act. The problem TV has are with people who hear something from a friend or why not a friend of a friend who got it from a nice poor working class girl and then post it as "fact" without confirming if it is correct or not.


    I have been interpretor in Juvenile court and has had quite a lot of direct experience with the law here. It does not happen often but if it does, then it happens to people who actually are wrong almost all the time. It rarely happens to people who have done nothing wrong - and then only if they are uneducated.


    Educated Thai's know how to handle this. Educated Thai's would simply - politely as it is the Thai way to avoid confrontation - first ask the police if they have jurisdiction and if the police still stands his ground, again politely as he wants to give the policeman a way out, suggest that they go down to the police station. Eeeehhhh..., the policeman will quickly leave with his head held high but what actually happened was that he got hammered as hard as any American police would have been trying to do something illegal with a "low life" finding out that Oh sh!t, that was actually an over confident educated guy who is now shovelling the law down his throat...


    Just like in America, a policeman is surely not going to go to the police station to document that he's just tried to act in a matter where he has no jurisdiction..


    Even the drivers at our office know enough to suggest to go down to the police station to clear the matter with roiwen, the maids and the cleaners do normally not though.


    The class differences in Thailand are sad indeed but they are fact


  7. 1 hour ago, A1Str8 said:

    You need to not me


    Regardless of what you think you know, police need warrant to evict people because eviction is civil and not criminal law. Perhaps you childishly continue to post the opposite to get more posts but better not post incorrect information A1, learn the law instead :smile:


  8. If you are talking legal adoption, then both mother and father must agree, also if father does not have custody


    Custody would be enough as such, that is arranged at Juvenile Court. If the mother and the father never were married or father never legitimised the child, then the mother does not need the father to arrange this in court. Court will be positive as this benefits the future of the child


  9. I haven't been down to amphur to check myself but I've heard that the rules actually specify Thai parent which would mean that a child with one western parent would not be able to get an ID card until majority if the Thai parent dies


    I suggest take your son down to the police station and ask him to, with your help, make a missing persons report for his mother. Then your son and you go down to the amphur, hand that over and request copies of the rule stating Thai parent


    If it really states Thai parent, then you need to take the issue to Juvenile court. Just let your son do the talking


    By the way: You don't say if court order is British or Thai or if you ever were legally married in Thailand so it is not clear if the mother has sole custody here in Thailand or not. I doubt that it will matter but amphur will certainly not help if the mother has sole custody


  10. 3 hours ago, gbswales said:

    In the UK the interests of the child take precedence over parental rights


    I thought that Europe was ahead of Thailand until I studied the implementation of Juvenile law here and found totally the opposite. It is only the last 5-10 years or so that Europe and Australia has closed the gap to what has been common sense here for a long time. Especially Australia and Sweden


    - In Christian countries, the implementation of Juvenile and Family Law follows Christian beliefs. It gives the mother/woman advantage in almost everything. This is finally starting to change

    - In Muslim countries, the implementation of Juvenile and Family Law follows Muslim beliefs. It gives the father advantage. That's why Christians think Muslim law is so unfair. It's crazy, it favours the wrong way

    - In Buddhist countries, the implementation of Juvenile and Family Law is straight. The child is really in the centre of a custody dispute. The court listens more and earlier to the wishes of the child and final decision is in the long term interest of the child. Marriage assets are split "what you had before you keep, what you made or lost together you share". That's way too fair for Christians to do


    One weakness of Thai Juvenile law implementation is that it doesn't pay attention much to parental alienation but it is otherwise very fair. Another problem is about Thai lawyers but that is not the courts fault




  11. 9 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    Actually it's more humane to teach people that their cheating, lying.......has consequences. 

    Bending over and taking it up the arse as you would teaches them it's ok and to carry on.

    Are you saying if it was you, you would keep paying? Really, think about it. You and your other half of 8 years is <deleted> around with a mate of yours and you would still pay because it's humane? 

    Easy to say, you would never do.


    I would do exactly what the OP also confirms that he will do. I would stop paying for the girl and throw her out but continue to help the child


  12. 2 minutes ago, chrissables said:

    Of course it will work if you are strong. SHE was wrong, SHE needs to learn. Typical Thailand thinking, what can i get away with? 


    Until people are responsible for their actions, (think corruption, driving etc) the country will never change.


    I am glad to have read in this thread that the OP is more humane than you are.


    You go on punishing the child for what the mother has done and feel proud of yourself


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