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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. BS. Brits are immune to booze, according to my experience. Obviously that was a murder.
  2. Aussie "mafia gang group" sounds like a bunch of koalas at the dawn. Please! not even funny
  3. he missed jewelry and precious stones trade. why so? obviously be cause ___________________________.
  4. Of cause the civilians. You must kill, wound and damage as many as possible. You are not human, you are the monster that consumes Viagra to rape elders and young boys, as well as cute cats and dogs. You are the monster so you don't select targets, you are just "shooting at the world/bullets flying/watch tik-tock" To approve Black Rock affairs you have to be "de-humanized" to the level of a monster. Kapish? PS: Justin T. loves Gunko
  5. Grand Palace is not a private property so please shoot as much as you can. For decades I haven't seen a single policeman there. Some dumb a** security kids are just kids. Ignore them as for shopping malls. Youtube is full of videos from Sh.Malls. any mention of Sh*tstara Shopping Mall is free advertising - so you'll do them a favor. Meanwhile shooting certain person w/o concern might cause "personal injuries"
  6. Well, that is pure example of fake news. somebody from some siberian jungle wrote "open" letter to El Presidente and it was published in street tabloid Please, gimme a break!
  7. Yes, leave those freaky monsters, there are hundreds of breeds and most are dumb mutts. Our neighbor was bitten by Labrador, few month before some hasky bit motocy-man, some time last year mix-breed mongrel pulls ankle of house keeper. What pit-bull?
  8. and very lonely single witches at their late 30s
  9. I mean to say that whenever I see them I consider as possible threat. Like a gangs - you're not going to shoot them but consider they might find you "interesting" and you'll have to take certain measures. and I don't like this "feelings" at all. Yeah! now I know where did I see you! btw, I noticed that area around Korean (Samsung) Embassy absolutely free from any canine life forms. Why so?
  10. Yeah! now I know where did I see you! btw, I noticed that area around Korean (Samsung) Embassy absolutely free from any canine life forms. Why so?
  11. Nope, jv, farangs can't shoot anything in Thailand - too complicated and often not very legal. My point is that "any free roaming mutt is a possible threat to me" and the last thing I want to do is to get "scared sh*tless of water" and other "exciting" features from stupid/well-trained/family companion/child loving mongrel.
  12. I'd rather be a bit more pro-active: if I see a free roaming mutt I consider it a legit target. Don't want to wait until it decides to attack me or whatever might get into its dumb skull.
  13. there were fella from Kazakhstan (well another name of Russia's border states, so basically Russian) who was so lazy he installed skimmer on the ATM in the same building he lived. Just went once a day to read data from flash card, made copies and went to party with girls for the rest of the day. another one somehow modified LATAM old cruzeiros into Deutche Marks (long ago) in Amari Watergate, he was really surprised when RTP came to arrest him.
  14. AFAIK all fake euros are coming from (who would imagine?) Europe, mostly those dwarf states. Just as EU & US passports (fake one, not from KS Road) are coming from the Promised Land. That info was from some really freaky dealer from Middle East. He was in business since middle of 90s. Could arrange anything, real super connected man.
  15. They served tikka-massala to policemen and some tandoori chicken. 'nuff?
  16. Noodle shop owner opposite Chula has nice house at Sukapiban 4 estate. Noddle shop in China Town owner sent her 4 kids to study abroad and paid their expenses for 3-4 years. Such stories are endless. Noodles rule the world!
  17. Another thing: some "landlords" might rent their "properties" to weirdos like a flock of Indians whose nice sari-wearing wives cooked all the time some uber-stinky food at the doorstep so the wind will blow the stanch away ... into corridor and into everybody's rooms. On the floor above there was a penthouse of Russian pimp and in the evening ugly looking "working girls" from Eastern Europe were having fun at the clean and cozy swimming poll. Those "budget" versions with hair bleached to the "piss in the snow" color. Later Koreans came. Those threw fags from their balconies into that pool. Nice? It used to be nice and sweet condo but at the turn of the century it turned into <deleted> hole. If you rent the place like this you just leave it, screw the deposit. But when you own it - its an instant freak show. PS: before 9/11 I had a bunch of strange looking neighbors living next door. I guess at least 6 in the studio of 37 sq.m.?! Speaking very loud and always late. Guess their ethnicity? It took me forever to sell that flat and I lost min. 200K. ROI my a$$!
  18. Another thing: some "landlords" might rent their "properties" to weirdos like a flock of Indians whose nice sari-wearing wives cooked all the time some uber-stinky food at the doorstep so the wind will blow the stanch away ... into corridor and into everybody's rooms. On the floor above there was a penthouse of Russian pimp and in the evening ugly looking "working girls" from Eastern Europe were having fun at the clean and cozy swimming poll. Those "budget" versions with hair bleached to the "piss in the snow" color. Later Koreans came. Those threw fags from their balconies into that pool. Nice? It used to be nice and sweet condo but at the turn of the century it turned into <deleted> hole. If you rent the place like this you just leave it, screw the deposit. But when you own it - its an instant freak show. PS: before 9/11 I had a bunch of strange looking neighbors living next door. I guess at least 6 in the studio of 37 sq.m.?! Speaking very loud and always late. Guess their ethnicity? It took me forever to sell that flat and I lost min. 200K. ROI my a$$!
  19. I was stupid enough to buy nice flat in BKK. Condo was good, management was good and still is, but - it is an anchor over your neck and you will never will be able to sell at the same price. Also about ROI - you're not allowed to play landlord, don't listen to those "passive income" BS Obviously - NOT BUY
  20. Last time I saw a pic like this I heard "More lube!"
  21. What that proud "fist in the air" means? Is it something from Geguevara times? Or add for some AV flick? They all are smiling - so rather latter than something revolutionary. Well, kinda nasty. I've heard stories about money extortion by these cowboys as policemen often can't request by themselves. Nasty people
  22. Ice cream with Root Beer, waffles and quite good deep fried chicken. since 1997
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