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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. last month it was 2 ugly women allegedly offering their services for 13000 THB (sure-sure!), now some dude massager allegedly working (sure-sure!) for 7000. Funny that police arrested him based on (well) nothing! And again - even at Bamrungrad Hosp. chiropractors charges less than 3000 per session, good one, not a male-nurse.
  2. made-up story. there's no way 7.000 massage, even super-duper private massage from foreigner will be about 5K max. working? did they exchange money? not. loads of carp. although I think it is pathetic to advertise services on Insta, but I would say the story is complete baloney
  3. In Bangkok Bank HQ I saw old farang and his Thai wife who asked to open joined account for the "condo" purpose. Refused. No more joint accounts. Than he asked only for himself to transfer money. Refused as well. I spoke with big manager and he told me that my bank abroad has to send SWIFT message to BBL that I have the saving account there and they "endorse" opening an account in Thailand. Very nice and kind guy. Even to open account to pay for hospital bills is impossible. He said there were some regulations last April (2023) to prohibit new accounts for tourists.
  4. Yes, absolutely. Unfortunately after Oslo there won't be any ceasefires: every family on both sides lost their members >>> it's hard to forgive an forget, isn't? I've heard horrible stories from both sides, from those members.
  5. Friend asked for Ritalin. We went to that junction in BKK. No, they refused to sell w/o prescription. But the w/ ADHD >>> no problem. I only wonder what is so cool about that drug?
  6. The only news broadcaster I can watch. The rest is B.<deleted>ers. Even France24 became unwatchable. About subject - Bibi decided in few hours to shut down and loot property of foreign company?! All hail Bibi - new duche!
  7. there are many chins in that area. like "alot"! 2.5m / 11 is about 220,000 per "gangster" >>> I don't think thai kidnapping is that cheap. obviously something is missing for sure - more likely chins screwed thai businessmen, they applied to police and than things went "banana"
  8. and the rest - to each other.
  9. That "unwavering support" is to supply junk at inflated prices. Who wouldn't come up with better idea? Somehow UA will pay back, that "unwavering support" has a monetary value and for "unwavering supporters of freedom and democracy" is a win-win situation. FYI Javelin wonder-stick used to be less than $80K, now more than $450K. Cute?
  10. there's an american "veteran" living in BKK on PTSD-pension. I think more than 10 years. Clever dude ) Eternal holidays he arranged
  11. That makes policemen antisemitic, right?
  12. This stats were wrong from the begining: should measure "per capita" not by volume. I think Poland has way more ^^^ of those than Thailand
  13. depends on what nationality and gender were entrapped.
  14. Oki-doki then please may we see that "online means"? Just think it as some sort of google forms >>> can send few thousands "reports" per day. How would those nice guys act?
  15. Youtube means Google Ads. Google Ads bring $$$ only when "viewers" click But first they have to come visit that "Youtube channel" and watch it. But who wants to watch videos about "Amazing Thailand" and other positive content? Not much, but lure "viewers" to watch something shocking is much easier. That smart <deleted> makes money, and he gives flying banana about all that stuff at all. One of thousands.
  16. 2015 at Krabi small portion of rice and 2 fried eggs were sold at 90 thb. thai street food got worse while prices went over the top
  17. Yep. few years ago there was a case of another russian hanged himself at Rama VI bridge, but was too heavy so he decapitated himself. Police found "sorry Natasha!" note in his pocket. About decade ago there were 2 similar suicides - unlucky ones thought both can turn into Spider-man and jumped from high rise condo. One into the pool another one hit parking. Same year and quite close sukhumvit area of Bangkok. However ...
  18. it is hard to slice that much money between friends, wifes, their drivers and mothers in law. Too many hairy palms and hungry landlords.
  19. and again: Vachira Hospital. #ROFL
  20. this is over-exaggerated story. tuk-tuk pilots got bitten daily - its normal reaction from thais. but once some sad dude got feisty - everyone scream "crucify deport him!" max is 200THB or nothing is better solution IMO
  21. Never (almost) used tuk-tuk tricycles. Just never.
  22. Abdulloh - sounds like uzbekistani, no? did police check his workpermit, license etc? I reckon Rahmatulloh dude working at JTC, Silom Bangkok. He sold semi-precious stones back then.
  23. nobody is. if you ask any "please define being anti-semitic without wikipedia or such" in modern times the closest thought will be something like neo-nazis, skinheads and similar pretty ugly groups. My point is that is very wrong position to say that anyone who condemns massive slaughter of civilians automatically becomes "anti-semite".
  24. if shooting from tank's cannon on the crowd of people queuing for basic meal makes you kinda uncomfortable than you are antisemite. if murdering 5 days old kid with air-to-surface missile from the copter makes you sad - you just don't get it: they started it first!
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