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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. gambling + money laundering = good and easy livin' only problem is how to legalize that money?
  2. Funny that Israeli forces reported to US about these attacks: ~Your Highness Ostin! may we struck Iran or may we not? ~Gr-gr-gr! ~Thank you, or powerful one! We shall proceed than ~Buaaaa....
  3. What "treason"? Zis iz Da Biz only! PS & FYI: you can say a lot about a man by watching his pets and children behave. Those mongrels in early days of Biden's presidency were the best proof of it. Hunter was another one.
  4. Biden's team can "shave" from so-called military aid to UA easily - so longer war lasts more $$$ they will park. However infrastructure funding is way to difficult to "milk" So this won't end soon.
  5. he is good!
  6. Unbelievable! here's lecturer at <secret> University [very big] in BKK calls himself "professor". Why? this is how he interprets "ajan" >>> someone bigger than simple teacher Yes, it said on his name card
  7. University professor at 30? <<< no wonder his name is Shi
  8. Just buy few thou and store it on cold wallet not a biggie
  9. alright, if you say so. IMO they were from somewhere they didn't want to disclose. So she said "we were en route to the temple" yeah, temple-shtemple!
  10. BTC is 62-something Time to buy some. I will
  11. Money that go to military complex and CIA are going into wallets of "fat corrupt cats". Money for social programs are easy trackable hence less "attractive"
  12. 5:50 in the morning to visit B.Buddha? "I don't think so, Tim!"
  13. the only reply: Nuremberg "We really didn't like to VX and gas chambers, but we were ordered"
  14. Even if BiBi decides to nuke Iran he won't be able to launch it - I mean send a bomber to Iranian airspace would be "mission impossible". Cruise missiles? Also questionable.
  15. Obviously! Lucky owners of multiple citizenships don't change passports within THE country of arrival, but BETWEEN them. Well, this used to be a good business for some - enter arrival data and stamp of arrival to TH. I guess not anymore )))
  16. what do you mean?
  17. According to WW history Germans always attack w/o reason and unprovoked. [das ist eine kleine sarcasmus]
  18. that was "thai 13 hours" - probably they are being paid by hours, like brand name car service shops
  19. By post? fill the form and send it to > where? Thank you anyway, I will go tomorrow but next time - post only!
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