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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. True, very true. I'm referring to young or almost young free rollers who got not much to lose. at 80+ things are very different for sure.
  2. "Why bother with visa-shmisa, border runs-shmuns?" That I heard from a nice guy who worked at summer camp at Hua Hin and private tutor for kids. Another Irish fella makes his income from webcams None care about stamps'n'stickers )))
  3. Not true. Lived and worked there - most quite and peaceful area. #FAKENEWS
  4. "Flying, Steering and Venturing" <<< its an easy livin' ! each khet of Bangkok has few hundreds of over-stayers and that is not a secret. I think there are much more in PTT. Not a big deal
  5. that was some figure of speech called "sarcasm" TUSWGFKWGZZ
  6. Dazer. works miracles! there are handheld and solar-battery operated with motion detector. No more mutts around since.
  7. Cyber police is some sort of elite force. But even "the elite" has to bring some results. And that unfortunate fellas arrest was a result of their hard investigation.
  8. Princess Ursula does Thailand. New pron.
  9. you have no idea, sir, how right you are. They promise hell and eternal suffering to "patients"
  10. it is almost impossible to prove him guilty.
  11. Not true. Palestinians just ignore and max they will cross the road. I've seen openly 6ay people in restaurants. There are some very orthodox places in Middle East, but generally they don't give a flying banana. Its business, nothing else btw, Arafat was "him". Latent, but "him".
  12. Israel is omni-present (as I was told). Simple answer, itsn't?
  13. Taxation. only that. Foreigners pay differently from locals and there's some wholes in taxation. Nothing sinister.
  14. do you need exact location incl MRT and coordinates? There are many courts - you just ask directions and be nice ))) Google Earth to:13.81195, 100.5743 (Court of Justice)
  15. Ratchada Rd. is the place I submitted my complain. they even helped me to do some paper works. about 5-6 month I got money back with interest.
  16. If you have the proof of money transfer than just file a report to police, than ---> court. but it it was cash than sorry, you lost 200K don't call her, let the justice work
  17. if your traffic being encrypted straight from your client than passes through whatever wifi to your VPN gate, then decrypted on another side of the world >>> what can go wrong? Any sniffing at WiFi will be useless That's is not some new concept - I think we used it last century already
  18. I think "a law firm should be able to oversee the deal" but not "participate as an agent with commission paid". Yes, I met both types of lawyers working for fixed rate and very few - for the part of the money their client demanded. But those were very special cases with huge sums at stake. Some 5* resort at Samui didn't pay almost 10M for luxury pools and similar. So lawyer was happy with 15% reward.
  19. I see. That makes sense: if your market of "rich suckers" is different from basic tinglish speaking, than yes, they need a "native communicator". No matter that they often lie to prospects about "special visa", 6-7 return of investment, specal discounts and other BS.
  20. elephant pants. no thai will wear this nonsense outfit.
  21. Really? wow, I didn't know that! I see thousands of sites of real-estate agencies run by farangs with openly posing pictures of themselves at luxury locations. interesting twist!
  22. rewritten by ChatGPT. it is common practice now. thai news >>translate>>rewrite w/robot can automate it and make hundreds "news from Thailand" websites
  23. would be funny if he was innocent and that was just a setup by some dannish jerk who used this unfortunate fella bank account. AFAIK bank accounts are about 5K if you buy in bulk <<< (trading, crypto, casino and similar biz)
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