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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. Almost never. Can cook anything myself: cleaner, cheaper and helthier.
  2. Oh yes! Just observe pawn shops during big championships - everything goes! But I would not generalize "lots of thais" and "many". I met quite many thais who never touched anything related to gambling )
  3. stepson? who cares! sorry, but seriously...
  4. "Opposition leader" is a fake term. There is no "opposition" in Russia, not were. Just a youtuber with ambitions on the payroll. leader of smt that doesn't exist? Cute ) failed project
  5. Don't use it abroad! Union Pay is good system while you're in Asia. It is Chinese banking system. How they add-up % is horrible. Seriously 2 unfair exchange rates and withdrawal from foreign ATM. Hell!
  6. Nothing embarrassing at all. But taking out belt, removing shoes and standing with hands up in some scanner is the most embarrassing IMHO. The only thing is worse than that is having conversation with some young officer at Ben Gurion, Israel. Friend of mine who flew there to watch football said "screw it!" turn away, bought a ticket back and left airport for good. Dildo in a luggage seems like a PR stunt.
  7. Thailand should not annex original Malaysian provinces. These will never end. Unless they go full-monty Bibi-style.
  8. Love his pupils! dude doesn't even hide his addiction. Was it Eric Clapton's song "She don't like/she don't like/she don't like/**caine!"
  9. more than decade ago RTP had CO2 checks on vehicles. They stopped any suspicious car/bus/tuk-tuk and shove a probe into exhaust pipe. Good intention but unfortunately it ends up without any outcome. The owner of kindergarten told me that the big tree in front of the kindergarten protects from PM2.5 so children can play outdoor while AQI was above 150 et cetera et cetera. Amazing Thailand! PS: AQI 50 considers dangerous and "you better stay home". What about 150???
  10. In the dump got bitten during dump. How ironic )
  11. Nope. that is a ripoff, mate. There are many prices for hospitals accomodations, and St.Louis overcharged (IMHO) 500% at least. For next time I'll buy dripper and learn how to IV myself. it is no-brainer. Or get some help from friends. PS: 100K for 4 nights of staying in hospital with Dengue? Every hospital has some sort of luxury accomodation, suite, penthouse, whatever. So what?
  12. she is cute and its a good idea to have such lady in the RTP office. Probably there's some hairy palm of sugar daddy that gently pushes her rankings. Who cares? Nice smile, little boobs.
  13. Single room w/TV. sh*tty meals with french fries and kao-tom soup. Dripper with (I guess) glucose solution. 2 visits of some woman who doesn't speak English and very arrogant. And yes, every morning some student opened door, turn on light and took blood from vein. 5 nights. 28.000 THB St.Louis Hospital near Holy See residence. Avoid at all chances!
  14. yes and no. Yes: my son collapsed in dep.store and we went to St. Louis Hospital. 5 days under dripper (basic solution nothing special). Every morning (6AM) strange student from local college came to take a blood sample. Why? Maybe study? cost 28.000 THB. He recovered himself. No: I didn't. It is your immune system that fights Dengue. You just sit and wait until its over. PS: I saw a little girl in our kindergarten after Dengue - she lost so much weight that turn her into a shadow. Literally. So skinny! PPS: few years later I got it again. Same suffering and weakness, same change of taste. Vitamins don't do much. Its only your immune system fights it. And common sense to avoid places with stale water and pure luck.
  15. Just reminds the interview Megan Kelly had with Putin. Still laughing )))) Tucker Karlson is true journalist and I'm waiting in anticipation of published interview. Must be great to watch - 2 hours! OMG! As I heard Putin can't spare more than 10 minutes - he is very-very busy President. 2 hours.
  16. I think I had it twice over 4-5 years in Bangkok. Nasty sh*t. The most annoying was sudden change of taste: drinking water tastes like sewage etc. But never lasted more than 5 days. Recovery to 100% strength had before took about 2-3 weeks. Was there some scandal with Dengue vaccine in Philipinnes? Nasty indeed
  17. Sorry, but that makes her an american, isn't it? 15 years ago back in Bangkok russian lady married kiwi man. later she obtained citizen ship of New Zealand. later they broke-up. She came to Bangkok and got a job as native speaker in quite expensive private school be cause she used her NZ passport.
  18. Yes, I heard about that too. Years ago I met very sweet Israeli lady who tought hebrew to new russian immigrants. Also she had a chance to teach few russian "stars". She told me that it is easier to teach 20 philipinos than 1 russian.
  19. Russians running massage shop? What a BS!
  20. Ebay. Called "Dazer". Works like a charm on cats and dogs. New models are on sun-batteries and motion detectors.
  21. Cute! Go to rabbi and ask him straight away: Do you consider you and your relatives and friends some sort of uber-mensch? a.k.a. "the chosen ones"? "superior human beings"? I got to see it ))))
  22. Everything has its own benefits and downsides. 2 storey house is superb, but rains and floods can be annoying. Room with a view is nice, but sudden neighbors ... I'd rather stay in condo, sometimes it feels very lonely in big house
  23. Korean tour guides in Bangkok are filthy rich, I've seen packs of 1000 baht banknotes. Chinese too. But no, lets arrest silly Russian kid who tries to make living by showing Wat Chalong to a bunch of tourists. Why so?
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