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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. please, do not equate child and a dog. this only equates you to animal, which is derogatory. and on the bright side: There is a house in Bangkok Called The Embassy of Korea (southern one) And around that house Not a single dog - stray or domestic. Coincidence? I don't think so )
  2. In Bangkok about 12 years ago. Adult retriever bitten house maid on her ankle --> about 12-15 cm long stitched wound. Since than she walks like a duck, visibly limp. Owner paid 200 THB + local medical expenses (I guess less than 2K). Yes, 200 thai baht.
  3. ^^^ good one ) If I may add: once I've been on visa run together with half dozen "working girls" from Central Asia. They lived in Bangkok near Suk. 11 (I reckon), some with little kids and often their mothers came to "help with households". They referred this biz as "working", not a biggie.
  4. What if they caught the wrong guy? They often do. Pattaya 2007
  5. Well said. I think the only place people kill each other based on nationality is __________ (no, it is not Palestine either). I think it was just business dispute and Kazakhstani dude was pretty angry toward that Russian man.
  6. You nailed it, Sherlock! That was my point: they knew/know exactly what are they going to do. And the sad tales about poor & innocent girls lured into skin biz by false ads, passports taken, chained to the hook in the wall and force fed scary drugs - please leave it. Its only greed for easy money that is it. PS: However these is an excellent story to raise money "to save 140 girls from sex slavery". Few years ago they did it for stray dogs though.
  7. well dah, I saw pictures of that "house" and seems it was ok for Udon's village. I believe she made that much money between 2021-22 from Chinese tourists at casinos.
  8. Had exactly same problem. The denied visa and I had to apply for visa-exempt. 2018
  9. Friend's Thai GF works there as massage therapist serving chinese tourists. Makes pretty hefty income enough to pay for house for her father back at Udon. Small house made of greyish block and no floor, however she did pay for construction.
  10. Why finns hire thai labor if they got plenty of refugees and massive supply from neighboring baltic states? Friend was training thais to work at a factory in Israel and he said it was a nightmare to keep them at work at least few months. Their performance is very low, not worth to import. About that "exit visa" - I think it is nor correct. Never heard about such thing.
  11. Everything is much simple: 1. foreign man marries thai woman -> marriage visa 400K in the bank, tourist forever. 2. foreign woman marries thai man -> marriage visa -> residency, less headache. So this story is about testing the loophole: What it foreign man will declare himself is "non-man" will he be able to enjoy exh.2? Pictures from Bangkok last weekend (Pride Parade) are giving hope that it might be possible.
  12. Amazingly fast. somebody snitched or there's something missing. but really fast! My bet is was just a business dispute that went too far. however hitman almost 50? Nah, I don't think so! As for specific case - we probably won't see the truth, just as it happened about 20+ years ago in Pattaya to the owner of russian restaurant "Rasputin": hitman from Estonia shot him through the windshield almost point blank.
  13. I don't see "3 month low".
  14. will the airline make a problem? imho, that is wrong question. the "airline" itself might has its very own and specific rules, but at the airport we deal with staff, often dumb and vicious. In general I think the smaller country the dumber and angrier they "follow rules". The worst was some 50+ customs dude in Bulgaria ???? Regarding a ticket: print whatever and just show "on demand". No way they would be able to verify it. Same goes to $700 or equal to THB20K.
  15. That sod is doing fine - he teaches social in school near bridge 2 lard prao. Also, that ^^^ was not out of desperation - rather a bet with his fellows. and he won. he also did the same at khao san in 2018: singing LZ songs for pocket change.
  16. I once met female taxi driver in Bangkok (about under 40). Her story was quite typical: after high school her parents sent her to study to Australia, upon her return they helped her to get a job at International BOI company, but she (I guess) didn't go well neither with thai staff nor foreigners: thais were too "low level to her" yet farangs didn't treat her as an equal. So after searching for a job for almost a year she decided to become a taxi driver "with a mission" - she listen and chat with foreigners, take notes and report anything interesting to IB. She really hated foreigner, I almost felt hatred with every word she spoke. Maybe with freaks like these kind they could "apprehend" that many overstayers. Otherwise I doubt it. PS: I wonder do they pay her? Real money, not tickets to vynil-banner motivation camps?
  17. and always keep payment slips (from ATM) of payments. No cash, gold bars or shiny necklaces as an alternative form of pmnt. Insist on bank deposits only.
  18. I thought CYBER is about hackers and illegal adult websites, darknet and scammers at cyberspace, not inspection of what knun Somnuak sells at his and one of zillion shops around Bangkok.
  19. according to the picture - interesting representation of such "inspection" ) some ladies in sportswear. Are they officers? Also quite peculiar relevance between the tourist and prostitution: thai tourist police officers are looking for tourist prostitutes? Like those foreigners who have to sell their services to make ends meet, send money to their parents, children back home and pay for that pony that broke it leg? Cute though, that's Pattaya at its best!
  20. The whole thing is illegal: so called "landlord" doesn't pay any (!!!) taxes from your payments, he posses no license and/or legal status of his activity, so called "contract" has no weight, can't be use in the court or anything else. The "contract/agreement" thingy could be written in ancient Aramaic - matters not. The owner of the house/flat/room/cell can do whatever whenever he/she/it fancies. Even sell property with tenant, change monthly payments and schedules. Isn't that exciting?! On the subject: talk, be nice to "owner", don't "wai" too much, try to convince he/she/it nicely. If not than move away asap.
  21. So, his "fake passport" was good enough to fly over Europe. That says a lot about uptight airport security )
  22. Sir, they (private or bilingual or whatever they call themselves) are thai companies and thai rules are applying too. I got "admission fee" back, although it took almost a year, but judge was clearly upset with attitude of school's attorney. Also the "application fee" is the sign of BS, in fact huge load of BS. My friend told me to enroll into school in China Town (Yowarat area) and it was very-very stupid to ignore his advise.
  23. Most likely these are internal affairs. Why spend $$ on drugs when you can purchase pr0n at about 30thb and stash it somewhere in the monastery?
  24. "legal or illegal" is completely up to the officer looking for a tip ) none of friends won that verbal battle with them "no, it was not working illegally, I was browsing Internet" or "helping my friend to paint a fence". They are and always will have the last word. Even packing and sending few parcels at ThailandPost in Pattaya was considered "illegal work without work permit" and cost one dude 3.000 thb in bribe.
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