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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. how did he get those pictures in a first place? dumb <deleted> posed nude to bring some spice into their love life? sickening!
  2. go altcoins, nevermind btc
  3. Looks like early version of ChatGPT "write me a scary story how I won over Russians with only eyeballing" Today's GPT 3.5: Here is a scary story for you: Title: "The Stare Down" In a small, remote village nestled deep within the Russian wilderness, rumors of a mysterious outsider began to spread. This stranger was said to have a chilling ability — the power to win over people with just a look in their eyes. As the tales grew darker, the villagers became more curious and fearful. One fateful night, during the coldest winter the village had ever seen, the stranger appeared at the edge of town. With an icy gaze that seemed to pierce through the soul, the outsider challenged the locals to a staring contest. Anyone who met his eyes was rumored to fall under his control forever. One by one, the bravest villagers stepped forward, their hearts pounding with fear. But as soon as they locked eyes with the stranger, a sense of dread overcame them, and they succumbed to his silent power. As the night wore on, the village fell into a trance-like state, its inhabitants helpless under the stranger's spell. But then, a young woman, known for her unwavering courage, stepped up to face the outsider. She stared back at him, her eyes fierce and unyielding. The stranger's gaze wavered for the first time, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his face. Sensing his vulnerability, the woman intensified her stare, pouring all her strength and willpower into her eyes. And in that moment, something remarkable happened. The outsider faltered, his powers weakening under her unwavering gaze. With a scream of frustration, he vanished into the shadows, never to be seen again. The village was saved, and the young woman became a legend, revered for her bravery and her ability to conquer evil with nothing but the power of her eyes. And so, the tale of how a village defeated a mysterious foe with only the strength of a single gaze was whispered throughout the land, a reminder of the enduring power of courage in the face of darkness. I hope you find this story suitably spine-chilling and engaging! If you'd like more details or a different direction, feel free to let me know!
  4. I see! No, just Binance, not a Binance TH. I opened it (I think) early 2019 back home. So far there are different exchanges and different purposes. I don't do crypto-futures trades and intraday trades. Rather keeping and building up.
  5. Just traded at Binance. No probs at all. I buy and sell crypto into fiat through p2p
  6. according to my experience this statement is false
  7. Maybe offtopick, but: five floors running aircons "independently" - maybe you should consider central air conditioning like in hotels? Single powerful compressor instead of 5? Second: invite some expert from insulation company to fix leakage of cold air? You're not conditioning air around your house, right? Third: Electric ovens. Its a luxury, shouldn't use in Thailand. Use gas instead. Sorry @cmike, but that's where I would start.
  8. men who change and improve their environment for better, bring newer technology deserve respect, unlike bozzos sipping their booze and watching time passing by. also it brings healthy motivation to locals.
  9. Great post(s) worth subscribing to. Respect!
  10. Cool! its 59K now!
  11. Agree 100%. There is some hatred, negative vibe toward men. I don't want to "go Freud" on the subject, but I noticed that it is quite general attitude. Friend of mine somehow manages to "shmoink" tom and it was worst experience for him.
  12. We do shopping for books at abebooks dot com Shipped from US, Great deals. Suddenly after introduction of audio books I became too lazy to read, rather to listen. Even "Moby's Dick" 😉 However, books like "Three men in a boat" and any book of Mark Twain I'd rather read than listen. Just not the same effect.
  13. Yes, indeed. Love that book! Great humor and very easy story telling.
  14. Once upon a time the air condition system suddenly went down in the server room with forest of racks. Bang Rak, Bangkok, CAT IDC. And they couldn't bring it back to work for several days.
  15. to have this data "the influencer" should have an access to browsing data of users in Thailand. Which is impossible, only Mossad can do such a trick [<<<joke] Google trends don't show this data. Then where did he pulled this info from? From his imagination likely. Remember, he has to "influence" his audience.
  16. Also almost every brit I met was in SAAS, few worked with Govt. military contractors like Raytheon. All were very big "back than".
  17. @Conno, yes, p2p. don't see much difference about it.
  18. what is wrong with old Binance? Being using it since forever. what bitkub?
  19. isn't it auto-immune? And yes, the huge money are being made on these "treatments": from Dead Sea salt to weird ointments and strontium injections. Big business, bigger that shaft enlargement products. However... There's ancient chinese formula for treating outbreaks of psoriasis - it does not cure it, but certainly makes outbreaks less disturbing and painful. Herbal, cheaper and available in Bangkok China Town pharmacies. And no, there's no cure. Yet.
  20. TBH, I've heard this "excuse" since last century: manifesting own inabilities to someone's faults. The "secret" beyond this is simple: all good guys are engaged with good and decent girls, good, humble and sweet girls are taken too. What's left is (sorry) leftovers. Dumb office bimbos, mommy little boys, boys2girls and vicious toms. kinda natural selection.
  21. Well, our neighbor had failed relationship with girls (2 are very hi-so, one was a colonel's daughter - very nice, cute and spoiled rotten). Did he turn to boys? Nope! He just reduced importance of "relationships" and now having fun with friends at karaoke bars with hostesses. Tomboys are very edgy, angry and often freaky (bad experience at work)
  22. Thank you, @LosLobo, very kind of you to conclude this conversation. Nice!
  23. Example: I saw old thai lady at 7/11 who tried to warm up tin can (sardines I guess) in microwave oven. I knew I should warn her but how could I explain to her why exactly she shouldn't do it? Hi frequency over metal object and other subjects of physics won't ring a bell in her head. Same goes to those "poisonings": for some it is easier to "believe" into Novichok stories, capsules with polonium and other Hollywood trash instead to learn and analyze the subject. Whatever.
  24. Peskov is not that Chief ^^^^ He is just press-secretary... However his story s quite remarkable and he (Peskov) was often a "star" of Navalny's "investigations". Esp. a million dollars watch and honey moon on a yacht for many thousands euros per day.
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