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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. That's the second "Hell No!" toward online biz. Kids and wannabees "open" e-store, register marketplace account, pay local famous "programmua" just to find out that their "high quality, hand-made goods" are sold at Chatuchak at 10% of what they pay. And for the reason beyond their understanding [suddenly] nobody is interesting. There are some tricks how to prevent such <deleted>-ups. But in online commerce the actual product is the last thing to worry. Bring real customers without selling leg and arm often is quite tricky. Been there done that )
  2. Wait a sec: Interesting! The best way to sell whatever you fancy is your own website. Do whatever, write, promote, post, accept any payment, chat, run your FAQ. Sell a single item, sell 999 items. Sky is the limit and its completely yours. However the second mega-portal is FB. I can say that from experience. Etzy, Ebay and the rest? too expensive to maintain and (funny part) is very easy to copy - this is how my pal biz went belly-up. Some kids simply copied his items with 5% discount. Now payment processor. Sad PayPal left us. ^^^ Maybe should start from this point? How to accept payments, how to send items with confidence? And how to manage disputes/refunds?
  3. Mother of 4. OMG Last month Phuket Immigration departed 43 y.o. mother of 3 due to some "discrepancies" with marriage visa transfer into new passport following her overstay. Husband is "Elvis's impersonator" at entertaining venues around Phuket. She is officially banned from Thailand for 1 year.
  4. @Kenny202 Good point. Totally agree whatever they consider "correct sinsod" will always be "not enough" and "hell no!" for each side. I'm not familiar with brave and bold folk of Isaan, but in Bangkok the best sinsod I saw was a down payment for new condo. Seemed legit: he paid, condo is in her name and the money are in the family. PS: seems that some northern girls are not that illiterate if they are able to maintain quite broad conversation with their farang bf, do they?
  5. That's hot. wait a minute: is it Fahrenheit or Celsius?
  6. bags of Ketamine at the den behind car wash? doesn't sound like some rich ppl hangout, rather tuk-tuk & motosye cage. When rich folks have fun (in LOS) they simply hire partymaker who arranges huge suite, penthouse, girls/boys/LB, drugs (real one), booze and proper security. And yes, police knows about it. Party goes for days, lots of fun! Its very private though. Ketamine is for pets.
  7. disgusting! reminds me the massage near Fortune Ratchada where the fat owner offered "fresh ones" as a normal business operation. long ago
  8. And your point is? what-about-ism? Try to engage in ****** and you'll get ***** in %Contry-Name% I condemn this barbaric rule to throw unfortunate folks into cells with criminal scum.Whatever their reason they don't deserve <deleted> holes like Bangkok IDC or that one at Surathani. Making jokes and funny references about "overstayers" is fine until some of your close friends got into this mess. Everything turns into "big problem" - letter from Embassy, copies of whatever, food, money, tickets, relatives who refuse to comprehend "why so much money for completely innocent person". Hell, real hell. And at the end - zero appreciation 'cos Bill from Pattaya could do it for 50% and almost immediately with his "connections".
  9. The problem is not about that african fella, but the idea that so-called "overstay" turn from mere 100THB/day fine into hardcore criminal offence many foreigners are not aware of. As far as I noticed there are no "You gonna rot in IDC if you dare to stay longer in this Kingdom" banners, flyers etc. Meanwhile its says very clearly on Malaysian border they will hang you for a pack of weed (kinda). However: by common sense overstaying is not THE criminal offence, but unfortunately it is in Thailand.
  10. his nom is Banan? Jan Banan sounds like a curse )
  11. Seems that PayPal (the original, not BKK office) will continue to function as payment wallet for a while - you will be able to send payments from your balance and debit your plastic to make payments. Without NID. Why? Typical: they didn't complete transfer as was planned in march'22 and october'22. So Dec.15 likely won't be able to receive payments to your account registered in Thailand. Foreigners for sure, but what will happen to Thai accounts with NID - ?
  12. On this day James Morrison was born. Always look on positive side.
  13. Thank you @bradiston. so that refers to section 38 of the Immigration Act 1979, not an article 38. Which brings quite obvious idea of partial incompetence of that Phanthana. Jokes aside, it never ceased to amaze me how freely men-in-uniform play with laws and rules. They apply it whatever they think should be or would be appropriate, not following it ...
  14. sweden uses thai baht as the local currency. good. Nordic police dept. of Swedish Embassy? No, it doesn't work this way, that's load of <deleted>. Whatever department of any embassy can't "inform IB". And the last perl is "under Article 38" - what Article 38? Of life and Universe and Everything?
  15. the only interesting is his name: McLaughlin. I heard it somewhere long long time ago. "love this country" - very childish excuse, very.
  16. Nice and peace loving people of Thailand. Just keep on smiling )
  17. Look at "Crime Triangle Theory" on the wall. I just love Suthisan Police Station.
  18. This is the dumbest attempt to do "SEO" over street vendor.
  19. Wolfgang? There was some really awesome Wolfgang von ******** in Pattaya about 23 years ago. Cool fella.
  20. that's sad: they treat folks who are unable to renew their visas (for unfortunate reasons) as criminals. Each person I know who stays "a little bit too long" in Thailand is a nice, calm and friendly. Meanwhile "legal farangs" are often ______________<deleted>.
  21. English-only speaking teacher doesn't qualify as the actual teacher. In primary school he/she is a clown speaking some weird lingvo. Later - he's simply boring. high school: just copy whatever he/she writes on the white board and cheat with assesments. Dig this: there's something called "science class" and teeecha Steeef clicking through PowerPoint presentation about formation of Earth. He uses terms "plates" and "core". How he can explain to thai kids what are those? By pictures? Seriously? In primary teeecha Andyyy could not explain what is table what is desk. In KMUTT there's old fart doctor E***** from UK (who is so good he got residence permit) teaching thermodynamics. Although he was around LOS for more than 35 years he can't read thai and barely talks to street vendors and occasional merchants. Thermodynamics in University in English while kids simply don't speak it well enough to learn/study.
  22. complete "nothing burger" as Hillary would say. Not even a shred of information.
  23. 150 foreigners smoking 16 hookahs. Definitely something freaky and herpessy
  24. Doesn't sound complete. None is able to pass through Ben Gurion's security system - not only scanners but even some sniffing devices [for explosives I guess]. Most likely there was some smuggling involved with more than just a bullets and this story ^^^ is complete made up rubbish.
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