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Everything posted by NativeBob

  1. Isn't all about money? very big and un-auditable money. <deleted>-load of money.
  2. Not in TH. we ended with SuperMicro baremetal servers, but used to purchase Intel platforms. Dell is only the Dell if you can get their outstanding support. Here in Bkk it is just another overpriced hardware. I met sysadmin at data center at Bangrak who tried to get thier famous "remote testing" service. Pathetic.
  3. I'm happy with Samsung, my friend got LG for years. Unbreakable. Built my desktops from Aliexpress shops and happy very much )
  4. Don't buy Dell in TH. Unlike US tech. support is remarkable here is hellish. Go for some Korean brands. Since whenever Dell was a pain in the behind, even Dell servers.
  5. Nice! She thinks UN building is full of dumb-<deleted> folks who could be that easily manipulated. Lovely! PS: Poland this days is like supermarket of any arms and military equipment. Not surprised.
  6. Things will improve significantly if taxes will be collected/paid. How are they going to implement it in this country - is a big question, but they should start. Online businesses are doing really big - domestic and international. I noticed hundreds parcels from a single merchant at our post office. some cosmetics sold on FB with thai addresses. Look at thai-based merchants on Ebay - amazing too. And there are thousands standalone e-commerce shops. None pay anything. And who will ignore OnlyFans performers?
  7. Holy <deleted>! (Defamatory post removed) @Lemsta69 Thanks alot!
  8. Those stamps feature the Garuda, that make this offence very serious. Once young lady was arrested at Malaysian border with such "visa" and was escorted to that horrible jail at Surat Thani. Finally her BF had a chance to pull her back (about a year) she lost her hair and few teeth - that bad conditions.
  9. What exactly was it? - Cash? Wire transfer? What currency? - humanitarian support in the form of "Sardines and Crackers"? - Few tons of rice: jasmin, brown, grade C? - Thoughts and Prayers Obama style? Seriously 5M even in $ still is ridiculous. PS: Yesterday they pulled little kid who spent 76 hours under debris. Horrible!
  10. What does it mean "in their computer" is that yes, Imm. got few server racks at CAT building at Bangrak running Oracle databases. And it was set more than 20 years ago. Yes, everything you can see on your passport (related to Thailand) is there. Photos and fingerprints too. But, very huge but: that much of data called BIg Data, and even running simple update query is a tedious task, but so far it works just fine. To conclude: it won't be difficult to get a list of (say) all overstayers from Kiwi-land older than 65 with overstay more than 105 days. Print it and than what? Publish it on some bounty website? Give it as booklet (quite big too) to every policeman? Hang them at 7/11, bus terminals, tube's entrances? PS: But the bounty idea looks appealing - there're so many farangs willing to do exactly this kind of "volunteering job" )
  11. Never mind. I have difficult experience with agent in Pattaya, quite arrogant brit. Also I heard different prices for "poor farang" option for ret.visa. I stay in Bangkok but agent in Pattaya - how about house/apartment registration? He told me not to worry about that, but what is the correct way? I never "register" my place - cheap <deleted> apartment, condo, house, townhouse. I went to report 90 days at CW in Bangkok, but they told me to go to Pattaya, as my visa was issued there. So confusing )
  12. Interesting. can you please PM me some details about their charge for "unlucky poor" farang? kindly, I won't mention
  13. The concept of Trinity is the best ever: he turn himself into dove, did <deleted> underage arabian girl (which was married) just to impregnate her with himself, later watching himself dying on the cross. and yes, resurrected himself while [guess?] watching the whole saga. I'd choose Shiva. More entertaining, less whipping.
  14. I thought the dumbest idea was during Trump reign that "Chinese server motherboards have spy software preinstalled within", but Aussies shows much "higher class" of dumb <deleted>.
  15. Even 20+ years ago flee markets at Charoen Krung and Yowarat incl. Saphan Lek and nearby were pathetic. Nowadays there's nothing left, except real garbage at premium prices. Walk from Saphan Kwai junction toward Chatuchak on weekends? Sorry but nothing as well. (TBH amulets only).
  16. The eternal question "What qualifies as the job in Thailand?" And the most popular mistake farangs do: to lecture policeman about the subject. Been there done that ) PS: buy roti and kebobs at KSR? Yuck! Even pad-thai looks disgusting there, but roti and kebobs?
  17. Long ago was the exact story: police arrested foreigner for fixing a fence at his house. Police claimed he should assign this task to local.
  18. Brisbane. fat and ugly Australian man did that through his "boyfriend" honorary something. Wilbert was his name. peace of <deleted>.
  19. Strange, why should anyone ask "where's money come from?". Back in 1999 I bought condo in Bangkok from thai woman married to taiwanese fella. All paperworks were held by old dude at the condo office. No questions were asked, only proof of payment and passports.
  20. this is not even funny: send war-craziest mongrel to settle truce between two nations. before americans got involved there were no issues between them. kids went to Gaza markets, no checkpoints and sudden explosions. All <deleted> went loose after Oslo. Next was that soviet student Arafat, donations from both sides supporters and this is what they got now. But Blinken? Even Kushner looked more legit, and that was really entertaining [his peace plan].
  21. first as a tragedy, second as a joke
  22. For e-commerce owners/merchants found and moved to different payment processors since last year. Even crypto-coins. PayPal went into complete trash over last (say) 7-10 years, with horrible customer support outsourced (I guess) at the price of rice bowl per day. Trimming 2,000 workforce is almost nothing to such giant though.
  23. so many "red lines"! What are they about? US flag? No, there are much less red lines. Does it work at all? Warnings, threats, Boris "Johnson" cow's dunk?
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