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Posts posted by OxfordWill

  1. I don't use the word "atheist" in a conversation with Thais, as most don't even know what it is (newsflash: most Christians don't either), so I simply say: "I have no religion". I then either get a friendly nod, or people would ask a few more question to explain, but after a few sentences the chapter is closed and everything goes back to normal... In other words, they just take me as I am and leave me alone. wink.png

    Now... guess what happens if I tell a Christian that I have no religion or.. god forbid I use the A-word? wink.png I saw people dropping their jaws down to the ground and faces that looked like the end is near, followed by unbelievable stupid comments such as: "So you're worship satan?", or "How can you be a moral person w/o god?" , "But you're such a nice person" [facepalm] and the freakiest so far: "So you're a free mason"? The last one came from someone from the Philippines, and I had to dig hard to find any link to the whole free masons thing.

    The problem is when you say that in thai. In Thai "I dont have a religion" is like calling yourself an immoral being. You'd typically hear it being used in anger against some absent party, who has done something so bad as to warrant being complained about above and beyond the usual "hes such a bad guy". Its like calling someone an animal, almost (but not quite).

    ไม่มีศาสนา - mai mee saat sa naa (no have religion- gasp!)

    I think better to get around it by saying "I am a student of (monk) philosophy"

    The word for which isปรัชญา (pbrat-yaa) and does not mean western analytic philosophy, but is enough of a meaning, in my experience to stop further questions about superstitious belief. While also having the added benefit of making you look smart and respectable and, most useful, of high morality.

  2. Well, you have to be something. I have thai friends who are atheist and in one case he was refused an ID card unless he wrote a religion on it, and in another case he actually managed to get a "-" or something for religion.

    So, in the Thai mindset, if you must have a religion, then what is the white religion? Christianity, of course! (Jesus was white didn't you know? So is God, too. He's also a man. Lives in the clouds and everything. Pretty cool actually. So.. see you at church?)

    • Like 1
  3. You have constructed your question in such a way that we have no choice other than to recommend you come and teach in Bangkok. So, see you soon then.

    I think you already know the answer- 4 years in Bangkok on the resume will look suspicious to a great many serious western employers. To others, it will not. The risk is there with this particular city unlike so many others.

    • Like 1
  4. Im not a doctor but my father had the same issue (not involving travelling) and eventually he was given thyroid meds which solved it. If you already know you have thyroid issues dont underestimate what neglecting the meds might do to your energy levels.

  5. Because the OP, for whatever reason, is only going to keep having issues with malware and virii if he continues to use windows at his current level of experience and understanding. For example, he asks if it might be OK to ignore it.

    Rather than try and bring him up to the level where he can avoid this issues and solve them for himself, I would suggest removing such issues from the equation entirely.

    I have used the same philosophy with my own friends, family and even staff with good results.

    Although, if you have enough free time to commit to the responsibility of your own suggestion, then all the best to you as you guide him through using hbcd.

  6. Random ones, I admit I could put more effort into it, but it's not a priority. Once of those things. However I did once go to a temple in Korat which is famous for being a place to send the alcoholic father in law etc, which have controversial but highly effective techniques which include making their guests vomit regularly.. the "abbot" there is well known, I forget the name (am useless with names) and I had a conversation with him.

    But I think, if one has to go and find one out and go to such lengths to research their specialisation or reputation then one is no longer talking about monks, but rather academics.

  7. Small town in the West vs Bangkok. I still can't believe it. Perhaps we could remove the sidewalks and if not, crowd them with vender carts and scooters and what not. Perhaps we could park the cars all askew and pay no attention to traffic or parking signs. A couple of truckloads of litter would help. A bunch of wires overhead running all askew would fit in. Import some polluted air. Put some unknown crap (literally) in the water and perhaps some in the street. Import some food of unknown origin and chemical content. Get a bunch of dogs and rats to roam the streets. Show no respect for other drivers or pedestrians. Worry about the wiring in your new house, and put in a septic or sewer system that won't drain properly. Put some loudspeakers in the streets to mimic the noise...

    Idaho's pretty nice...

    Those pics do look nice, and I found your post about replicating the feel of Bangkok in one of them very funny.

    //epic attachment fail.

  8. consider installing ubuntu - ubuntu.com - its easier than windows to download and can be installed from within windows. This will solve both your problems as:

    1) You will retain ALL your data

    2) The presence of the virus (and all the others that particular one usually bundles with) will no longer matter as cannot affect ubuntu.

    Ubuntu looks and feels familiar to most windows users.

    You will then have the chance to go through your data, sanitise bits you want and delete the rest, at your leisure.

    All without snooping repairshop guys :)

  9. Sabaijai, and anyone else, who has met and discussed something with an "insightful" monk, would you please mind sharing what was discussed and why you enjoyed it?

    I am genuinely interested. Its the kind of experience I would like to have myself but have repeatedly failed. Perhaps it is me!

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