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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Thanks guys. Nice list.

    You're right, cool blue. I didn't watch the vid. But I did add it to the list.

    wjmark, I haven't heard of that group but I'll check it out. Thanks for the offer. The dirt biker thing is new to me but it won't be to the customers.

    The rest of the suggestions are just what I was looking for. Can't ever remember titles and groups when I need them but always know it when I hear it.

    If anyone else has any favorites, type them in here. I'm sure I'll add some extra Creadance CR whether it is really biker music or not.

  2. Hi all.

    I am in need of suggestions for a good assortment of motorcycle related music/songs for playing in the background in the wife'e new cycle accessories shop. Please hit me with your favorites by title and artist. Thanks for any help you can give.


  3. Here is a route if you have the time and the balls for it, after those sweet little things get through with you. ;)

    My Map

    It is too bad that 11 is a mess around Uttaradit because 103 through the forest is a nice little road.

    How the hell do you find some of those routes / roads?

    You just get into whatever Kandahar has been into lately, and then just follow that cow. :Dave:

    (A little cross thread referencing.)

    I've been into hanging steel and Smartwood lately. The wife's little shop is almost finished. She should have her shop-warming party in the next few weeks, after she gets a little more stock in. However, I do stop and take a break here on the computer sometimes and escape into another little world just to re-set my thinking pattern. That usually lasts just long enough to smoke a cigarette (tobacco) and then, back to work.

    But, as for that cow, I have never seen anything like it. Eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail............................

  4. Ginooooooooooooo, if I am correct then you are soon to be moving to Phayao.

    If you want some advice,settle in for a year or two and enjoy your new home, then decide whether you think the restaurant would be a good idea or not.

    Do you personally know this cousin? Why is he moving back to Phayao? Do you need the aggravation of having this business running and how much control will you have? How good is your Thai?

    Why does the cousin need your financial assistance if he has been successful in Sweden?

    These are just a few of the questions you should be asking yourself.

    Please don't interpret my post as a slur of any kind against your wifes cousin, but too many people have came to grief getting involved in businesses with relatives and I would not like to see you fall into that category and get a sour introduction to your newfound life here in our beautiful country in which we have chosen to live.

    Just my two cents worth mate.

    Good luck.

    C35B :wai:

    P.S. On second thoughts what I really meant to say was DON'T DO IT!!!!!!


    Look at it this way. Which would give you more satisfaction? Two years from now, saying 'Oh, shit!", or to years from now saying "Whew, I'm glad I still have that capital in the bank!". The chances of saying, "Wow, what a good idea this has been" is very poor.

    Honestly, ask around and you'll find the numbers of people who have bet on a sure thing and lost far outweigh the numbers who have succeeded. As far as businesses and farang go in this country, from what I have seen, Thailand is the land of broken dreams. I wonder how many people here would be much better off financially if they had just held their money and enjoyed retirement. Big number, I'm sure.

    Lastly, if you're going to bet, bet on yourself, not a partner. If a idea is worth doing, it is worth doing yourself so you have responsibility over the the outcome, whether success or failure. Better to have yourself to congratulate on the success or to blame for the failure. No broken relationships with relatives or partners that way.

    Wait a few years, as recommended above. If it is a sound idea, it will still look that way two years from now. In the meantime, you will see lots of others come along and try. Learn from them before you take that big step.

  5. Okay. We're back on speaking terms then. Lemme know when you hit town. I'll get out for a cup of coffee with you. I may remember something else to see by then. I'm thinking one of the forum members recently bought a pig. Not sure. I'll check and let you know. I would like to look at a pig. That would be cool.

  6. Terrible place to stay and nothing to see here. Send me the coupon. I'll dispose of it properly.whistling.gif

    But, if you don't follow my advice, then here's some more. Spend the night, check out the next day and check into a cheaper place and have a look around for a few days. I suppose you MIGHT find something to look at. We can help you find a cheaper place to go into after you leave the Meridian and maybe we can suggest a few places to visit also. Just ask, if you need some suggestions for other nice hotels.

    As for things to see, we have a cow here at Chiang Rai. Or, at least, I think we have a cow here. We used to have one, for sure. Have you seen a cow before? Kinda cool to look at. They used to keep it near a huge white temple in the area. Stop in at the temple and ask about it. The temple is easy to find. Just look for about a hundred tour buses parked together and people running all over the place. They are trying to get a glimpse of the cow, I think. The thing just eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail, eats and swings its tail. I've never seen anything like it before. Well..... I knew this woman once...... But, no, the cow is better to watch, for sure.

    What about ducks? You seen ducks before? We got a slew of them. Some of them are kept near some of the caves around here, others are kept close to nearly all of the hot springs in this area. Others just kind of run loose at the various waterfalls in the area. Bring your camera. The ducks kinda like to have their picture taken. They just assume that nobody has seen ducks before. They walk funny. But I think they do that for a gag. I'm sure they don't always walk like that. Their little butts go left, right, left, right, left right...... Funny as can be. I'm pretty sure they just do that when we're looking. Nobody would walk like that normally. Well, I knew this woman once.... But maybe she did it on purpose too. I'm not sure. Never thought ask. Next time I see a woman do that, I'm gonna ask.

    We have a big tree. I mean huge. When you're ready to go see that, let me know. I'll guide you to it. It is in town, near the library. The canopy is probably at least fifty meters across. Pretty cool to look at. Really. It is older than you are.

    There may be some other stuff to look at. I dunno. I don't get out much. But I have seen the cow, for sure. Maybe someone else on here will think of something to see.

  7. It would be a shame for CR to lose the option of going there for meals and/or drinks. The little town needs the choices. The place certainly isn't for me but it hits the spot with others and that is important.

    As for giving up on advertising on this forum, that makes sense. Pity to sponsor a forum where the reviews of your services and goods are so negative. Personally, I think he brought that on himself. But since it happened, it makes sense to spend the advertising dollars somewhere else, where there isn't any feedback.

    I don't know if he is closed down or not. The idea that he originally had is a good one. If he drops it, maybe someone else will take advantage of the opportunity. The town needs a good, western style steak place. As for his location (distance from town), there isn't anything wrong with it. If the service and product are good, the reputation will sustain the place and people will do the drive. It IS a shorter trip than going to CM. If the product and service have shortcomings, then it only adds to the negative of a longer drive. But all of that is on the shoulders of the operator. You can't please all of the people all of the time but if you're pleasing the majority all of the time, then the positive reviews will outweigh the negative. That hasn't happened, as near as I can tell. Maybe someone can make it happen in CR. There is a market for that product and service.

  8. Don't sweat the "where to stay" thing. Lots of options.

    Ten days isn't too long here. It will be difficult to leave when it is time.

    As for those "other" guys hijacking your thread? I dunno what to say. They did that with one other thread, a long time ago. I can't believe they are up to their old tricks again. Forum etiquette is usually followed to a "T" on the ol' CR forum. Don't fret. Our iron fisted mod will be along shortly and straighten those guy out.

  9. Now don't you guys go getting all worked up about a BIG bike show. It ain't Sturgis. It truly is just a few of the locals getting together, trying to build up some more interest, locally. But for a few nice guys from out of town, the show, plus a day of hanging round the city, will round out a nice trip. And you all may make a few new friends.

    raylo, concerning the awesome Aussie, you're much more likely to be captured by his lens than actually meeting him. He's camera shy but stealthily seems to make sure everyone else ends up on his memory card. However, if you do end up meeting him, it will be a good thing.

  10. This is the funniest exchange I have read for some time. Made my morning.

    See the website http://www.chiangraitourist.com/ and click on the event you want to check out. A little map opens up with the general location and a small spiel concerning the event is printed at the top of the map.

    Sorry. I thought everyone except Stu knew where the old jail is.

    Check that website often. It has updates added as they come in. New events that are discovered are added and date and time changes are edited into it for events that have already been posted. The dude does a good job of keeping it current but it can only be as current as the info he receives. If you folks know of other events or schedule changes, contact him via the website and let him know. Also, let him know of any phone number contact for the organizer of said event. He posts the phone numbers for contact info alongside the event info, which is pretty handy when you have specific questions that you need to ask of the organizer. You'll notice that the Boomerang park thing is on the calendar for yesterday and today. Good place to check out with the kids this weekend. But it isn't at the old jail.sad.gif

  11. Hi Mike.

    I haven't a clue about the routes you may take. I don't get out much. The others have much better input about that. I just know the CM crowd is always dreaming about moving to CR. I don't blame them. Anyway, if you skip CM, that gives you an extra day or so to spend time cruising the back roads here. There are lots pf places to see in this area, within a day's, or half-day's, ride. I haven't seen or been to any of them but I hear a lot about them.

    I too, couldn't figure the connection with jubby's youtube thing. I think he just kind of posts them at random in different topics to keep our resident awesome Aussie happy. However, he may have some input about the beautiful routes into the little town. And the awesome Aussie probably can help with the route thing. He's not a biker but he travels more than some. VF nominated a route for you already and he is probably as well-traveled (but not as well-worn) as most of the guys here.

    If you need it, PM me and I'll send my phone number for ease of contact when you arrive. Otherwise, you can just show up here at the house. We're on the pinned Google map.

  12. Thanks all. Looks like we will have a team here in about 20 minutes. However, if any more of you have recommendations, go ahead and post. I know another guy who is looking for the same. I think he needs them this coming week. The guys coming to my place are doing it as a favor and will go ahead with other commitments after they are done here.

  13. You'd need to shop around, but it would take good local language skills.

    Every time you drove past a building site, call in, check the workmanship and take names and numbers.

    There's some guys finishing a tiling job in our village, a block of shopfront places.

    No. I won't go and see them, come out and look for yourself... :lol:

    Go have a look and let me know how they are doing. Then take down their info and send it to me. If the report is good, I'll contact you and you can negotiate the price with them. If that works out, then go ahead and load them up and deliver them here. You'll need to stay to supervise. Oh, and bring your tools for them to borrow also.

  14. A subcontracting firm would go well but a man-power type place would do better. If there were a one-stop place to go with requests for skilled labor, maids, cooks, nurses and such, the little company would make a handsome percentage on all of the referrals they made. However, I would pity them, trying to keep a good work force lined up. That would be one tough job in this town. If I thought it wasn't a pain in the ass, I would have set the wife up with that business two years ago.

  15. Anyone with knowledge of a good tile layer that might be available, please let me know, here or via PM. Need a phone number or other way of contacting said tradesperson. It is a small job, about 25 square meters. Looking for someone fast and very good. I know of several but they are either committed to other jobs right now or are off for the holidays. I'm impatient and would like to have it done right away.


  16. Guys, I’m afraid we might be bordering on being a bit too clever and creative for the average out-of-towner. A lot of cross-thread references and inside jokes, here today. We might need to dumb it down a little. ;)

    VF, what do you mean "Guys"? It is only you and me and I know you aren't talking to you.

    I'm sure, with a handle of br549, our Junior Samples friend knows some of this isn't meant for him and he has a sense of humor. He's confident enough to give himself that moniker, so I'll trust his judgement.

    But, Mike, if you're having trouble with any of this, I type these next words REAL SLOW:



































































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