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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. The good news is, you don't have to take an expensive tuk tuk. The little blue truck/buses will be waiting for you at the new bus station and they make the run to the downtown (old) bus station. I think it is 20 baht. Can't recall for sure.

  2. Quote: "Did I quote you KD? No, so don't be so sensitive. Your post was obviously tongue-in-cheek and not scaremongering (although I'm not sure why you chose to resurrect this thread, it only attracts daft posts from dumb & dumber which I then feel obliged to reply to), the ones I was referring to were the "I once knew a guy with a 1 tonne Rottweiler/werewolf cross that used to eat babies for breakfast' etc etc

    Hopefully you'll take on board Jubby's request and not bump this thread again but if you do I'll promise not to post again regardless of how much sh1t people write.

    I'll leave you with this video of a Rottweiler which shows the TRUE temperament of these beautiful dogs, hope you enjoy it, it has over 2 million hits!"

    It is still,Thursday. I'm still having fun. I'm not sensitive about this at all.rolleyes.gif

    But I didn't watch the video. I don't watch any of them on here.

    Just between you and I (nobody else read this, okay?laugh.gif), I was having fun with your known good humor when I resurrected the thread. And, I'll probably do it again. And some of the late-comers will probably weigh in. And things won't change one bit between your dog and you, or cmjantje's dogs and him.

    But just to get us all back on track, I will concur with something cmjantje said. An older dog will help a whole lot when you bring a new pup on the place. I never had to teach my Great Pyrenees pups anything. The older dogs knew the do's and don'ts and they made sure the little ones learned them quickly.

  3. Well aren't I a lucky boy then as my beautiful, sweet-natured, friendly, playful and non-aggressive female Rottweiler is only 32kg and very different to the vast majority of the vicious, ferocious beasts that these dogs normally turn out to be.

    Bored now, can Mr Moderator close this thread, apart from giving scaremongers the opportunity to write nonsense it's pointless!

    Sorry. I forgot about the "Don't have fun on Thursdays" rule.

  4. Yes, many stories abound concerning this subject.

    I too, have a "Rottweiler gone bad" story. I hate to pick on the breed but the facts are the facts. Years ago, my younger brother attacked an old and half-lame German Sheppard. Myself and my other brothers tried to pull my younger brother away from the poor dog but my younger brother turned on us. Fortunately, he wasn't able to bite any of us. Unfortunately, he began to become more and more aggressive after that. We considered many options as a way to settle him down but we finally settled on neutering him. We took him to the vet for the procedure but the vet didn't like the idea. My brothers and I ended up doing the procedure at home. It took five of us to do it. It turns out the younger brother didn't like the idea either.

    The procedure really didn't make him any less aggressive. In fact, he got worse. So, back to the vet we went, to have him put down but again, the vet didn't like the idea. So, we took him home and put him to sleep ourselves. It was a tough thing to do. My father was especially upset because his golf clubs suffered quite a bit from that procedure.

    Later, both of my parents began to miss my younger brother. My brothers and I bought them the most aggressive, dangerous Rottweiler we could find, as a substitute for my brother. All was well for a short time but the dog eventually started to become a lap dog and to play nicely with the neighbor's cats. The longer time went on, the less afraid everyone became of him. He finally died of old age after spending the last ten years of his life sitting on chicken eggs and hatching them in the hen house. So, all in all, I would say you have to be a careful.

  5. Concerning the place to stay, I would suggest just showing up and having a look. As has been mentioned before, you will have some people on hand to help you when you arrive. It is not a problem to give you a tour of the prospective places when you arrive and let you decide for yourself. You can get a decent hotel room for a night or two until you make a decision. Don't fret.

  6. Ah ha. So it was the 2.00 a.m. post after all. Happy to hear you have settled down. So, CR is a fine little town after all, isn't it?

    If you don't wake up until the sun is going down, you wouldn't be able to make it to the potluck. However, if you find yourself getting up early on that day, come join us. You're likely to meet a whole slew of the posters from this forum and I haven't met a bad one yet. Except me.

    "if you want to bore the rest of us and stay up boozing half the night, then I suggest you go to bed early, rise early and enjoy the pleasures of the sunset and early morning mists -Best time of the day here."

    I like to go out chasing the ladys and boozing. :rolleyes: same as you.

    11:00 pm is hardly half the night :P

    I do go to bed early. At about 8:00am :lol:

    Early morning mists and sunrises are enjoyed just before going to sleep B)

    sunsets are enjoyed after waking from hybernation :D

    Don't be so critical of others who are just blowing off steam. Sorry, was thinking with "My other Head" after something similar to coitis interuptus by the boys in brown who decided to interrupt a nice encounter way way before closing time. :o

    This is Thailand, and yes we do have to deal with it. But when it is openly applied unfairly, sometimes one gets upset. :jap:

    There are many fine people, life, and bars in this town and I agree :jap: I never said otherwise. Just venting about the earlier than normal uncalled for closing on that night when all the local venues were left alone and open til their normal 4 or 5am.

    All of us know why. It is a non-spoken fact :ph34r:

  7. The Den Ha market has it in the large rice sacks, maybe 20 kilos. It is kept in a back room and is sold by the "anchor" store at that market. Just ask anyone in that market, they will point out the shop for you. It is the "pressed" or "compressed" style, long cylinders with a hole through the center. Burns for hours. The price is a bit high, in my opinion. The stuff is available all over town but I haven't shopped for better prices yet. I should. I buy quite a bit of it. I would guess if you find their supplier, you would get it for half price.

    Please let us know what type and where you purchase yours.

  8. Several friends recommend the rental shop that can be found going north from the Fat Free Bicycle shop, about one half block. I think the name of the place is called Work at Home. It is also a nice cafe and has the best tuna sandwiches in town. If you need the particulars, I'll get them and post them here or PM you. Anyway, the recommendations include no BS about damage to rentals. Honest folks, I am told, concerning the rentals.

    Concerning the dangers, don't sweat it. Considering how many cycles are on the road here on any given day, your chances of trouble are pretty small. Same with the cops. Even if they get you, it isn't a biggie.

    If you arrive here and need help or transport to the shop, let me know. I can pick you up at the airport or the bus station.

    Just relax about your time here. Horror stories for tourists here are few and far between.

  9. This is NOT the bakery on the same side of the street as the day market, which is associated with a resort and charges 900 baht for a pie. Cross the street, tell the lady what you want. She will bring her daughter up front to get the details from you. The daughter is in charge of baking/making the products. I have asked for very specific variations of different items there and they do exactly as I ask.

    Is it on the map? Which side of the market is it on.... directions regarding the new and old clock towers?

    Sounds interesting anyway.

    I doubt it is on the map.

    Between the two clock towers. Headed to the new, from the old, go about 1/2 or 3/4 of a block. It is on your left if you go that way. Only bakery on that side in that block, I think. If you find there are two, just go for the one with the lady who speaks fluent English. I cannot remember if it is before you pass the bank or after, but I think it is after, as you head towards the new clock from the old.

    In my experience with her, her attitude is not "Here is what we sell, take it or leave it", but instead, "What would you like for us to make for you?". The daughter speaks good English as well.

    Good luck.

  10. I doubt she'll have those nice rolled out perfectly square pastry sheets with layers of waxed paper between them so you can just slip one sheet at a time out of the freezer.

    You could make sausage rolls!!!

    All this whinging about pies, where can you find a decent sausage roll... :(

    I too doubt she will have them. But I don't doubt that she will prepare a good load of them for you and at a good price, wax paper and all. Give her a visit and see. Let us know.

  11. This is NOT the bakery on the same side of the street as the day market, which is associated with a resort and charges 900 baht for a pie. Cross the street, tell the lady what you want. She will bring her daughter up front to get the details from you. The daughter is in charge of baking/making the products. I have asked for very specific variations of different items there and they do exactly as I ask.

  12. I need to find somewhere to buy frozen sheets of pastry and I'll have a shot at making my own.

    I can do the fillings, no problem, I bought a bag of frozen blackberries at Macro that would be brilliant, but I just find pastry making a huge pain in the arse.

    Check the little bakery right across the street from the day market. Lady from the Philippines owns and runs it. Very accommodating person. Very near the Kung Thai Bank (KTB, blue signs).

  13. Is this the place to comment, I don't know

    I am from Devon in England and I know what a pastie should taste like.

    I have eaten two pies from this Sausageking place the last 2 days and I have to say they are disgusting.

    My wife bought 3 of them and I'm sure the third one will end up in the fish pond.

    I don't know what English pies are supposed to taste like. But overall, I find the products pretty good. I think we are lucky to have one more place to shop for our comfort foods, even if one or more products isn't what we expect. Beats the hell out of driving to CM to buy the products.

    I also do not know what the British style curry dishes are supposed to taste like. Have never had them in the UK. However, the ones that SK makes are a treat for me. Never had such a good curry dish. Makes me envy the Brit folks who have spent their lives enjoying them, if indeed the ones at home taste like the ones that SK offers here. I have eaten many curry dishes prepared by Indian and Pakistani cooks. Those dishes aren't nearly as good as the ones SK offers.

  14. This is an odd rant, isn't it?

    The Thais aren't so unhappy with the way the police perform their duties. That is the only standard we Farang need to be concerned about. We are guests in this country, like it or not. If not, there are other countries where they allow foreigners to become a part of the system and influence the changes that are implemented. Do you have money for the flight?

    In my own personal dealings with the police, I find comfort in their friendliness. In my home country, I can be pretty much assured of a 3,000 or 6,000 baht equivalent ticket if I am stopped. Here, I just reach into my pocket and start handing out business cards when I am stopped and I have yet to receive a ticket. We discuss the business mentioned on the cards and then they allow me to go on my way with a "See you soon!". It seems each traffic stop is an opportunity, not a thing to be avoided. And if I did receive a ticket, I would not have to worry about it being 3,000 baht or, the first in a series of three that would see my privileges revoked upon receiving the third ticket in a given time frame. And not to forget, having the cost of my insurance increased dramatically because of the tickets.

    The bar thing? Small potatoes. Let it go. Each business man knows what he is getting into before he buys into one. He already knows the hours he will have to work with. And for the customers, they can always go to the Thai bars, if late nights are what they are after.

    Over all, Chiang Rai isn't a crap town at all. It seems as if you were wishing it was like other towns in Thailand. The fact that it isn't is what keeps me here. Maybe the fact that it isn't is what will keep you on the move. Good luck.

  15. You bring two good points that are worth consideration.

    Of course the rental shops pay extra for that privilege, based on how many rentals they do.. Now, 16 people invited over to watch a movie that one person rented is a different story and hard to defend.

    Libraries were, of course, started to bring works to people who could not afford them. Tax payers footed the bills so all could enjoy. Long waits for a good product aren't something that goes over well these days, hence libraries are dying out in many cities.

    Have a happy new year.

    What is defined in written laws or codes should not be what governs us in their absence.. Did you deprive the artist of his share of the proceeds? Did you deprive the publication company of their share of the proceeds after they fronted the money in good faith to bring the idea to the market? I don't care what is written. I know what is right by my standards of behavior.

    What about the library!

    It can buy 1 book, CD or DVD and lend it to a million people ..... no extra income for the author.

    Tell me if you think that's right ..... are all people who use a library stealing!

    What about movie rental shops ... is that wrong.

    I think every movie producer, book author and musician would close those places if they could get away with it.

    Let's face it ,current copyright laws are nothing to do with right and wrong, or protecting artists, but are the product of billions of $ of corruption and bribery among American politicians.

    Sorry .... totally off topic rant!

  16. I'm in no mood to fight. I'm in a great mood.

    If you have written anything here that warrants being removed, I have missed it.

    Food for thought never hurts. Thoughtless comments often do.

    And don't start in about my fuse length. Jubby is constantly querying me on that and it isn't his business either. For the life of me, I can't figure out why you guys are so interested.smile.gif

    I'm off to a party. Happy new year. To all.

    I think you need to learn to take things a little less literally sometimes Kandahar.

    You have had a very short fuse recently.

    Please re-read my initial post without LOOKING for a reason to fight.

    My comments on "superiority" were not intended to be anti-Thai nor patronising to Thai people and I do not believe that anybody other than you could find them to be.

    In any case, if the moderators consider them such they will be removed won't they?

    If that happens, it will mean you were right and I will do the decent thing and apologise.

  17. What is defined in written laws or codes should not be what governs us in their absence.. Did you deprive the artist of his share of the proceeds? Did you deprive the publication company of their share of the proceeds after they fronted the money in good faith to bring the idea to the market? I don't care what is written. I know what is right by my standards of behavior.

    As for downloading a copy of something you have paid for already, I agree with you. One time of buying it is enough. I know what is right by my standards of behavior. But. I'm the only one that has to live with myself.

    From the consumer's point of view, yes there are a tremendous number of freebies out there. From the artist's point of view, there are a tremendous number of thieves out there.

    Copyright infringement is not theft, it is not stealing, maybe the best description of the crime would be unlawful copying.

    Stealing is the intention to permanently deprive someone of their property. Property is defined as a physical item .... not thought or ideas.

    Electronic data is not property nor has it ever been defined as property by any legal system in any country in this world, therefore it cannot be stolen.

    One could argue that having once paid to view a piece of 'data' distributed in whatever form, then one has already purchased the right to view that data in any other form.

    (so for example buying a vinyl record of say 'dark side of the moon' should entitle one to download it as an MP3, or burn on a CD, etc.)

    But of course publication companies like to sell essentially the same product to the same person over and over again.

    Anyway, I have bought 1,000s of physical books and if I want to download them again at no cost to myself for use on an e-book reader .... damned if I will pay again, and damned if I will allow anyone to call me a thief for doing it!

  18. It looks to me as if Scea's pioneering habits are sweeping the world.


    The problem with this of course, will be getting people to pay for them. An eBook is a lot easier to upload and download than a movie in torrent type sites and look at the huge amount of files obtained for free in that field.

    It's a real moral dilemma, is downloading intellectual property theft? Does it fall into the same class as burglary and car stealing?

    What the publishers should do is radically lower the prices on the downloads and wage a massive PR campaign about how creators will eventually stop creating if they can't ever get paid. I think readers would actually be more open to that message than film watchers.

    That is a GRAND idea. There is no reason to charge the current book prices if printing a tree-killing fees are not involved. It may even be a good idea to ban the printed ones. If the prices were held down as you suggest, the works would be much more attractive to the readers.

  19. It varies by country of course. There is a lot more "stealing" per capita in Thailand than the US. Cultural differences, don't you know ...

    Tell that to Bernie. That would tickle him. The per capita thing will make him feel better.

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