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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Here's another thought, to go along with Will's suggestion about sharing, giving or trading movies.

    Lots of us don't go to bars or expat meetings and therefore, wouldn't be involved in exchanging movies at those places. For that group, maybe it IS a good idea to bring movies to the pot luck. If you want the movie returned to you, mark your name on it. If you don't care if it comes back to you, don't mark it. Each person that takes one or more movies can return it at the next, or a future, pot luck. I will go ahead and bring about 20 movies to the upcoming pot luck. My name will be on some of them but not all. And if a movie that I hope is returned does not come back, I'm not going to be upset about it. After all, everything we want to watch is available out there in other places anyway.

    Could do the same with books. I haven't time for reading right now so I don't have any books to contribute nor would I be borrowing any.

    That's an idea mate.

    Not sure if I'll be going so if not, will give a box to someone who is.



    Of course, it was your idea to bring the movies to the pot luck, and a good one at that. I'm just trying to garner more interest now.

  2. Here's another thought, to go along with Will's suggestion about sharing, giving or trading movies.

    Lots of us don't go to bars or expat meetings and therefore, wouldn't be involved in exchanging movies at those places. For that group, maybe it IS a good idea to bring movies to the pot luck. If you want the movie returned to you, mark your name on it. If you don't care if it comes back to you, don't mark it. Each person that takes one or more movies can return it at the next, or a future, pot luck. I will go ahead and bring about 20 movies to the upcoming pot luck. My name will be on some of them but not all. And if a movie that I hope is returned does not come back, I'm not going to be upset about it. After all, everything we want to watch is available out there in other places anyway.

    Could do the same with books. I haven't time for reading right now so I don't have any books to contribute nor would I be borrowing any.

  3. I am thinking our dish this time will be a large bowl of hot mashed potatoes with bacon bits and chives. The wife has settled on a dessert dish of home-made whipped cream with fruit mixed in.

    If this interferes with someone else's plans, let us know. We can easily change our selections.

  4. You're missing post 199, which says this: ( Rule number 25) Members are forbidden to solicit for or accept donations, gifts etc. for providing such advice to visitors and members. Likewise, it is not permitted to steer or solicit members and visitors to go to locations or businesses where it is necessary to pay for services or assistance. The exception is ThaiVisa.com sponsors, who may reasonably promote themselves."

    As for what unsunny is missing, ................................................................................

  5. has great fun screwing with me when she notices something I am doing, or have done, that brings one of them to her mind. I have doubts as to how seriously she takes any of them because she always has this little mischievous smile when she imparts this info to me.

    Good thing you are not an aussie kandahar or that statement would take a lot of latitude. :rolleyes: boasting?

    We still have a container of yours from the last potluck. Don't let me forget.

  6. has great fun screwing with me when she notices something I am doing, or have done, that brings one of them to her mind. I have doubts as to how seriously she takes any of them because she always has this little mischievous smile when she imparts this info to me.

    Good thing you are not an aussie kandahar or that statement would take a lot of latitude. :rolleyes: boasting?

    Latitude, my friend. Up to you............................rolleyes.gif

  7. Are we to read into this that your wife doesn't let you look at HER naked kandahar?

    I allow a lot of latitude in the interpretations of my writings here. So, I won't answer that one.

    But this is a fact. She knows almost all of the little superstitions here and has great fun screwing with me when she notices something I am doing, or have done, that brings one of them to her mind. I have doubts as to how seriously she takes any of them because she always has this little mischievous smile when she imparts this info to me.

  8. Paul, I have not. seen much in the way of quality appliances here. However, I watch the Thai Visa classifieds in CM and CR and notice entire operations go up for sale in CM, often. This isn't the building or the business, but instead all of the fittings, furnishings and cooking appliances located in the now-defunct business.

    Just so I don't have to wade through to many old ads, I always qualify the search with ads posted in the past five days. If you aren't in a big rush, check these out. Here is CR:


    Here is CM:


    I do see lots of places in CR selling this type of stuff but for the most part, I don't see quality when I look.

    My wife has some connections for quality furniture for that type of business or the resort/guest-house business, but the quality is reflected in the costs. You can contact her on here if you want to pursue that further. Her forum name is worphat.

  9. I really didn't know what the written policy was. I actually asked the folks at the border what they allowed and that is what they said. The Burma folks say, "It depends". HA! But Jahil's wife is surely good for three runs and probably more if she smiles when she shows up at the office on the Burma side. I kind of got the feeling that the Burma folks like to screw with wanke_rs and belligerent Farang. I don't blame them.

  10. She packs heat. Everyone there does. Believe me, even if you don't see it in the pic, there is a .357 within reach. Bears are a bigger threat than wolves and you never know when you might come face to face with one, even if you're just heading out to get in your car.

    A few years ago, she killed a moose in the very spot where the sleigh is in the first pic. She had a tag for one and had risen early to get ready to go hunting along the river that runs by her house. Looked out the window, saw the monster in the front yard and shot him from the front door. Her husband and daughters had left earlier for a week long moose-hunting trip and returned a week later, empty-handed. That's my sis.

  11. you can cross as many times as you want at the border for the 15 day stamp, but you maybe asked to show proof of where your staying , 20,000 bht cash to support yourself and you would be asked if you are working here , other than that they are normally ok .

    Thai immigrations says they could care less how many times you cross. The Burma folks have their own discretionary numbers of times they will renew, based on the mood that day. Three seems to be the solid number but it can, and does, go higher.

  12. It is a quality show without doubt.

    How sad that they are splittung up, if the runors are true, but what is worse is that a guy like that has some awful cancer type disease and filning of this series was delayed to allow hum treatment.

    Don't worry , I'd bet one of my houses on a Series 6

    From the Huffington Post, today:

    "The fifth season of 'Dexter' wrapped on Sunday night; it has already been renewed for a sixth season. Hall has been nominated the past three years for the Emmy Award for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Drama Series."

  13. just got a map drawn of the 9-hole frisbee golf course.

    Also, got a load of 3 sided boomerangs on order (trimerangs?) ...so we may wind up having the world's first boomerang golf course. Just googled 'boomerang golf course' and tens of thousands of listing showed up, but I think they all relate to actual golf courses named 'Boomerang' - rather than a golf game using boomerangs. If anyone knows of an existing golf venue that uses boomerangs or trimerangs, let me know. Otherwise, I'll stick my neck out and call Chiang Rai's Boomerang Adventure Park the world's first course that uses boomerang type flying devices.

    Also planning to offer the option, mainly for little kids, of playing the course with softball-sized plastic balls or bean bags. Price to play the 9 hole course is Bt.100, and kids under 13 accompanied by an adult are free. There are also 20% discount days for everyone, based on age. Example; Tuesdays:15 and under, Wednesdays:16 to 25, Thurs:26 to 45, Fridays:those over 45. Closed Mondays, and no discounts on weekends. The park won't open for biz until the first weekend in Feb.2011. see you there!

    I hope you're advertising on the Chiang Rai Focus website.

  14. What do you call "Thaibasco"?

    I use genuine Tabasco sauce in cooking because it's sugar free, meaning it doesn't burn when used as a BBQ marinade or baste.

    All the Thai chilli based sauces I've tried blacken the meat.

    Of course chopped real chillis do a good job but sometimes it's quick and easy to add a good dollop of Tabasco.

    Thaibasco is the local version, Farang made, of Tabasco. It is made by Thai Pepper Products, as is the rest of the "Dix" brand of products, to the best of my knowledge. I have seen it on shelves here since I arrived but have never tried it. Friends tell me it is very good and cheaper than the imported Tabasco. I love Tabasco and still have a bottle in the fridge. When it is gone, I'll give the local made product a try. I have always said there is only one Tabasco but maybe I'm about to learn something new. Tabasco on eggs and omelettes is a must at my house.

  15. Yes, they did have a run on the initial products. But they are in the process of submitting another order and will be fully stocked soon and they have another freezer coming so they can keep a larger inventory of the most popular products on hand. I also understand that they will be offering a delivery service of some type. I was there on the eve that they opened and there were about 20 people there.

    The lady has good business sense. I'm sure the place won't be run like a lot of other local businesses are. She just didn't expect so many people so quick. Give her a little time to get situated.

    I noticed that they are also carrying the locally made "Dix" brand of products, including BBQ sauce, tarter sauce, relishes, salsa and "Thaibasco". That is the only place I have seen mustard-style hot dog relish in Thailand.

  16. Okay. This isn't Makro. But it IS the best tip you're going to get all week and today is only Tuesday.

    Roti, or rotee, the little crepe type snack served up from the little street carts in CR, especially at breakfast time, has become an even bigger hit for me at my morning coffee time at home. Try this:

    Buy some extras next time, take them home and put them in the freezer. Then, the next time you need or want one or two, take from the freezer, pop into the microwave for one minute on high, and enjoy. Tastes like it just came off the grill and you didn't have to go to the market that time to pick some up.

    Also, before freezing them, you can open the things up just a bit and sprinkle some cinnamon on them. Close and re-wrap them and put them in the freezer. I like the cinnamon style better.

    An aside: I don't care for the ones from the big market near the clock-tower. The grease they use there tastes old and spoiled. At the market in the Den Ha area, the guy makes them really nice. If you buy five or more at 5 baht each, he throws in one for free. He is usually set up and cooking by 5:00 a.m. at the latest, and even earlier most days. I have never had a bad one from him. I have never had a good one from the big market.

    Now that I know the microwave thing works good, I'll just buy them by the dozen and save myself that morning stroll when I would rather be relaxing and having coffee.

  17. There are cheap deals on mattresses everywhere, just stretch out and buy the one thats comfy for you.

    As for price, king size can be bought for about 3000 bht Up.


    thank for that.

    The question was though

    "Was just wondering if any of you have heard or know

    anything about them?"

    I guess that's a no.



    If you do hear that they are really Seally let me know. I am looking for a good bed too. It is not the initial feel when you stretch out that counts it is how long they last like that.

    Bingo.... And long term laying out too without pressure points etc.

    Satin Brand, Memory foam models. Good quality.

  18. If you need a firm mattress I am sure kandahar could quickly make one for you. Of course it would be like his barbecues and last for several generations. You may have to reinforce the floor though... :rolleyes:

    A steel and Smartwood mattress, Harry? I dunno about that. However, the two beds I have built here will last for generations.

  19. Quote Sunny: "As I said earlier, find a bed, lie on it, relax and if good for you buy it. Grrrrrrrrrr"

    Sound advice? Hardly.

    Be prepared to do it all again in a year or two if it is a cheapie. .

  20. Crikey, it's not hard to get off topic gang.

    I asked if anyone knew about the BackSaver

    beds and despite all of the replies, the question

    still hans't been answered.

    I'll take it as a no then.

    Thanks anyway.


    That's us. Lots of output but no input. We're a funny bunch, aren't we? But just so you know, Scea started it. I'm still trying to figure out how he got his post to register as #5 instead of the original #2.

  21. There is a sign posted now, directing you to turn right at that corner.

    I just looked at the Google map again. It is the street on the right, between Soi 7 and Soi 8. There is no street sign naming that street. If you look at the map, you will see a view that looks like you're looking down at the top of a two-slice electric toaster. About 50 meters after you make that right, the shop/house is on the right, just at the point where you could turn left to go around the square. It is marked on the map by a shopping basket. But if you go to the legend on the left side of the map and click on Sausage King, it pops you over to that view of the place. They also have signs at the gate of the house.

  22. I bought mine nearly two years ago. Paid almost 20,000 baht. That may seem like a lot to some of you but I have slept on all kinds of mattresses during my life and I know what helps me rest well and function well the next day and I know what keeps me from sleeping or causes me pains and discomfort the following days or weeks. So, for a "the rest of my life purchase", 20,000 is a small sum. The mattress was quality on the day I bought it and at this time, it is as comfortable and supportive as it was when it was new. Typically, mattresses require occasional turning and flipping to keep the "wear points" from becoming overused. This one does not need that. Good quality material and workmanship. I require a mattress that is a bit more firm than the average but this old body has been through a lot.

    Many people can get away with less quality. It depends on you, your sleeping habits, your health and so on. I know guys my age who can sleep just as comfortably on the ground as they do on a good bed. I have spent way too much time sleeping on the ground and in other strange places. A mat would not do for me. A "fair" mattress that eventually has sinkholes in it will not do for me.

    I think Scea's comment is right on target but, again, a different person could get away with a 1,000 baht mattress.

    To answer the Op's question, I haven't tried the cheaper ones here, except during hotel stays. I can't get away with it. Good luck in your search.

  23. Kandahar-Ha-Ha :D Your one sandwich short of a Picnic !! :D

    Possibly. But the comments I am used to hearing from the opposite sex is that I am a feast for the eyes. That is probably more true than your statement. Don't be envious. It is quite the burden that I silently bear.

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