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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. Then welcome to the crowd.

    I am well aware of the struggles of the under-privileged in this society. Underprivileged are in all societies. The distinction I make is that this society has their FAIR share of successful people, based on the size of the economy, not less and not more. If you're going to push your comment about having the advantage of a "western" education, it can well be extended to a great many people in the "western" world who, while living in that area, have no means whatsoever to pursue that dream. In the meantime, the wife received her education here and was quite successful as a stockbroker. And yes, most her school friends followed similar routes to successful careers. And yes, through their various dealings with clients, patients and various business partners and the introductions my wife has made to me, I have come to meet quite a few of the more successful people here. I am not ashamed of that. The extended family I married into is, perhaps about equally, poor as church mice or very prosperous. In my immediate family here, where they are all poor, with two exceptions, the wife and one of her brothers worked hard, without financial support from anyone, to get themselves through university and into decent jobs.

    An interesting note here, about the Thais who got their education here AND have made their money here, is how they give back. Most of the people my wife knows who have successful businesses are involved in helping disadvantaged people. They tend to give more money AND time to those people than the same types of people I know in my home country. It is not uncommon for these people to get together and go spend three or four days building houses for people who live in grass and stick huts. Ask those people for a donation to help someone and they tend to laugh at you. Ask them to come help build a house or irrigation system for people who need it and they will show up with tools, helpers and materials. They don't tend to have pretenses about who they are or where their "roots" are.

    My wife does not operate at any social level. She is an angel, who moves and communicates within different groups without pretenses. EVERYONE who interacts with her feels comfortable with her. Maybe you should come meet her. She won't be the least bit impressed by stories of where you had brunch or lunch recently. She will peer into your character and make a decision about your worth as a person and even then, she will keep that to herself.

    Now I, on the other hand, have had a quite different life. I'm a bum and always will be. I'm a tramp in this world and I am comfortable with that. I have lived high and I have lived low. I am much more comfortable at the "low" places. No expectations, nowhere to be and all day to get there. I can't be as delicate about some things as the wife is. As much as I want to see good in everybody, sometimes I can't. Fortunately, she hasn't had all of the experiences that I have had. I wouldn't want her to.

    BTW, when she reads your words tonight, she will be asking me again, for the umteenth time, "What make these people think we are not already equal? Why does everyone think we need "western" influence before we can be considered equal?". So, if you have any explaining to do, explain it to her and any others who deal with those kinds of comments from "Us".

    I dunno about everyone here jumping on everyone's words in this forum, either. It happens, sure. But it isn't the rule, as near as I can tell. However, there are different opinions here. I kind of like that. Some people make me think. Some bore me. Now get that shovel you wrote about and dig yourself in a little deeper. And when you're done, stop by here for an unpretentious cup of coffee.

    And what leads you to believe that they haven't already matched or exceeded "our" achievements? That comment has everything to do with "superiority", though I doubt you really intended that. Most of the Thais in my wife's circle of friends are living proof that they are equals with any other group on the planet. The fact that they are accomplishing their feats in a nation with a smaller economy really doesn't figure into it. Many of them have started, and continue to run, very successful businesses in other nations, as well as managing their affairs here.

    Give it a rest Kandahar. I don't have my shovel handy. :whistling:

    Amusingly though, whilst deliberately misinterpreting the essence of my comment, you have left yourself open to the essence of your own comment being misinterpretated.

    Did you really mean to imply that you and your wife operate at such elevated social levels that you have never encountered a poor Thai person who WOULD have benefited from a western education and western opportunities in life?

    I know you didn't, but as pedantry and jumping on peoples' every words appears to be how everybody likes it here, I am just falling in with the crowd.

  2. It looks to me as if Scea's pioneering habits are sweeping the world.


    The problem with this of course, will be getting people to pay for them. An eBook is a lot easier to upload and download than a movie in torrent type sites and look at the huge amount of files obtained for free in that field.

    It's a real moral dilemma, is downloading intellectual property theft? Does it fall into the same class as burglary and car stealing?

    Of course it falls into the same category, if the materials are still under protection. The argument is much the same as the older argument of whether stealing the small piece of candy from the shop is as bad as stealing a car. Same, same, according our mores, even though different societies assign larger penalties for crimes involving things of higher value.

    From the consumer's point of view, yes there are a tremendous number of freebies out there. From the artist's point of view, there are a tremendous number of thieves out there.

    From the artist's point of view, I can imagine looking at the stats for my work at the end of a year and just being sick about the amount of money that has been stolen. I understand it completely as a person who has many ideas that I would love to bring to fruition while knowing that the majority of them could be copied and sold with the slightest modifications to exempt them from patent work that I paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for to protect the idea.

    We all are on our honor if we want to live in an honorable society. It isn't up to laws or written protections and safeguards that are put into place to keep us honest. It is up to every individual to do what is right and to keep up the peer pressure to help others do the same thing. As long as we understand the mores in place for our own good, and abide by them, we shouldn't need written codes with punishments assigned for the degrees of violations we may commit.

    All of that said, I will admit I have lots of failings in that area. Lots. I am a bad person.

  3. And what leads you to believe that they haven't already matched or exceeded "our" achievements? That comment has everything to do with "superiority", though I doubt you really intended that. Most of the Thais in my wife's circle of friends are living proof that they are equals with any other group on the planet. The fact that they are accomplishing their feats in a nation with a smaller economy really doesn't figure into it. Many of them have started, and continue to run, very successful businesses in other nations, as well as managing their affairs here.

    But back to the "driving a car" thing and the question of the OP. Yes, it is safe to drive as a Thai does. It is actually much smarter to drive as a Thai does. Just blend in with the environment and you'll be a part of it. Be at odds with it and you'll pay the price, in peace of mind, at least. Of course, I know your question wasn't all that serious. I'm sure it was meant as a fun question, more than anything.

    One point that Paul makes is supported by many other people I have talked to. Most folks who spend their lives driving in BKK are astounded at the driving habits they encounter in CR. But, again, they just need to go with the flow. CR folks are just as perplexed with the BKK peoples driving skills. Often, as my wife and I encounter someone doing something totally unexpected here, she has already warned me with "Watch that guy. He has BKK plates on his car. He's not from here". And sure enough, all of the other traffic ends up accommodating him or her.

    Since I arrived permanently in CR, I quickly learned to be in harmony with the existing traffic. Now, I know that the guy in the turn lane is likely to go straight and the guy in the "go straight lane" is likely to suddenly turn. So, I am a lot more comfortable and I just expect the unexpected now. Much easier on my nerves. I get on fine now and get where I am going quicker now, too. I do a lot of what they do because it is "the" way.

    And, of course, you do have a lot of beginners here. The wife has enough stories from car dealership friends about the people who walk in with a bag of baht, plop it on the counter, sign the paperwork and then try to drive their new truck off of the lot and back to their home in the mountains. They have never driven a car or truck before and have a heck of a time. The Thais love those stories. And I always enjoy hearing a new one. It is just a little scary when I am the guy encountering one of them on the road.

    All in all, Thais don't drive bad. CR folks don't drive bad. They just drive differently. Try driving in Dubai, one hand on the wheel, the other operating the horn, full-time. Try driving in Iraq, Honduras or Afghanistan. For that matter, try driving in Chicago, New York, Houston or L.A. during rush hour. If you aren't driving dangerously, you aren't even going to get where you're going. That is the standard there. Bumper to bumper at 70 MPH. If one person wrecks, he take a good crowd with him. Here at least, things are much slower.

    Yeah. It is okay to drive like the Thais. You're here now. Why drive like you're somewhere else?

    I wonder how much of of the "Thai as a crap driver" thing is just another myth we use to "prove" farang superiority?

    It is nothing to do with superiority, it is to do with safety, and it is not a myth.

    Driving in Chiang Rai (more so than Pattaya or Bangkok) you have to be extra cautious because other drivers rarely follow the basic laws of the road. You can't trust that a car indicating left is going to turn left and you can't expect that a car that isn't, won't.

    Maybe I see the worst of it because I drive children to two different schools and back everyday in the rush hours, but unless you, yourself are a bad driver, you can't fail to notice the dangerous driving of others.

    Today, tonight and tomorrow be especially alert as alcohol will be in the mix more than usual.

    What is a myth is that an educated farang wold consider himself superior to Thai people. I think most of us with any understanding of the world around us, realise that if Thai people generally were given the same start and opportunities in life that we were, that they would probably either match or exceed most of our achievements.

  4. The wife and I were lucky enough to be invited to a friend's house for an enjoyable Christmas evening pig roast, shared by quite the gathering of really pleasant people. What a nice way to have a Christmas dinner, so far removed from the family Christmases of yesteryear. The host and hostess know how to put together a nice evening.

    Perhaps it is my turn to host one next year.

  5. Thanks to donations by Will27 and Scea, I will be bringing quite the assortment of movies, as well as a decent collection of books for all to go through. Should be a successful movie exchange day with a warm afternoon and lots of sunshine. Looking forward to the meal.

  6. Yes, if it was me in another, far away country, needing such services here in Thailand, I would certainly buy into the process of going with the man, group or company who is known to have no qualms with asserting their allegiance to the highest bidder. Hell, I would probably just send them another one of my own credit cards with their name on it to make it easier on everyone.

    Pics and details, as you and SD mentioned, is good. But again, in the wrong hands, it could well be a death sentence for an innocent victim.

    The thoughtlessness of his other sentiments just further cement the continuing picture that he feels so compelled to have associated with him on this forum.

  7. Yeah, ofcourse theres more to the story. he did say she had been using his credit card ;-

    and she been using his credit card from the day she went back.

    The Odds would suggest that she's done a runner for what ever reason. he needs to cancel the credit card and maybe she will contact him . Sorry for being Cynical my friend :)

    No apple pie for you next time.laugh.gif

  8. I must admit I thought simliar to Sunny.

    If he suspects fraud then he should contact the fraud team at the bank the credit card is registered. They'll be all over it.

    And I suspect there is more to the story. Anyone with sense, or limited financial resources, knows to cancel the card, especially if those types of charges are appearing. So, my thought process leads me to think he cannot cancel the card because it is not his or he does not want to cancel it because he will lose track of her and not be able to get her back. Or................................................... So many "or". Think about it.

    My life experiences have given me some insight into these kinds of things. And I have seen a woman handed back to a man who did a fair job of representing Satan. She was given up by well-meaning people who had no idea of the real reason she chose to leave him and disappear. In the end, her one salvation was that the man was a coward with everyone except for her. When I approached him to put a stop to his BS, he sought protection and he didn't bother her again.

    I am not saying that this is the case with the OP's inquiry. I am saying, it is always good to keep an open mind and to reserve judgement. If anyone needs to KNOW the facts, it is easy enough to contact the OP, get the details of the woman, go to the shops where the card is being used, get some answers and follow up. I just never understand the way the minds of some assign simple judgments to such things. It can be a dangerous practice. Having blood on your hands is not a thing of small consequence, regardless of how "innocent" your motives were.

    If the OP wants help from me, I can assure you I can find her, even though I have other things to be doing. But if he wants my help, I will help. However, I'll make my own decisions about what to do with that information when I have found her. On the other hand, it is a simple matter for the person who is looking for her to find her himself or to have someone he trusts find her for him.

  9. I would have thought her name and photograph would have been better , rather than finding out where shes spending money on his credit card. If I see a nice lady covered in gold near that hotel , I will see if she can buy me Christmas Lunch , I wouldnt mind having that slap up lunch where Will27's going :D

    As is the norm with you, an insensitive and carelessly thought out post. It is great fun to make merry with the hardship or heartbreak of another, isn't it?

    There are many possibilities here but you have assigned only one to the OP.

    The first, in my mind, is that the woman has already perished due to foul play and someone else is using the card. It is quick cash to buy gold with a credit card, sans PIN, and then resell the gold the same day.

    Many, many other possibilities and a lot of them do not include the woman being in the wrong here. And as Scea mentioned, we don't know the whole story. All of us aren't married to bad women.

  10. I'm looking at motorcycle helmets on a website right now. In the directions on how to determine YOUR helmet size before ordering, it say this:

    (If the parents do not know their circumference, also requested the amount of what their parents Oh circumference measurement methods: the eyebrows along with a tape measure brain volume of this position a lap later perimeter, bowel all times, take average). (Remember the time of purchase, in a message where you need to write on the size of number)

    Thats right. And it isn't even translated by Google. Obviously, it was translated by something, though.

    I think it is really saying that since you already have your head in your ass (brain, position, bowel) , you don't need a helmet. I see a lot of that around here.biggrin.gif

  11. I know of a place in the Den Ha area. I think the last rent was 7,000. Three bedrooms, enclosed yard. PM me if you're still looking and I'll check with the owner to see if it is still open.

    If Den Ha isn't a good area for you, let me know. I know of a few other people who have places.

  12. Yes, CRfocus is in Thai. So, if you're wanting the local Thai population for customers, that is a good place to put a free ad. If you're only after Farang tourists, don't bother with CRfocus.

    Not only after farang. Would love to see locals engaged in the activities - some of which are free.

    Good to know that. Now, you need to hook up with some of the Thai bus/touring companies that bring the throngs from the south.

  13. bifftastic

    Big Gary










    Mellofello Rob , the pickle, who didn't share his moniker with me but he is here

    Sausage King








    I know, or have met, these folks. Most of them have been to the house several times. There are others not listed who I have had many communications, via e-mail, PM and telephone but haven't met. Yet.

    Something tells me that VF is sandbagging here.

    Sorry if I'm forgetting someone. I'm old.

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