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Posts posted by kandahar

  1. The questions that dindong and others raise are good. There are enough organizations in this world that are known for "harvesting kids". The directors won't let anyone near their operations and accept "money only" for contributions. If you want to donate food, clothing, housing or appliances, you aren't welcome at some of them. So, nothing wrong with getting the facts instead of buying into a scam or just accepting it at face value. So, for those of you who have posted with knowledge of this particular place: Where exactly is the place? Give the directions so people can go see for themselves. If you don't have the directions, then you really don't know much about the subject first-hand at all. And if you do, then a much better form of contribution would have been for you to give the location, with directions and encourage others to go there and see for themselves, increasing the chances of the place getting better support. So, at this point, there is some skepticism and rightly so. What can any of you offer to put it to rest? Assaults and insults don't contribute anything.

    I don't need the directions but others may. I have never heard of this place but I can find the place by myself. But if you know where it is, place it on the pinned Google map in our pinned topics list. If it checks out, it will probably stay there for others to reference. If it doesn't check out, it will probably disappear.

    Sounds like this might be a good destination for a CR Motorcycle Meet and Greet ride in the future. Not the initial one, of course. But maybe the second one. Garry, VF, what do you think?

    The local Thai motorcycle clubs do a lot of support for these types of operations. They send some scouts to check it out, find out what is needed and then they make a weekend or more of it, adding living quarters or improvements in whatever ways they can. I'll ask their members what they know of this place.

    At least one person on here has said that he contributed appliances and such directly. Good on him and his group.

    Religion and these kids. Wow. Big topic. But in a nutshell, any help the kids get is welcome help. They can certainly decide for themselves, as they come of age, which way they want to go. I know lots of folks that got plenty of direction growing up and as they became adults, they made intelligent decisions about whether or not that way of life was for them.

    Ethnic Thai or not? Doesn't matter. If someone chooses to raise them without the benefit of government support and interference and can make a go of it, good for them. Each kid only knows his/her life and personal circumstances. He/She doesn't know or care where they fit into the big picture. Later, it may become important. Right now, they just need to be kids.

    Buddhist charities. I couldn't say how much good they do world-wide. I can say this. We often have a young monk at our house. He is about 10 or 12 years old. He loves to visit with my mother-in-law. She and his mother were close friends. His mother died about two years ago. The local temple took the kid in, and he is leading the life of a young monk, getting an education, food, shelter, guidance and other good things. He had no one else to turn to. I am told that almost all, if not all, of the temples do the same thing. So, even if they aren't going around the world saving children, they are doing a lot in their own areas. Also, keep in mind that Buddhists are more or less from less affluent countries and therefore, find it harder to have the capital to go to foreign lands and do good. Even then, I'm sure that some of them accomplish that mission.

    Christians: Lots of good work, some bad work sometimes, too. No need to throw out the whole barrel because of a bad apple. I personally know of lots of good that has been accomplished and quite a bit of bad as well. I wouldn't throw away the good just to make sure that no bad occurs. The good far outweighs the bad.

    Thanks to moderator Lite Beer for getting involved here and thanks to whoever hit the "report" button that caused him to get involved.

    So, if anyone is up to a ride this weekend, let me know. We'll take a bit of fresh fruit and some smiles to the place and say "hello". If anyone wants to go with me before that, let me know. I'll tell the wife I have important business to take care of during the week and she will let me take a break from this work at the house. She will go as well. She is Thai and she loves kids. Anyway, it looks like I have a small trip in store this weekend or very soon. I'll post here with what I find unless someone else goes first and gives us a good report. I'll also put it on the map after I find it.

  2. Biff, sounds like you should keep your willy nilly under wraps until things calm down. Hate to see that get bashed or discliplined or, worst case, "industrial action". We're on your side, here in the Rai, man!

    But just in case that "industrial action" thing happens, let me know. I'm kind of curious.

  3. So, if this thing works out and it is really just a meet and greet, then maybe it can be a once a month thing, with a different not-too-far-destination and return every month. Good opportunity for folks to meet others that share their ways of doing things and make appointments for more arduous rides or slower rides with like-minded people. The Hash is the third Sat every month, I think. That leaves a few Sats. open. And if you don't exclude the Honda Dreams, Fino's etc. and the support folks in their pickups and Suzuki's, you might end up with quite the gathering of folks that want to see a different park, river or waterfall once a month.

  4. If Woralak goes, he'll be on the Phantom. His ass is used to it. If I ride a little more between now and then, I'll be on the Phantom. My ass isn't used to it. BUt don't know if I'll get out much between now and then. The wife has a few projects that she is wanting completed.

  5. Sure, meet in town somewhere first. It was just one suggestion, didn't want to put all the pieces in the Jigsaw without some more input from the others. What about Kd & Woralak, fellow Phantom owners, we could come in at the back behind the scooters where our bikes belong performance wise :whistling:

    I could probably make it but not sure right now. If Woralak and his wife go, then my wife is probably going to say we are going.

    But be advised. I'm not a motorcycle enthusiast. I'm not a anything enthusiast.

    Even if the wife and I go, we might end up taking the four-wheel vehicle and be in the support role, just hauling the ice chests and the water in and the trash out.

  6. Does anyone have a child's seat for the back of a bicycle? Needs to fit, or be able to fit with a little modification, a Raleigh bike. I have the bike already. FYI: Not for me. Trying to get a friend fixed up with a bike

    This child's seat is 1000 baht or less in any of the big bicycle shops in town.

    We bought ours about a year ago for 900 baht in the bicycle shop near Big C.

    Thanks dindong.

    Looking for a second hand cheapie. Again, this isn't for me. It is for a guy that I have already helped a lot and I'm not too keen on giving up too many baht to help him more. We are giving him the bike after we put new tubes and tires on it. So, I'll keep it as cheap as possible. If I don't find the second hand child's seat for the right price, I'll just give him the bike and let him figure it out. But he will never be able to afford the seat. I don't pity him but I pity his wife and child. The bike will take some pressure off of her, as he usually sends her to go begging transportation when he needs it. She is super humiliated to do this but he could care less how is affects her.

  7. Good Idea Kd. I've a couple of them but there a couple of thousand miles away.

    Oh, man!. If I had access to everything I have stored thousands of miles away, I would be in good shape. One of the things I miss the most is a simple Snap-On pry-bar set.

  8. isn't Mae Chai in Phayao?

    Where is Mai Chai?

    I have no idea mate :)

    I thought, as 'mai chai' is kinda like 'no' when you ask a question that has 'chai mai?' at the end of it, or 'not' when you say something like 'mai chai don nee' 'not now' the OP must have meant Mae Chai

    This transliteration stuff causes all kinds of problems :)

    Anyway, I hope you and yours are well kd :jap:

    Hey Biff. We're fine, thanks.

    Charlie has been posting here for quite some time. I would like to meet him when he arrives. It seems he posted a long time ago asking if others were close by his place but I'm not for sure on that.

  9. isn't Mae Chai in Phayao?

    Charlie, you're in Manchester now. When do you return here for a visit? Maybe we can meet up.

    Where is Mai Chai?

  10. Just leave the guy alone. Even if he was rude and without a permit, just leave him alone. There are bigger things going on in the city that the officials should be concentrating their efforts on.


    I strongly dissagree. I think you should report him for not having a work permit etc. Also Thai's need to pay for space on the beach if they want to conduct any sort of business so why should this arrogant fat German get to do it free. He is breaking the law. Report him. I I was there I sure would. Next thing you know, farangs will be setting up all over the place free and taking away jobs from the Thai's. They need the money NOT him. I would call this class "A" Loser !!!!!!!!

    How did the guy go from being an American Falang to an arrogant fat German? That trick by itself is worth 100 baht.

  11. Okay. I checked the map. It is exactly where it shows on the map. There is also a sign there. Can't say how many kilos it is from the Hong Lee/Den Ha stop lights on 1211 but it is a ways out there and it is past the prison, but not far past the prison. Where you see that road split, that is the place. Bear to the left on that split and look for the sign right there. If I recall correctly, there is a Don's sign visible right at the split. The highway out there actually has a number but I can't recall what it is. If you get ready to go and aren't sure, let me know ahead of time. I am on your way and can lead you out there. PM me for more help.


  12. Don't know how current this info is but give it a try.

    Here also is a link from Alibaba that describes the oven supply company a little bit.


    Good luck.


    Company Name: Thailand gas oven suppliers

    Street Address: 23 soi6 ban nong wah

    City: Buriram

    Province/State: Issan

    Country/Region: Thailand



  13. Most of you know how to play "Go Fish". Those that don't will soon figure it out. Let's get rid of some of the stuff we aren't using and gain some of the things we need. I realize we have the classifieds, but face it; not too many people look at them.

    For the Chiang Rai area:

    Does anyone have a child's seat for the back of a bicycle? Needs to fit, or be able to fit with a little modification, a Raleigh bike. I have the bike already. FYI: Not for me. Trying to get a friend fixed up with a bike.

    Let me know. I'll pm you for the price if you don't want to post it here.


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