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Posts posted by rebo

  1. I found it a bit amusing that during the race they had a guy at the top of the canal stoping ppl so the two on the other side would be free and ready to each grab on side of the riders handle bars and pull them up over the top. As this was a race and really not that difficult of a obstacle, which one could walk if they wanted, it was a little much.


    So nicely and politely worded, JC ...clap2.gif !

    Recovered from my broken rib I'll definitely go for more training on this beautiful trial. Unfortunately it's 30+ kms from my home.

    Chiangmaiexpat, thanks for your detailled advise. Will try it - hopefully - soon ...

    • Like 1
  2. Going with a few guys again this morning, will be there at 8:45 a.m. Tuesday Dec 3 if your interested

    Of course interested but for today this message came too late, JC. But on Thursday I want to go again together with a friend, meeting there at 0730. We could need some technical advise at the section crossing the irrigation creek (didn't ride it up yet), and the little 1.5 m steep down - steep up some kms later. Will go two or three loops since we'll come by car. Would be nice to meet an expert ...
    • Like 1
  3. When I was a freshy to Asia I wore my shirts as I always did in Europe within the trouser waistband. After my first and extremely painful encounter with a hairy caterpillar like this, fallen from a tree, I understood why the natives wear it outside ... Lesson learnt ...

  4. I have used Tokyo optic for the past decade or more. I get new spectacles every two years or so. They're not cheap, but I've always found them to be excellent quality and the staff appear to know what they are talking about. There's a branch downstairs in Big C Hang dong Rd that I used last time, after the branch opposite the Duangtawan hotel closed down. I'm sure there are other branches too.

    Same me and my wife. Always 100% satisfied since almost 20 years.
  5. Just wondering if anyone has found out any more about that race in Mae Taeng district next weekend, particularly the location?

    10 Sunday : Chiang Mai

    Mountain Competition 2nd Event. MTB competition. Location: Mae Hor Pra local Government office, Mae Tang, Chiang Mai province. Registration: At the event or call 082-187-0932. Fee: 350 THB. Categories: All are welcome; several categories by age and gender. Contact: 082-187-0932. (from http://bicyclethailand.com/events/)

    Maybe you save this website in your favorites and check it regularly ...

    Coordinates of the "Mae Ho Phrae Subdist. Office" (Garmin): N19 06 17.6 E99 00 02.1. I'm not sure this is the right location mentioned above but what I'm sure is that from this location someone will lead you to the right place.

  6. Thanks everyone. I stopped by Forabee and their prices and selection of products were quite good. They are a bit out of the way, but worth it for the cost savings.

    I have tried to find this shop on google (I don't have google earth) with no luck, what street is it on?

    Open Google, key in "google maps". Open the first link you get in the results, it's Google Maps. Paste the coordinates from post #3 in the input line, press "enter", and - voila - you see a map with a green arrow showing you the location of Fora Bee.

  7. I've done the River Side cruise many, many times and never been disappointed. You arrive 7 - 7:30 pm, order from the menu and they shove off by 8 pm. There is a modest additional charge over the menu prices. It's a very good value. The cruise is about 90 minutes. No narration, though, so it helps to bring a local to explain what you're seeing.

    It's especially good for Loi Krathong. I expect they're booked for Loy Krathong evening (Nov 17), but the couple days before and after are just about as good. Still many lanterns and there are lighted floats on the river, kind of like floating parade floats. It's possible for a small group to get in just by showing up at 7 pm and waiting on "stand-by", even on Loy Krathong night for people who made reservations but fail to come. Just smile, be patient and don't act all upset if everyone actually does show up.

    5 years ago my wife invited me - by surprise - for a romantic dinner on the boat on Loi Krathong, and it was a horror for all participants, Thais too. During the entire cruise the boat was the target for any kind and size of explosives fired from both watersides as well as let drop from the bridges. Even though we're not squeamish natures at all we were more than happy when the cruise was over and we didn't suffer more serious injuries than our over-strained ear-drums.

    Sorry for objecting, Nancy, but I strongly discourage from doing it during Loi Krathong.

    • Like 2
  8. But maybe this could be a nice substitutional event for this year ...:

    Nov. 16th:

    SINGHA MTB Thailand Open 2013 at Singha Farm Festival. Singha Farm Festival event will run from November 13 until November 17, 2013. The SINGHA MTB Thailand Open 2013 race will be on November 16. Location: SINGHA Park (Boon Rawd Farm), Chiang Rai province. Entry fee: Online registration (http://www.boonrawdfarm.com/farmfest/register.php) from 12 Sep 16 Oct = 500 Baht. From 17 Oct 6 Nov = 1,000 Baht. Registration available at the event location 7 16 Nov = 1,000 Baht. VIP Category = 1,000 Baht. Registration time on race date: 0630-0830. Race start time: 0845. Awards ceremony and prize giving time: 1300. End of race: 1500. Every registered participant will receive a SINGHA limited edition cycling jersey and water bottle until quantities run out. Categories: several different categories by age and gender. Money prizes for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in nearly every category. (from http://bicyclethailand.com/events/)

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  9. Here's the link; I dug it up from the post mentioned above.

    (Application form for Govt. health insurance for migrants/foreigners - in Thai)


    That seems to be just the forms, The actual MoPH directive is in the post I mentioned.

    Since this form wears top left the logo of Udonthani Hospital I doubt it can be used in Chiang Mai. But I may be wrong ...

  10. Thanks, but not interested in beetles. We have enough of these in the close-by sugarcane field.

    Interested only in fighting crickets but less to their fighting qualities than their chirping properties and size.

  11. Although Chiang Mai has a huge percentage of Chinese (originated) population I never heard about or saw any trace of cricket fighting here even though in China its very common (esp. Beijing, Shanghai, Macau; Shandong province seems to literally make a living of these critters).

    Anybody knows where to get Chinese fighting crickets, accessories and experts advises in Chiang Mai province?

  12. Lard and duck fat are all good and but don't forget schmatz! That's render chicken fat that I use for my chopped liver and other things I make for my days off of eating healthy. Take everything in moderation including moderation!!

    Schmatz? That's another german word for Kiss ...

    I assume you mean Schmalz (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schmalz) what is the german word for lard. In most cases made from pork, sometimes from goose.

  13. I found coconut oil to be expensive for everyday cooking, anybody know where to find it at a reasonable price?

    We produce our own oil. Youtube has lots of how-to clips. Buying shredded copra at a local market a liter of oil costs us about 100 THB. I couldn't find a home oil press yet; I guess the pressing process by hands and cloth could still be optimized.

    • Like 1
  14. Usually you can replace the smallest two or three rings of the rear casette separately. They wear out pretty quick if you use them much. But mostly they last longer than the chain.

    So i guess you need to replace your chain. Especially if you never have oiled it since new smile.png

    I have a special tool for this, the rohloff caliber. A bit expensive but you buy it once in your life and it provides a very easy way for chain wear check. So i like it. But for sure there are cheaper tools for this with same functionality.


    Instead of a caliper I use a "just-worn-out" sample chain (Of course, years ago determined by a caliper ...) Everytime I maintain a chain (with master links to take them off) I compare the length with this sample. So I reach a life span of about 2'000 ... 3'000, sometimes almost 4'000 km per chain, and about 12'000 ... 15'000 per cassette, given maintainance intervalls of 300 ... 600 km, depending on kind of road I drove.

    I clean my chains with Diesel and a tooth brush, blow them out with a compressor, and re-oil them with Chain Oil No. 5 (available here: N18 46 52.2 E98 59 37.7. I don't like this shop but it seems to be the only one importing my favorite chain oil). About 20 mins needed for that.

    I try whatever possible not to drive in wet conditions.

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