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Posts posted by rebo

  1. Yesterday someone from ToT called me and asked if internet is working. I loaded my Google homepage, it worked and I told him "No problem". Only later I found out that the connection is really terrible slow, and many sites don't load at all.

    But it seems they're working on it ...

  2. These redneck energy saving solutions will obviously never die out ...

    Unfortunately we can't outsmart yet the physics: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservation_of_energy

    The shown system may be suitable to save money keeping only a limited area of a room cooler than the surrounding area e.g. a working place. But if you try to cool the entire room down to the same temperature as an aircon does you will probably not save a single Baht. Of course it also depends on the efficiency of your freezer/aircon.

  3. Robo is now sold as Sinfonia Golosa - Olio di Sanasa - green 5L plastic with yellow top and carry handle. Sold at Makro in the imported foods section. Robo appears in small print as "distributor".

    Extra Virgin and regular ... fankly I enjoy the stronger flavour of regular.

    Sabroso is in fact not bad. But now I'll try Sinfonia Golosa, maybe a smaller packing unit first. Thanks, KR.

  4. After my last disappointing experience (Colavita extra virgin) bah.gif I would like to attempt to ask the gourmet group amongst you:
    What is in your opinion the most delicious cold pressed native olive oil available in 5 liter cans in CNX, and where to buy it?
    Thanks a lot in advance ...

  5. According to Garmin/bicycle forums I wouldn't buy the Edge 1000 yet due to "toothing problems" Garmin is well-known for. Many users complain crashes (of course not bicycle crashes ...) preparing or during a route. Google for "edge 1000 crash" ...!

    AFAIK the only difference between 800 and 810 is the Bluetooth function of the 810. For me it wouldn't be worth the extra money of 90 EUR.

    I have the 800 since 3 years/26'000 km, and I'm 100% satisfied with it. Since I bought mine in Europe I can't tell you where to buy in TH. In Chiang Mai I would try it first at "Top Gear Bike" close to Warorot market. But be aware that all Garmin products are remarkably more expensive here than in Europe.
    I just saw in another thread you also live in CNX; pls send me a PM.

    • Like 1
  6. Using the brakes to slow down while descending any kind of gradient

    is a no no,the heat builds up and the brakes fail when you need them,

    brakes need to be cool as possible to work properly ...

    Do they have Tachographs fitted in buses?

    Two days ago I took the bus on he the steep, narrow road from Loei to Phitsanulok. The experienced driver drove very carefully, slow, and used the engine brake all the time. 4 and a half hours for the entire 225 km (less than 50 km/h). Felt very safe all the time. Tachograph on board, but speedometer not working at all ...

    I cycle up/down Doi Suthep at least once a week and see clearly the people who constantly stay on their brakes downhill are mostly from Bangkok or Isaan (flat land). I guess they simply were never tought about engine braking. No wonder with virtually non-existing driving schools in Thailand. So it's clear where to focus on ...

  7. Again what you refer to as a bolt the brits know it as something else.

    I am thinking sliding door gear or plasterboard wing fixings.

    Can you describe again pretty sure I can source whatever you need.....you must be American?

    T-slot tracks: https://www.google.de/search?q=t-slot+track&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Cq0EU7b3OYeIrgeZ4YCIAw&sqi=2&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1536&bih=769

    T-bolts: https://www.google.de/search?q=t+slot+bolts&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=wqsEU7nLAcjJrAeT4YG4BQ&sqi=2&ved=0CDwQsAQ&biw=1536&bih=769#q=t-bolts&tbm=isch

    sliding door gear: https://www.google.de/search?q=t-slot+track&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Cq0EU7b3OYeIrgeZ4YCIAw&sqi=2&ved=0CCcQsAQ&biw=1536&bih=769#q=sliding+door+gear&tbm=isch

    plasterboard wing fixing:https://www.google.de/search?q=plasterboard+wing+fixing&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9qsEU7TdOMiyiQf-zIGYCw&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=1536&bih=769

    Hope this helps clarifying what's asked for.

    Sorry, Kiniyeow, I did't see stuff like this in ant DIY shop. Maybe you print pictures of what you need and ask the staff ...?

    • Like 1
  8. Is it possible to have arthritis in just one thumb joint? My thumb has been hurting for a few weeks now. Did not bump it or anything like that. Im only 35 so thinking I'm too young for it, but it does run in the family..sad.png

    This sounds more like gout, Vibe. Can arise at any age, and is often passed on from one generation to the next.

    A friend of mine has a very effective medication which stops the pain within hours when taken at the first appearance. But it doesn't cure the root cause, so after some while a next attack has to be expected. I'll ask him for the name of these pills when he returns on Saturday, and let you know.

    In addition we have several potent herbs against gout in the garden; come by and pick up some off-shoots.

    • Like 1
  9. Chances are that they come from some large factory in Asia that has the required know-how and production capacity, since carbon-fiber manufacturing is quite different from metal alloy production and not that trivial.

    There are thousands of companies selling carbon frames: http://www.alibaba.com/showroom/carbon-frame.html. I'm sure only a small fraction of them offer half-decent acceptable quality when it comes to details, safety and longevity. I would go for a well-known brand.
  10. I saw front seats for children some days ago at "Nong Bicycle Parts" in Pasang, Lamphun (N18 31 58.5 E98 56 24.9, copy and paste this into GoogleEarth/Map).
    Don't know any details as price, quality, brand.

    And I second Stedyedy's important advise "locktiting the bolts would be a must", meaning the screw joints (seat with frame) must be secured by a special glue for screws ("Loctite" is the most famous one) or by self-locking nuts like these https://www.google.de/search?q=nyloc+nut&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=mrHnUqvbCMaNrQfb0YCgCA&sqi=2&ved=0CDgQsAQ&biw=1536&bih=769.

    Wish you an always safe ride.

  11. Sorry, I can't find a GPS file link, but a search of the GT rider forum and a bit of detective work is required. smile.png

    It appears the 'trail' is a collection of segments, with ill defined choices along the way - 4wd/single. Some trekking companies walk it.

    Thanks for the GT rider forum hint, so I found it.

    But about 7'000 m elevation gain on 234 km of mostly off-road means 3 days --- that's beyond my acceptance level of self-torment ... Nevertheless - respect for the ones who do it!

  12. 1. Because he is the one who is on the wrong lane he must step aside into the oncoming traffic. But don't forget to call a loud complain to this reckless road user leaving no doubt that it is him who is to blame in case of a front crash.

    2. Of course you should shout an unambiguous warning to him otherwise he won't ever learn the lesson. Don't give a thought about reducing your own speed to defuse the potential danger because you are on the main lane and thus clearly in the right.

  13. Jacky Bike specializes in Trek, and they have all the parts, and excellent, fast, reasonably priced repairs. Soi 11 off Nimmanhaeman. (I don't get paid for recommending them, unless they just want to do so!)

    Second this. (Copy: N18 47 46.1 E98 58 06.1 and paste it in Google Earth/Map)

    • Like 1
  14. As seen in the below the care is to be covered by the motor insurance. In big hospitals a person for the insurance will assist in filling the forms which will cover up to 12500baht or 100000baht after it goes to court if the court says you are not to fault.

    You are liable to pay until the claim is paid.


    Section 12 In the case where a victim, caused by a motor

    vehicle under the Protection for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Law,

    whenever, enjoys the right of Health service from a Health care unit

    pursuant to this Act, the said Health care unit shall notify such event to

    the Office. The office shall be entitled to the reimbursement from the

    Victim Compensation Fund, not exceeding such amount as prescribed in

    the Protection for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims Law, and shall submit

    such amount of reimbursement to the Fund in order to be transferred to

    the said Health care unit.

    In the case where an insurance company or the Road Victims

    Protection Company is liable to pay the compensation to a motor

    vehicle accident victim who has enjoyed the right of Health service in

    accordance with paragraph one, the Office shall have powers to issue an

    order requesting the said company to pay such Health service expenses,

    not exceeding the amount in accordance with the conditions of the

    insurance policy.

    Payment of Health service under this Section shall be deemed

    payment of the medical care compensation pursuant to the Protection for

    Vehicle Accident Victims Law.

    Motor vehicle being the operative word here.

    In any event, the reimbursement issue is between the NHSO and the Victim Compensation Fund. The patient simply gets admitted and cared for .

    Trying to understand, this means I definitely don't need to pay more than 30 Baht for the treatment of my bicycle accident, right, Sheryl?

  15. A bicycle is probably not considered a vehicle for this as they are talking about the fact that the 30baht schemes do not covver accidents which should be covered by the Compulsory vehicle insurance paid when vehicles are registered.

    Thanks for your comment, Harrry; this is what I would think, too. But "probably" means "I'm not really sure", doesn't it ...?

    You know, I'm not in the mood to spend an entire day waiting in a hospital only to hear at the end "Solly, Sir, can not do ..." And I also don't feel like telling them a BS story about falling from a tree or so ...

    Maybe here is someone who had a bicycle accident himself or his wife or some relatives and received 30 Baht insurance treatment ...?

  16. Suffering a broken rib after flipping over with my mountain bike on a single trail my condition didn't increase much within the past 7 days. So I thought about checking out my new 30 Baht health insurance, and let the hospital make some x-ray-pics and let a doc have a qualified look at them.
    Now my wife told me better not to mention that my accident happened on a bicycle because as far as she knows the 30 Baht insurance wouldn't be effective in case a vehicle was involved.

    Does anybody really know wheather this is true or not?

  17. At the end of this vid (8' 19") you see 2 URLs for contact: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9inEIoYlqI. I'm sure they can lead you to the right shop.

    BTW: Some months ago I saw 2 or 3 used trial bikes in front of Jacky Bikes. Maybe he can tell you more ...?

    And if you ask in this MTB forum/thread I assume you get help immediately, too: http://wwwdotthaimtb.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=275707 (replace "dot" by a ".")

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