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Posts posted by rebo

  1. They have no respect for the environment at the beach so I imagine it would be similar in the parks.

    Your presumption is true.

    The reason I don't visit Thai national parks anymore is not the entrance fee but my bleeding heart seeing how unawarely and disrespectfully most Thais use to treat their national heritages.

  2. ... but for a gift ...

    ... make for nice presents ...

    Keep in mind knives can be very special as presents for Thais even though they may be familiar with western style. Maybe you consult your wife first whether even a precious kitchen knife can really bring the expected joy to the person you have in mind. Of course - not an issue in case the lucky person is a westerner.

    I speak as somebody who has been "once bitten" ...

  3. PunPun's is one of the very few western dining locations my (Thai-)wife really likes to visit, too. Not only due to the extraordinarily delicious fried garlic Tabtim/Tilapia or the excellent spring rolls she prefers over there but also - in case the kitchen wizard finds some free time - the amusing talks with John's likeable and unassuming wife Pranee.

  4. ... like maybe the pork knuckle... and if you like the pork knuckle come by and try our version.... people seem to like it as one of our best dishes.

    Got me ...!

    (And thanks again for one more of the most delicious pork knuckels in Thailand I enjoyed at your place last Thursday!)

  5. Several cases at the time being in our nearby village, Saraphi district. Diagnozed and treated (don't know how, outpatient) by hospitals. Symptoms similar to a flu. No really serious cases afaik. Most of them children/youngsters whose parents/relatives are members of our local bike community, so I hear about them. Parents don't seem too worried, too.
    Spotting more tiger mossies than average; normally very rare, maybe once a month, now almost daily.

  6. What am I doing so different? I just don't get these problems with dogs.

    Sure they bark, follow and even chase on the odd occasion..... But I never really feel under threat.

    I ride in Mae Taeng, all offroad, so the dogs are bush and village dogs, not Soi.

    I adopted a mates way of dealing with the dogs, I try and make friends with them, most you can, some never will. This approach has paid off over the years as I have found a small dog biscuit works better than a stick. However I understand this my not work everywhere and with every dog.....

    Valid for me, too, Tonto. But since 2 cycling friends were almost bitten to death (No exaggeration, believe me! Severely injured!) by a pack of 5 obviously (poorly) trained german shepherd dogs in a remote area at the foot of Doi Suthep and only survived by happenstance I always carry an inconspicuous Guardian Angel pepper spray with me.

    It also happens from time to time that I'm approached during taking a rest, sometimes even stopped - often on tour in remote areas - by people who simply are curious so far about the lonesome rider but often it made me feel rather uncomfortable especially when I was asked immediately about the content of my panniers, the price of my bike and whether I'm riding alone ...

    Never needed to use it for tens of thousends of kms but who ever knows ...

  7. In case your son sleeps in an air conditioned room: Let a professional thoroughly clean your entire AC unit (even though you may clean the filters on a regular basis) with a high pressure cleaner. You will wonder what a mess you'll see coming out ...

    This was the reason for the same symptoms a friend suffered from and which completely disappeared after the cleaning action.

    I wish all the best for your son ...

  8. No problem to cross the bridges with a bicycle; did it several times already: The friendly officers will "ask" the driver of the next pick-up with empty load floor to give you a lift. Nobody rejects. Everytime after arriving the other side I offered the driver 50 THB for the lift, everybody rejected.

  9. Have a look at warmshowers.org.
    Accomodation in Lao can become difficult since more and more Chinese tourists travel in their own cars.
    Last year it happend some times that an accommodation was fully occupied at 03:00 pm, the next possible "hotel" I arrived at 05:00 pm was also full, so I had to spend the night in a paddy field hut.
    After the second time I changed my timing system: Started cycling at sunrise to finish my 100 ... 130 km shortly after noon ...

  10. Several friends in Europe are very satisfied with the new Specialized's Butcher (front), Slaughter (rear)
    on their 650b for xc purposes especially on muddy, slippery spring surfaces.
    Others swear by Schwalbe "Hans Dampf".
    Here in CNX I ride off-road on "Racing Ralph" but will bring along a pair of both mentioned above from Europe after my summer visit.

  11. Just had a philosophical thought.......

    The head is placed by nature at a very exposed position, while the real important bodyparts are mounted between the legs where it is very safe.

    If the head would be so important it would be mounted between the legs and the other parts on top of us, or?

    (no I am not drunk, I am always like that crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZL4v7J7m )

    Between the legs I think is more exposed, at least when riding a bike., given the number of times I've landed on the top tube :-)

    Sounds like you need a crash helmet for your other head, too.thumbsup.gif
    Find a huge selection here: https://www.google.de/search?q=penis+helmet&biw=1536&bih=729&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=JElIVYugEIyGuAT794DgCw&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAQ#tbm=isch&q=duplo+helmet ;-)
  12. During the King's Birthday ride and race up Doi Suthep, I saw two riders on fat bikes. Obviously for show. They serve a purpose once you have about 7-10 other bikes. But riding up Doi Suthep on the road isn't one of them.

    I agree. I saw a fatbike going up Doi Suthep in December as well. More importantly, it was passing me uphill on these crazy 5" tyres while I was just thinking that my time to the temple wasn't so bad this time. Very demotivating. biggrin.png

    Cheers, CM-Expat

    Don't get discouraged, CNXexpat, I suppose it was probably one of these: http://www.haibike.de/produkte_detail_en,3006,22840,detail.html ;-)
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