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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. Sounds like - yes - I am not going to take dance with COVID and will get a booster every four to six months for now
  2. Anyone know if the annual farm fair at Mae Jo University will be back this year?
  3. Thank you for your idea but you lost me... What file am I duplicating? As an example every month I do several Thai tax forms such as social security etc these currently seem to be for Windows only computers I also daily make DHL labels again they don't seem to support Windows. I need everything to be super simple and work perfectly. The money is not an issue for the Windows computer as I have one which a bit old works but fine - but not as good as an apple - keyboards etc..
  4. Exactly. Starting a business in Thailand has some special challenges, learning new tax laws and the language etc but this is normal in international business. If you have experience and capital etc why not start a business here. I had to learn import and export rules in addition to taxation etc when I started a business here almost 20 years ago. But we have weathered floods, COVID problems lack of qualified staff (biggest personal challenge by far). And theft (not a bigger issue than elsewhere for us - and we have done well in court recovering stolen money). I do have a big advantage a Thai wife that is my partner and learns quickly ...
  5. You are correct but the best thing about an Apple iPhone is that it simply works smoothly and really needs repairs. The same for Apple computers I still have one Windows computer that I need to make DHL labels in my office and do Thai tax payments other than that no need for Windows.
  6. Thank you just the information that I need. I am in Chiang mai and will start looking around for where I can get it...
  7. "It doesn't seem as though I'm going to be able to get my question answered so I'll defer to the Thai Revenue and will ask them.' In a very general way this is OK but I am 100% sure that you can't rely on the IRS or Thai Revenue departments for anything other than a binding written opinon for your situation. I say your situation as tax law is complex and does not always follow logic. For example a court in California could have a favorable ruling for similar situations but the IRS can and does say at times we dont agree and will only follow that ruling in that geographic area - a ruling might only be good for 5 states as an example. As a side note I once was told by a Thai district tax director that my US income (over a year old) was fully taxable in Thailand. I politely explained the law and then disregarded what she said and all was well. The only way to know for sure is for a qualified tax professional with experience in the area to do the research and then to be really sure you need a formal tax opinion.
  8. Do you think if we` have had four shots total Moderna and Pfizer then every six months boosters are still needed?
  9. Bangkok Hospital any of the dermatologists - I had a routine visit the Dr saw something suspicious right then she did a biopsy and the skin cancer operation was a couple of weeks later - operation went perfectly. Don't remember her name - sorry...
  10. Thank you for the update - good to know - but frustrating...
  11. Thank you for the suggestion - I have an old mac mini which is doing well... I like to keek it as a spare computer...
  12. Sounds good how many cases of type 2 diabetes has she reversed? Does she stress diet and exercise as the frontline of diabetes care?
  13. Passing tests in Thailand - can shall we politely say can be an interesting process... Also, I am sure in the old days English was not practiced as often today so whatever skills were there, have dropped over time for country doctors without English speaking patients - I understand. Now in the large private hospitals doctors do speak English - you may have to speak slowly but they do speak English.
  14. Perfect this is the information that I needed!
  15. Did you carefully research the side effects and dangers? Sounds like it is not yet serious - diet and excessive may be all you need... Best of luck to you!
  16. Bivalent Covid Vaccine in Thailand? Is there a list we can get on now?
  17. Agree Go for a long warranty and a sale price - and not online. Get teh seller to install and take responsibility. I like Homepro
  18. I think I do the same as you SS goes to my US bank and then I send all at once a number of months income which saves me transfer fees.
  19. Agreed no requirement from experience to show it is from overseas - but who knows what some offices may ask for...
  20. Not a waste at all - running a business with a good education is not essential but a big plus. If nothing else you can have good conversations with your customers who are educated...
  21. Exactly 50% do not make that much - not a chance. Median is the mid point so perhaps the very wealthy skew this number?
  22. Exactly - Easier safer simpler less headache etc. The transition learning period should last a couple of hours... I would only use Windows when needed for software.
  23. Thai people tend to mean gross when they tell you business income so if the rote seller did 30,000 their net income after expenses is less...
  24. 15,000 is a good basic salary in Chiang Mai. More with degrees and skills. 100,000 is for very highly educated people or business owners etc
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