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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. I hope that you are all ok now - will you keep your vaccine boosters up to date going forward now? I agree that in general everyone will be exposed bit a simple regular booster shot will probably keep you safe or at least much safer than without a shot...
  2. I have had six shots and am in a high risk group - also people in my house have gotten COVID but I am fine and no side effects from the shots and either free or low cost. If you have a rare condition that makes the vaccine dangerous maybe you shouldn't have it but otherwise it is a very good idea...
  3. Thank you for the update!
  4. is the bivalent for everyone now or only high risk groups such as over 60?
  5. To start you might have had COVID without symptoms... Are you and your non vac acquaintances healthy or in a high risk group? Are your vaccinated friends going out more? Less healthy? Endless questions could be asked to make sense of your experience... Big question - are you saying it is a myth that unvaccinated people make up a very large percentage of those who get COVID and die or are seriously ill?
  6. Thank you, good post, I didn't understand till just now that aspect of bad strains developing...
  7. Very politely I strongly disagree - Thais tend to respect people with money and most educated faring have money compared to Thai people...
  8. https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2022/two-years-covid-vaccines-prevented-millions-deaths-hospitalizations Millions of lives were saved smart people have made estimates but it is difficult to have an exact number and an exact number is not needed. Lets take a very small number of at least 10 million lives saved worldwide - done nothing else to talk about...
  9. Governments have lots of politicians working in them - and they often lie. I think most people know this. Bureaucrats often move slowly and make mistakes and occasionally lie again most people know this. Drug companies sometimes lie and get caught and pay fines but overall they help us again most people know this. I was in Thailand during COVID so i don't know much about what the situation was in America but like Monday night quarter backing things can always be done better in retrospect. As for the overall picture that your words paint - no I don't agree and I don't know many people who would agree with you. But actually I have only read a few of your recent posts so I don't know if you are anti vax did you take a vaccine? I took Moderna and Pfizer no side effects and no COVID yet those around me got COVID and some got very sick. Note I am in a high risk group so I would not consider not taking the vaccine... Overall millions of lives were saved by the vaccines - exactly how many no-one knows for sure but millions roughly... again exactly how many millions is difficult to say and not important - many lives were saved.
  10. Great post. I think we have to accept that many people enjoy conspiracy theories and twisted logic - they really do - think flat earthers... We can gently point out the truth but don't expect most of them to see it...
  11. I agree that vaccines and boosters are very good for our health. "Most people don't read any of the studies and papers." I am well educated and I don't read technical papers as I don't have the statistical skills needed to really understand them (only basic grad school statistics not advanced classes) and other than a few scientists I don't know anyone who is qualified to understand research papers. But again COVID vaccines are amazingly helpful for the world.
  12. Another option seems to be the Wallet but it is difficult to do the online signup as when I try to upload my ID the website takes a photo too fast...
  13. Not completely correct about Thailand but correct with many people in Thailand who are not educated...
  14. Just saw the below photo which is on a form for ordering stamps from the post office using what looks like an office bank account? Maybe this account could be used?
  15. Thai Post free pickup service - how to pay online for the postage?? I send our ecommerce packages daily using registered airmail. My local post office is friendly and does a good job. Recently they told me they have free pickup (5+ boxes). Strangely the post office staff person who does the pickup told me I would transfer the money for postage online to his personal account and he would email a copy of the receipt after he paid at the post office. This sounds strange... Anyone know of a bettor way to pay officially online? Thank you!
  16. It sounds like a top neurologist said it could be long COVID unless I am misreading your post. Also it could be your sleep apnea and just a coincidence about the timing or early onset Alzheimers but not confirmed that it was the vaccine which made you sick. So you have not confirmed it was the vaccine and it is quite possible it is asymptomatic COVID which turned into long COVID is this correct? I am very sorry to hear that the NAC is not significantly making you better; and since you are taking it with the better CPAP it is quite possible that the better CPAP is helping you somewhat and that apnea is your problem. So in summary a number of unconfirmed possibilities if I understand you correctly...
  17. Those in a high risk group are advised to get boosters... probably everyone should I dont see any shortage of the vaccine (for free) in Chiang mai maybe other places in Thailand?
  18. Good question! I also would like to now...
  19. I have an Isuzu and go to the dealer in CBiang Mai over ten years just routine maintenance slightly higher than a small shop but much better work is done. They go by the book and use the correct parts. Dealers are good and bad as are small shops...
  20. "easy to come up with such a comment, if you don’t face hurdles like for example the non-existent pension system in Thailand which makes you fully dependent on your kids or you simply have to work until you die." I work here and have lived here for more than 15 years - I respect your point of view but don't agree with you. We do not vote and have no rights to change Thailand at all. If your children are citizens when they come of age they can vote as they feel is correct. Not sure what the work until you die comment meant normally we save and invest responsibly to have a retirement income. Unless you work as a volunteer or in a job that pays very lowly...
  21. I agree with you - not appropriate at all...
  22. I have two kids and never a visit - that could be it...
  23. Interesting I am talking about a marriage extension - still confused single photo camera work is done at the office and house/family photos are done at home (without immigration) My paperwork preparation (including signing) is always done in the visa service office not at immigration this is a big part of what they are paid for - saving time . Maybe you mean the actual immigration office paperwork which is normally done by immigration staff?
  24. Maybe I am misunderstanding what an agent is? I thought it was a visa service by people who simply prepare the documents and get you an expedited appointment so you don't waste time at immigration and don't have a house visit. Nothing to do with money in the bank that is my job. Signing is done at their office not at immigration.
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