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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. Also I think you only need two Thai workers instead of four to get the work permit when you have a Thai wife?
  2. Being married helps when you form a company and get a work permit as I recall
  3. Actually, you are probably thinking of someone else I did not accuse them of being "ogres" or anything terrible at all. You may want to consider reading more carefully before you post. I have been doing the paperwork for close to 20 years and they have not once come to my house to bother me and my paperwork is all in order every year. I also hire a service to prepare everything and make sure everything goes smoothly as I need to work and I have kids and dogs to take care of... I wonder how many years have you been extending your visa? Are you retired? Have time consuming kids and family?
  4. Exactly COVID cases are rising and when you are in a high risk group staying up to date with your vaccines is important especially when most people don't have allergies or reactions to the vaccine. I think the vaccine is free here in Thailand at government hospitals.
  5. Not that hard but if you forget one piece of paper or they create a new requirement then it becomes a waste of time not a big issue perhaps if retired but if you have children and a job etc time is very valuable...
  6. I have done more than 7 years out of Chiang Mai and never once a visit - probably just a random event?
  7. I wonder if the new vaccine is available in Chiang Mai?
  8. I am not sure about a Thai university degree but there are some intangibles - A good university education teaches you how to think... Of course you might make a lot more money as a plumber compared to being a lawyer at times - but that is another subject.
  9. Interesting thoughts - not sure if I understand how creative thinking will be taken over by AI...
  10. Good to care about people? Also poor diets and the lack of exercise tend to produce bad health which hurts the economy and ends up raising taxes? Just a thought...
  11. Useless is perhaps a strong statement but in general I agree with you. I say a strong statement because research tends to start somewhere and it can take time to be reviewed... also the research can be good and take years to finish. No I strongly doubt that all worthwhile research has been reviewed - but how do we know if it worthwhile if it has not been reviewed? Just thinking out loud... Also some poor research has been reviewed favorably but later new research comes out that changes things.
  12. I agree with you. Consensus and peer review tends to get rid of flawed and biased studies - although this can take time... I also have a variation of consensus and peer review that I like to use: I will find researchers and doctors that provide a good theory with backup that makes sense to me then I will tend to listen in general to the doctor or researcher without in the future being concerned about backup research...
  13. True - but how do you review the papers unless you have a very strong background in statistics? Some papers are good some bad - you can't blindly trust a summary and expect to know the truth... Different papers contradict each other so some are right and some are wrong - but which ones...?
  14. Actually it appears that you don't know much about the big picture of long term health but I wish you well as you seem sincere in your beliefs. My thoughts are based on science and real life experience. But I rarely read actual studies as I have a weak background in statistics and unless you are in the field and very strong in statistics you simply are not qualified to read original research papers critically.
  15. Sounds like they are not doing that well Intuits live shorter lives historically than other Canadians. Also it sounds like losing weight is helping you good news! But Keto is not the only way to lose weight lots of people eat a whole food plant based diet and lose weight and cure diseases. The old thinking has not been proved incorrect - about cholesterol most heart doctors would say be very concerned about cholesterol... But if you love meat and it is working for you now it my be that is your path - good luck with your health.
  16. I could be wrong but many gastrointestinal doctors feel that the fiber from whole plants is very, very important to good long term health. Perhaps the key concept is long term? All causes of mortality tend to go up when you don't eat a whole food plant based diet. You can easily do the research if you are interested. I don't think there are any well done long term research projects showing that a meat based Keto diet is good for you? The low carb meat based diets tend to have people lose weight and sometimes give up junk food - both are good but people tend to mixup these good effects with something else... Anyway the world is currently based on eating lots of meat and that will not quickly change - so maybe the best next step is getting rid of junk food to start?
  17. I think that carcinogens are ranked in groups - processed meats are in the worst group and are known to cause cancer - red meat is considered probable. Plants normally have all the amino acids (some like soy have all amino acids) but some might be in lesser amounts - but over the course of the day with a varied diet all will be well.
  18. Nothing wrong with whole food plant based complex carbs. Lots of people with diabetes both type 1 and 2 for example do really well on that type of diet... I am one of them - but I am only one person lots and lots of documentation out there...
  19. Actually some interesting studies have been done showing that a rice diet is good for diabetes here is s summary the actual data can easily be researched if you are interested. https://nutritionfacts.org/topics/rice-diet/
  20. That is a myth... I have fasted on only water for more than a week numerous times sometimes much longer. But it is always a good idea to have medical supervision especially if you are doing long fast or not on good health...
  21. Congratulations on 113 in the morning!
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