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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. I agree with you that spot reduction is not possible. I think doing ab work daily makes me feel good. Until I lose "my spare tire" I wont see my abs anyway... smiling. I watched some Youtube videos today and in general the view seems to be daily or almost daily is a personal decision no special rules. I don't use weights for my ab workouts only leg lifts crunches etc,. So maybe a basic training schedule like mine is easy and can be done almost everyday...
  2. I had heard that ab muscles can be exercised every day - what do you think?
  3. Interesting idea the assist bands... My pull-up station arrived today took about an hour to put it together. For now I am just hanging not doing a pull up or chin-up yet...
  4. Golden Retrievers are great family dogs. I have two German sheperds and one has short hair and one long hair but strangely teh short hair gets hotter as it has a double coat of hair! Not sure about Goldens so research the number of layers of hair... Thailand is hot but dogs sleep during the day in the shade and at night it is not bad outside... If you keep a dog inside be prepared for a big job washing and brushing them... More important than inside or outside is taking them for walks everyday raining or not...
  5. Thank you for your encouragement - probably it will arrive tomorrow. I wont be able to do a pull up or chin up the first day but I hope to step by step work into it! I suppose it is OK to do them every second day?
  6. I ordered the dip/chinup station from Decathalon after looking at it in the store - good quality as in heavy metal that does not move around and the fit and finish looks good. it should arrive on Saturday. Now I have to cleanup my extra room and get it ready. About steroids I am sure taht you are correct but I still think Frank Zane is honest and didn't take them.
  7. Thank you for your thoughts on the less expensive one. It is hard to tell the steel quality from a photo... I saw lance Armstrong being interviewed on the Rich Roll show and he didn't look very trustworthy but Frank Zane seems like a very nice person and I believe him...
  8. Education is the best thing ever... Of course there are lots of forms of education including traveling and hiking and farming etc. A classical liberal arts education may not directly transfer into a job but it teaches you how to think...
  9. Frank Zane claims to have not taken steroids. I have watched several of his videos and he seems like a nice person and honest... What do you think of the quality of exercise equipment from Lazada like this one which costs less than the Decathlon version: https://www.lazada.co.th/products/bg-pull-up-station-chin-up-cu102-i2505842712-s8868079192.html?spm=a2o4m.searchlist.list.19.1e04acabNAN4ig&search=1
  10. Interesting! The main thng is that I am having fun exercising and feeling good... I think the ideal body type would be Frank Zane not Arnold or other big guys... https://frankzane.com/
  11. Yes, you are correct big muscles are not easy - I am not interested in big muscles- only feeling good and being healthy. Some toning would be good and small muscle gains are good. Not interested in straps. I like to keep things simple. Yes, I split my 100 reps into groups of 10 to 20. I am 62.
  12. I used to go to a gym in Chiang Mai called Day Gym which was great they had all sorts of equipment (no classes ) then when COVID came I stayed home... So far I am walking with the dogs an hour a day seven days a week on a hill. Everyday I do light dumbbells (only 5KG as I am not strong and I do a 100 repps of each exercise) I have 8kg weights also which soon I will start to use. Later I will buy 10KG dumbbells. I change the exercise daily to work different muscles. I also do daily lots of leg lifts and situps and similar ab work outs. Not much stretching but a bit everyday. I am not looking for large muscles but just overall fitness and feeling good. The pull-up station was a request from my wife and kids. But I will use it if I can - at the gym I used an assisted pull up station which I liked very much. After the pull-up station I will probably buy an adjustable bench. The gymware.com website had a nice one.
  13. Robblok, I am impressed with your charts! My wife wants to go shopping in person for the pull-up station so we will go to the nearby Decathlon shop. Also one more shop I think it is called 360fitness?
  14. Hi Sheryl, Yes, I understand that thyroids was mentioned - sorry if I was confusing the issue... But endocrinologists treat both - I think... so I got excited and posted with the hope of a suggestion for a local doctor. Agree completely that in many but not all cases diet can help and maybe reverse type 2 diabetes. Type 1 is another story... "...I think the assumption is that it is useless because patients cannot/will not change their diet..." Again I think you are correct - but some patients such as myself are very open to eating a heathy diet and exercising daily. I have not found s ingle doctor in Chiang Mai that has a healthy lifestyle as the theme of their diabetes practice... Have you heard of one? There may be a couple in Bangkok but I never go to Bangkok. Thank you!
  15. Good news - Chiang Mai has great cocoa beans. The local chocolate is expensive though... Not sure which professor developed them but I seem to recall he was from Mae Jo university - but I may be wrong - does anyone know?
  16. Hi Sheryl, I am curious what makes you think she is good other than being a professor and kind? I ask as there is an emerging school of thought in America that a whole plant based diet is the key to treating chronic diseases such as diabetes and I have not found a single doctor open to this in Chiang Mai... Note this is not an argumentative post at all - instead it is sincere post made by a 30 year plus type 2 diabetic who finds that classically trained endocrinologists know little about nutrition and its role in health and at best slow chronic diseases down, but do not cure chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. Note I have found that exercise, a whole plant low fat diet and stress reduction help a lot... would love to find a modern endocrinologist is up to date with the latest research...
  17. I have two kids in an international IB school and both kids don't want to be stuck in Thailand for their career and want to learn how to think outside the box. They also want teh chance to study a number of different languages such as French and Spanish plus a variety of Asian languages. I would never dream of having my kids go to a Thai school. The Thai parents that I speak to who are successful in life all want their kids in a good international school. My kids will not be able to pass a Thai entrance exam but they have no interest in that. They are both taking non Thai languages for their second language. But if they had an interest in a Thai university they could have taken Thai as their second language any the time they graduate high school they could go to medical school in Thailand. They both speak fluent Thai just from daily life so reading and writing is what needs to be studied.
  18. I took a look at their website not impressive in terms of the campus, teachers or program... we must have different criteria for a good school. As an example maybe i missed it but where are a choice of foreign languages such as Mandarin and French or Spanish? Also I didn't see middle school or high school classes being offered but maybe I missed that... Any school other than the top international schools in Thailand that offer a full range of languages, math and computers etc with well trained and experienced teachers - who encourage independent thought?
  19. "These students are amazing, and they are able to gain full scholarships to attend first-class universities, abroad, as you know." I have never heard of these schools - please name some. I look forward to hearing about top Thai schools where students are taught how to think on their own and question teachers etc... I thought only students with top grades, (mostly from top prep schools) and unusual nonacademic achievements are considered such as being top in a sport or music or founding a non profit etc... The top grades are only a first filter. From what I have heard from teachers and school counselors and friends is that full scholarships to top universities are rare. Actually getting into top universities is rare and places like Stanford, Harvard and Oxford will try to provide scholarships as needed for the best students. "Then, when they return, they work for the government, or in teaching, for many years, in order to pay back the price of their tuition." The above is not what I have always thought of a scholarship - sounds like a loan...
  20. I understood your supreme court comment and to some extent you can use it with education. However, asking parents, teachers etc as you are doing here is better... Most Thai schools don't encourage students to think on their own so if that is important to you and probably you already know that... The top ten percent of the international schools in Thailand are OK, some problems with arrogant administrators who don't listen to parents etc but in general good schools you get what you pay for if you are lucky...
  21. Two Pfizer then a Moderna booster (full dose) no problems. In three months i will get a Moderna booster again (I am in a high risk group)
  22. Attached are Ginger and Max my exercise partners. I have two teenagers in high school now so I have some stress on occasion but after I walk with my dogs I have zero stress... I am in the Chiang Mai area and there's a new Decathlon store so I can go and take a look thank you for the suggestion. "Indeed, but most people dont want to eat less or healthy foods." Sadly true. Once I thought of opening a nonprofit cafe which would have one simple whole food plant based meal a day at a low cost. My wife looked at me and said I was crazy almost no one will eat what I eat at any price... I gave up that idea...
  23. The article is a good one and I agree with most of it. But I liked this quote best: "I do 7k rows on a rowing machine" I have an unused downstairs room that I am thinking about turning in to a home gym. But i will start with simple basic things first I need a pull-up bar and a bench first. I have dumbbells already. I don't like tread mills instead I go out for an hour a day walking on a hill with my dogs. I like to do 100 repps of a given exercise with light dumbbells (currently 5KG)
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