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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. Thank you for all the ideas! At first I though OK just stick to cash except for emergencies. But I do get around 3% cash back but pay a 3% fee so its a wash... I will consider in the future a new visa card with no fees but has cash back. Also I have a swab account but dont use the debit card feature maybe I will in the future...
  2. Bangkok Hospital Screened and Biopsy by a dermatologist maybe 3000 baht not sure but not unreasonable. Then an operation by a very skilled surgeon with a full operating team around 40,000 baht but not exactly sure it was a few years ago but again very reasonable and great service.
  3. Much more than 5% are in high risk group over 60 with diabetes etc. Just curious are you saying those in a high risk group are crazy for protecting themselves?
  4. Sorry to hear about your COVID I hope you are 100% soon! I spoke to a friend in California the other day and he said more COVID cases are popping up and people are starting to wear masks again.
  5. COVID is still a big problem my 15 year old son got it yesterday (presumably at school as others have also gotten it and is quite sick now) - ignore the real world if you like ...
  6. Yes, I have a local bank account and do transfer money to it for just under 1%. My wife uses her phone to pay for everything - maybe I need to start doing the same for large purchases. otherwise I am fine for cash up to around 30,000 baht.
  7. Should I pay cash or use my American visa card (THB to USD) at a large store or hospital? I ask as I was told that there would be no extra charge but I always seem to get a 3% charge. My rate for transferring money is probably just under 1%
  8. I understand- backing in to a space is easy but tight parallel parking in a city can be a challenge - good to get lessons! My question is can new cars with auto park really safely do tight parallel parking?
  9. You do know that many people disagree with you... I have lived here a long time and find Thais to be similar to people anywhere some good - some bad... Who you hang out with will have a lot to do with it.
  10. I agree with you good service and a good price! As a side note there are good business people and lots of honest kind people in Thailand- sometimes I think that I don't live in the same Thailand as some of the posters on this forum...
  11. You are the perfect person to ask - thank you! So if a state will issue a license without a test show the Thai license. Again thank you.
  12. Sounds like Chanthaburi is a bargain if 20 hours for almost the same price (unless I misunderstood you?) - curiuos do they also give you a certificate when you pass so you don't need to take the test at the driving office?
  13. "Car lessons can begin before 18, possibly the month before as they only take 4 or 5 of them. Then at 18 they can apply for a 2 year licence." Lessons can start much earlier they just won't give you your certificate until you are 18 - with the certificate no test at the driving office...
  14. My wife started calling this morning: The closest school is too small - another school about 35 minutes away will teach my teenagers before 18 but won't give them a certificate until they 18. 4,000 baht for 10 hours of lessons on the road in a car with dual brakes and steering wheels. 5 hours of computer study. My kids will end up with a certificate when they are 18 and they don't need to take a test at the driving office. Note the computer video is in Thai with English subtitles. but the test should be in English. The instructors don't speak English but my kids can speak Thai so thats OK. It seems like under 18 they can drive on the road with these licensed instructors - but maybe it is not correct but they do it anyway? Not sure and not concerned. Now I need to budget for a small Toyota for my daughter too drive to school in for the last six months of the school year... Next year off to America for college -will she be able to exchange her Thai license for an American one or does she need to take a test again?
  15. I understand - low cost so group activities - if busy better to pay a bit more I think my wife paid 4,000.
  16. I live in a hilly area not sure where would be a good area to practice hence the school idea
  17. Very simple - even if you can't go on the roads - learning to parallel park expertly on their site is great start! Not sure why they would take you as a group? Other than to save money my wife got her Thai drivers license after a class and went with just her teacher... I know some people who after 20 years of daily driving can't park in a big city.
  18. I will but when I get great idea at night or the weekends I like to consult the experience folk on this forum...
  19. How young can a young person take driving lessons legally? Example I have two teenagers in high school can they go to licensed driving school before they are 18? If they can't drive on the public road can they drive at the school and learn to park? Thank you!
  20. In Mae Rim on the main road just outside of Mae Rim plaza is a new vegetarian restaurant that makes them fresh and gives you a choice as to how much sugar
  21. Actually i have about twenty piles of firewood from cutting back longan trees a year ago they are probably dry now and a small fire hazard...
  22. I agree - I started this thread because a friend from California has been advising me to create clear areas around my house as fire breaks, but my family loves our trees and the shade they provide!
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