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Everything posted by TravelerEastWest

  1. AXA seems to cover everyone for small plans what do you thinK? https://direct.axa.co.th/HealthOnline/EasyCare/CoverageOptionPlan?utm_source=Partner&utm_medium=Affiliate+&utm_campaign=Easycare_LTR_StarVisa_JUN23
  2. I agree travel insurance will be short tern.
  3. LTR Visa and travel to America insurance - OK to combine? Currently I don't travel and pay cash for health care - note I have diabetes and it seems like any serious health problems would not be covered by insurance other than an accident? Next year my daughter will go to college in America so I will need travel insurance for visits and i am considering teh LTR visa ao I need Thai insurance for that. Should I keep the two insurance policies separate?
  4. I escaped COVID until now by being careful: masks etc and vaccines and regular boosters but I do not wear a mask at home and schools are not requiring masks so I want careful enough recently. Interesting that you have not heard of COVID deaths when there have been millions and that includes Isan,
  5. Actually being able to read Thai at the native speaker level is only step one - you also need an education in Thai tax laws and probably the laws of other countries depending on the situation. Google translations are of liomited value... You can't rely on what the reveune department says anywhere in the world. You can't rely on Thai CPAs and lawyers unless they are specialists in taxation. In America as an example the trend is to have a masters degree in taxation - which you get after your degree in law or accounting. Having actual recent experience is also important. I have a masters degree in taxation but it was from a long time ago and I am retired from the tax world - I am not qualified at all. Lets relax for now, read the news and lets see what happens...
  6. No there is no rule like that Type 1 for sure needs insulin and those with type 2 who have damaged their pancreas often need insulin.
  7. Agree a whole plant based diet is best has done a lot for my health...
  8. Prof Roy Taylor is brilliant and his theory about fat and diabetes is accepted by many doctors.
  9. I have had type two for around 30 years and have read books and watched videos and spoken to doctors - both tests serve a purpose and are good to know. If you have a very high fasting glucose level that is a red flag. A very high HBa1c is also bad. Note you can have a normal Hba1c and still be quite sick - example: lots of highs and lows which make a nice average - it happens... Modern medicine uses both not just one if only one they are saving money... Also a single glucose test if done over time (I forget how many hours) with glucose given to you as a test is accurate. What are you thinking of?
  10. Do you really believe that? I didn't have it until last month - one of my kids brought it home from school almost no-one wearing masks - yet kids get COVID and alerts are not sent out - if they had been I would have worn a mask at home for a while and more likely than not gotten COVID... And COVID was almost a go to the hospital sickness for me...
  11. Fredwiggy, You are correct - sad that people can be so cold - but actually many who are against vaccines and masks are probably good people but they don't understand science...
  12. Actually COVID is still a big problem and masks help - are they perfect? - No, but the correct mask, worn correctly is very helpful, and my household of four has had everyone get covid in the last couple of months - so I can assure you that COVID is still an issue. Also I am in a high risk group as are millions of people worldwide so if you don't care about others then no comment... but I hope that you don't get COVID and no elders in your family get it from you...
  13. What do you mean? Been here close to 20 years. Traveled and lived in overall other countries. Low cost of living can easily hire a gardener, driver and housekeeper. An easy, peaceful, safe life - only big problem bad air a few months of the year.
  14. It works perfectly for me and thousands of others - very unlikely the software stopped working only when you and a few others used it. I can't say for sure but my feeling is that something in the background is not working for you either your computer setup or your immigration file etc. when online first started the system was not perfect and I couldn't use it as my departure card was more than ten years old and I dont think they had manually input all the old data at least not yet... I mention this just as an example of why could go wrong probably a dozen other things also. Have you had a computer expert check your system at home? Did you talk to the immigration IT department? I have not visited CW in a long time as I live in CM now - but why would you deal with an immigration office if you are using a centralized online system? I only contact Immigration once a year for a 5 minute visit. First check your system at home then contact the IT Department. With that said I understand the feeling of software not working and I wish you good luck.
  15. Exactly - it works perfectly and even reminds you when your report is due. If online doesn't work for you perhaps trying again or getting some help? I can't imagine wasting time driving to immigration or the post office anymore...
  16. If he has his own website up and running he probably will need an e-commerce license. If he using Ebay Amazon etc why would he need a license?
  17. It truly is easy - at least if he is an adult. Please go visit a local CPA (or just have mom do the paperwork) with a small office calling around is not a good idea - the first meeting will have only a small charge or be free normally... I an American and I can form a Thai sole proprietorship if I wanted to but there would be more paperwork and costs - for a Thai person it is so easy literally a few minutes and maybe 300 baht? This is done at a local government office not the revenue department. Again as I said it is only paperwork if he needs to be 20 have his mother do it today and be finished and move on to the fun stuff - marketing! The bank is not where you ask tax and similar questions Good luck.
  18. I am confused you said you couldn't open up a sole proprietorship which is not connected to the requirements to open a banking account - did I miss something? I just checked with my Thai wife and she did not need a bank account to register a sole proprietorship. And it took only a few minutes and very little money but she was an adult over 20... Anyway this is all paperwork you can work around it. Your son should perhaps do some research own?
  19. Sorry to hear that. Are you 100% certain? Who told you? If so this may be the time to consult an experienced CPA - not expensive at all - maybe free for a quick question?
  20. Ok good news that he is Thai will be easy to setup legally as a sole proprietorship around 300 baht and five minutes of paperwork and bookkeeping will be easy. Since he will start small he can experiment and learn as he goes along. The paperwork may be boring but it can be done with money or study time his choice... The real challenge is creating a niche business - I wish him the best of luck! I am sure he can do it...
  21. If you want to die the taxes correctly you need a good Thai CPA - very easy to find but to save money your son can do his own research. If your son thinks this is a good idea start small and simple. You may be best with a simple sole proprietorship (is your son Thai?). Probably around 300 baht to start at your local government office. Then a key point often with small businesses in Thailand you don't need to keep track of expenses as an example you can declare 60% of sales as expenses. In the end if he has a good idea and does his research he will be fine.
  22. The doctors seemed very skilled the clinic dermatologist was a surgeon and the operating room surgeon was plastic surgeon with close to 40 years experience a retired professor spoke great English and full of energy. Both doctors see Caucasians close to daily so I would not be concerned about experience at all. The arm surgery ended up looking like a 6 inch letter S. He explained it carefully why he was doing that and my wife who is an artist got it right away - I still am not sure but all is well. Even though many stitches only a very thin scar in the shape of an S all is well...
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