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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Well, joe biden is the oldest person elected president!!
  2. I read that and my first thought was, who the heck is Orban?? Me thinks you assume too much. Isn't, firing all conservative/republican workers what the democrat politicians have done. Yes, I saw that happen when democrat presidents were elected, when I was a government employee! What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  3. From what I have found on the internet, the FGC 9 is being built and used over there in South East Asia. Myanmar to be specific.
  4. This is not and more likely will not be the first time people have been arrested for building their own firearms. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, the government office I worked at had the ability to intercept radio teletype transmissions. I routinely copied the Soviets Radio Tass, English language, transmissions that were broadcast from Cuba. I read multiple reports of Soviet citizens being arrested for manufacturing or possession of home built sub machine guns. It was then and I think still, illegal for citizens to posses any semi auto for full auto firearm. No 3D printers back then, just metal working mills and lathes. When tyrants disarm citizens, citizens will build arms.
  5. My wife used to say, any man that wants to take her away from me, better make more money than I do. Now that she makes more money than I do, her saying has changed. Any man that wants to take her away from me, better make more money than she does. I just can't win!
  6. Flash bang grenades followed by CS gas grenades is my suggestion.
  7. My dad died from cancer. He was prescribed morphine for the pain.
  8. That first paragraph is almost exactly what my Thai wife told me last week, when the discussion of having a house built in Thailand occurred.
  9. I have been hearing, that since Roe V was overturned, not only has abortions continued, but they are up 12%. So, in a way, their predictions of bad things being done are true, 12% more true!!! Years ago when I was working for the U.S. Government, I would intercept radio teletype broadcasts of the English language version of Radio Tass, the russian news agency. One thing that struck me was, all the reports of people arrested for possession of, and/or building sub machine guns. It was and is illegal for civilians to possess semi and full automatic firearms. But people still built them at home! I think that part of being mature is making fewer decisions based on emotion and that one of the driving forces of democrats making decisions is, emotion!
  10. I used to hear things like that on the Air America network. Especially the one out of New York City.
  11. 10 hours ago, spidermike007 said: as if there's no such thing as a Centrist Democrat BigStar: They're extinct. AOC, The Squad, and LGBTQ+ took charge. Wake up. Mr. Star. I disagree. I firmly believe that centrist democrats are those politicians that are more commonly known as, "RINO".
  12. Off the main thread topic but responding to your comment "Thank "the thing," as Biden would say, ". The security shack at the entrance to my condo has a sign inside. The sign reads in Thai and English, "Don't leave the thing here". It wasn't in there until after biden said, you know, the thing ( or something like that as I remember)
  13. That book has made international news. Kamala Harris 'achievements’ book with blank pages is Amazon Bestseller, netizens can't stop laughing ByAditi Srivastava Oct 07, 2024 10:53 AM IST The Achievements of Kamala Harris, a blank-page book, has gone viral, receiving five-star ratings. Video showcasing the book has amassed over 2 million views. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/us-news/kamala-harris-achievements-book-with-blank-pages-is-amazon-bestseller-netizens-cant-stop-laughing-101728277688765.html
  14. Are you one of those that looks back at January 6?
  15. Are you thinking about time there was a mix up between liters and gallons when refueling an aircraft and the aircraft ran out of fuel in flight? If that is what you were thinking about, that was in Canada. If not, I don't know.
  16. Writing about taxes ... Are you in Thailand? If so, you may not have seen the kamala campaign ads where she asks, are you in debt? I will tell billionaires to pay more taxes! Every time I see that campaign ad, I hear democrat voices in my head that goes, are criminals mob robbing your store? I will tell criminals to stop stealing your stuff!
  17. Writing about paying too much in taxes, is protesting too much?
  18. Ah ha! The conspiracy that the government is telling the public the truth!
  19. My wife is in Thailand right now. I just spoke with her.. She says the government has pulled the bus company's license to operate.
  20. Working in Thailand after experiencing the Spring Offensive of 1972 at Phu Bai Vietnam with nightly mortar and rocket attacks... My best memories, no rocket and mortar attacks!
  21. If I were hungry, I would eat the geese (I'm in Pennsylvania) and the ducks. Oh, and squirrels. Lots of suburban squirrels here.
  22. Have you ever heard of Allegheny Airlines? Now that was a true Greyhound bus kind of airlines. It would take off and land, take off and land, take off and ... I think you might get the picture. Like a Greyhound bus that stops at every little town on its route. That was Allegheny Airlines seemingly landing at every little airport the pilot could see, flying DC-3's left over from WWII.
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