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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. I have PTSD due to service in Vietnam. I was diagnosed as having PTSD with anxiety reaction. The Veterans Administration doctors tried to get me on anti-depressants and some other strange drugs. The only thing that I eventually found that helped me most when I had anxiety attacks was Lorazepam. Sometimes it helped me get better sleep. I don't take it as prescribed. I take .25 mg to .5 mg which breaks the anxiety cycle and I feel better until a stressful situation causes the anxiety reaction again. I do not take Lorazepam twice a day as prescribed! Only as needed. This medication was prescribed by a doctor at the Veterans Administration hospital. I did go to a head doctor to talk about issues but he was a psychologist who did not prescribe any medication. I found this helpful for me, it may or may not be helpful for you. I also drink ginseng tea made from ginseng imported from Korea. I think this helps me too. It is the only herbal or natural supplement that I use.
  2. Oh come on man! Weed has never affected me like that ... uhhh.. what are we talking about?
  3. That is how I returned to my hotel in Thailand two times. Both times when I was in a city I had never been to before and had forgotten the name of the hotel.
  4. Saved me from being attacked by a drug user that had told his girlfriend he wanted to kill me. Then he later, kicked the door in where I lived. I didn't shoot him, but would have if he had not stopped when I pointed my pistol at him. Instead he turned and left. I reported it to the local police, two of them came to the house and took a report. The police asked what his last name was, I didn't know, but described where he lived. They knew who he was!!! The police did nothing, even though I had a witness that confirmed he had threatened to kill me and kicked my front door in. What most news media does not report, about the so called "gun crime" (actually criminal behavior), in their news reporting, almost all the "gun crime" is committed by, criminals, not law abiding citizens. Most of those criminals commit a felony by illegal possession of a stolen firearm or a strawman purchased firearm. Illegal possession because they were previously charged with felony violation of criminal law, and by law, are no longer, legally, allowed to possess a firearm of any kind!
  5. I know this is about Thailand, but I need to have a short rant about a bicyclist here in the U.S. of A. I made a right hand turn at an intersection onto the center lane of a street. A man riding a bike against the traffic, with almost no space for cars side by side, much less space for a bike lane, was so close to the front end of my truck I could not see the wheels of his bike, just him. I could have run over him if I had turned into the lane next to the curb. Riding against traffic in the U.S. of A. and not being seen by the driver of a car who is turning right, the driver not expecting a vehicle coming from the wrong direction when turning, is the reason the traffic laws requires bicyclists to ride bikes in the same direction as the traffic flow. U.S. of A. rant over.
  6. Somebody does, otherwise I would not hear it being played loudly on loudspeakers by people walking by my house, riding bicycles by my house, and driving by my house, as much as I do. But, since it is the U.S. of A., there are people who like it. Strangely enough, none of my black neighbors like it either! Everyone that goes by my house listening to it are white!
  7. I was working when a shutdown occurred. I was deemed an essential employee so I had to work rather than go on a paid leave that did not count against accumulated leave time. I was also paid during that shut down, while the shut down was in progress.
  8. That's pretty much what I tell people when they want me to post links to back up what I post. Do it yourself!
  9. I had an emergency visit to a hospital in Thailand back in July this year. They billed my U.S. medical insurance almost $900.00. I only paid $140.00 ..
  10. I could afford to spend that much a month, but I won't. Nothing wrong with it if you can. You get a much better place to live than the 8,000 to 11,000 baht a month crowd.
  11. My wife wishes I would sell everything I have in the garage, so she could park her car in there. I keep telling her, it isn't a garage, it is my hobbyist machine shop!
  12. Well, it was only highly sensitive information. Although this information was not classified, it was deemed highly sensitive because it could pose significant operational security concerns if disclosed to a foreign government or if made public. As I remember it, when I had access to sensitive and classified documents, I would have gone to jail if I had done something like that!
  13. I heard menendez sold restricted and low level classified documents to Egypt! Allegedly if true, then would that not be acting like a spy?
  14. https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/ https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/RegisterEn/Register.html https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/RegisterEn/ https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/Foreigner/TM30EN/ Probably subject to change as they figure out why some of their links have a 404 error, or a blank web page etc. e.g. https://tm30.immigration.go.th/TM30/
  15. Thailand's radio frequency allocation chart. http://spectrum.nbtc.go.th/thailand_nfat/visualization/ Penuel Technologies webpage shows what the Kenwood TK-2107 operational characteristics are. Seems the radio's can operate in different authorized spectrums, not just one. Programable for 16 operational channels. http://penueltech.com/kenwood-tk-2107-3107-vhf-uhf-walkie-talkie-compact-fm-portable-radios/
  16. Wife bought a condo late last year. We were there for a few weeks this year. The sink in the master bedroom developed a leak. I went to the office to see if the condo maintenance would fix it. An appointment time was set up for maintenance personnel to go to the our condo. We were told, be sure to lock up or take valuables out of the condo, if you will not be there when the maintenance personnel enters the condo! This was from the condominium management office cautioning us about their own employees!
  17. Access denied Error 14 tna.mcot.net 2023-09-10 16:05:59 UTC What happened? This request was blocked by our security service
  18. This might not be her issue. I had problems breathing through my nose for years. Not a problem anymore. An EENT doctor said I had a sinus infection, prescribe an antibiotic and a few days later, I could breath easy through my nose.
  19. Off topic of Thailand, in the U.S. of A. I saw the aftermath of car fires yesterday. A car between two others caught fire. All three totaled. One fire truck, on the way to the fire, was hit by another car, and the driver fled the scene in his car!
  20. I remember predictions, from the past, of the world running out of fossil fuels in 10 or 20 years from the time the predictions were made. I think that 10 years have passed from the time fossil fuels were predicted to be depleted.
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