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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/nearly-half-of-democrats-disapprove-of-bidens-response-to-the-israel-hamas-war-poll-shows
  2. I can't speak of the two holsters visible in the picture, but there are holsters that lock the pistol in them and you cannot grab the pistol grip and just pull it out of the holster. Some additional manipulation of part of the holster is required to extract the pistol from the holster. https://www.athlonoutdoors.com/article/9-retention-holsters-draw/ A nightmare for any officer is a gun grab. Luckily today’s modern retention holsters can keep a weapon securely locked in its holster and locked onto an officer’s body, at least until you can subdue your attacker and take charge of the situation.
  3. It might be this website. https://th.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/thai-visas-americans/#:~:text=American citizens who wish to,is authorized to issue visas. American citizens who wish to remain in Thailand for longer than 90 days during any six-month period will be required to obtain a valid Thai visa from a Thai Embassy or Consulate that is authorized to issue visas. The U.S. Embassy advises all American citizens who wish to obtain a Thai visa to contact the Thai Immigration Bureau for exact visa requirements and regulations. Persons who do not comply with visa regulations risk being denied entry to Thailand at the border.
  4. It sure is mellow grazin' in the grass (Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it) What a trip just watchin' as the world goes past (Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it) There are so many good things to see While grazin' in the grass (Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it) Flowers with colours for takin'
  5. Why would that time make a difference? As a person that has had multiple skin cancers, I would be interested in know why. Also, I am not sure if there would be any difference with me. I suspect agent orange poisoning has had some effect on causing skin cancers, based on a small study by one doctor years ago, with regards to people of a certain skin type.
  6. Stories like this, sometimes feels like a physical blow to me. I have a 5 year old grandson and 7 year old grand daughter of an adopted Thai born daughter. She is a great mother to her kids!
  7. I met them, back in the 1950's , in Louisiana, when I was a kid. The vitriol, venom, and hate was palpable. They were democrats. In the 1960's they spoke of wanting to hang republicans who loved black people! I watched my grandmother get very close to killing a member of the clan. A 12 gauge up close is a nasty weapon to be shot with. Family rumor has it, great grandfather did kill some after the civil war due to they way they treated his half Cherokee wife! If the oath keepers and proud boys were anything like the democrat clan members from back then, the news media would be shouting about it loud and long. All I hear or read about is how bad they were, where as the clan actually, physically, attacked black people. The only difference I see now is who the democrat foot soldier directs their venom against. Whites and jews! The people I have met in my adult life that had that same venom, vitriol, and hate, that was still palpable, were still democrats, when I was till a federal agent. Some of them were the democrat politicians that I had to work around, when they were not around the public they were supposed to be serving. I was assigned to work at both democrat and republican conventions. The last convention I worked was in 2004. While some of the republican politicians were <deleted>, the democrat politicians were the bigger <deleted> and were arrogant, elitist's, do you know who I am kind of people. This is from my personal experience, not from the the main stream democrat supporting media! Even though I already had passed an extensive back ground investigation for my security clearance for my employment, I still had to pass another background investigation before I could work at the conventions, primarily because presidents could be in attendance and were. I always wondered if the average federal politician had to get a back ground investigation. I had three background investigations from 1969 to early 2000's, that combined, took 4 years and 9 months to complete. Each time the investigation went back to my birth. Too many traffic tickets, no clearance, charged with driving under the influence, no clearance, caught lying, no clearance, associate with the wrong people (e.g. communists, marxists ), no clearance, bad financial background, no clearance, armed insurrection (yes this too), no clearance, and more that I can't remember. Those background investigations were in addition to 5 year checkups where they talked to my neighbors asking about my lifestyle. rant over.
  8. I met them, back in the 1950's , in Louisiana, when I was a kid. The vitriol, venom, and hate was palpable. They were democrats. In the 1960's they spoke of wanting to hang republicans who loved black people! I watched my grandmother get very close to killing a member of the clan. A 12 gauge up close is a nasty weapon to be shot with. Family rumor has it, great grandfather did kill some after the civil war due to they way they treated his half Cherokee wife! If the oath keepers and proud boys were anything like the democrat clan members from back then, the news media would be shouting about it loud and long. All I hear or read about is how bad they were, where as the clan actually, physically, attacked black people. The only difference I see now is who the democrat foot soldier directs their venom against. Whites and jews! The people I have met in my adult life that had that same venom, vitriol, and hate, that was still palpable, were still democrats, when I was till a federal agent. Some of them were the democrat politicians that I had to work around, when they were not around the public they were supposed to be serving. I was assigned to work at both democrat and republican conventions. The last convention I worked was in 2004. While some of the republican politicians were <deleted>, the democrat politicians were the bigger <deleted> and were arrogant, elitist's, do you know who I am kind of people. This is from my personal experience, not from the the main stream democrat supporting media! Even though I already had passed an extensive back ground investigation for my security clearance for my employment, I still had to pass another background investigation before I could work at the conventions, primarily because presidents could be in attendance and were. I always wondered if the average federal politician had to get a back ground investigation. I had three background investigations from 1969 to early 2000's, that combined, took 4 years and 9 months to complete. Each time the investigation went back to my birth. Too many traffic tickets, no clearance, charged with driving under the influence, no clearance, caught lying, no clearance, associate with the wrong people (e.g. communists, marxists and probably the ones you hate), no clearance, bad financial background, no clearance, armed insurrection (yes this too), no clearance, and more that I can't remember. Those background investigations were in addition to 5 year checkups where they talked to my neighbors asking about my lifestyle.
  9. Those cyclists need to stay off the sidewalk when I am driving!
  10. Looks like the guy with the taser is smiling underneath that mask. I did not know they had tasers in Thailand. When did the cops start using those. I also did not know that Sig Sauer P365's were sold in Thailand. Out of curiosity, does anyone know how much they are sold for in Thailand?
  11. Cigarette smuggling to evade paying taxes? Where have I read about that before? I read years ago about a truck driver who was stopped by criminals. He thought they wanted to steal his truck and trailer. Nah, they let him keep those that were worth more than $100,000.00 USD. It was his cargo that they wanted. Cigarettes'! Law enforcement suspected the cigarettes were later smuggled into New York City. I think the theft was in Georgia, the state, not the country. https://www.mackinac.org/blog/2023/cigarette-taxes-turn-new-york-into-smuggling-empire#:~:text=New York City imposes additional excise taxes of,all cigarettes sold in New York were smuggled.
  12. How many words in the English language has been changed to fit an agenda, then used to demonetize people that you (generic you) don't agree with?
  13. Yet, racist have changed the meaning of the word to mean what ever they want it to mean. It seems, one meaning of racist is, you don't agree to my meaning of woke so you are a racist! woke (past tense) emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping: "she woke up feeling better" · "I wake him gently"
  14. woke (past tense) emerge or cause to emerge from a state of sleep; stop sleeping: "she woke up feeling better" · "I wake him gently"
  15. I have experienced more outages here in the U.S. of A. than in Thailand, for the last 2 decades. Just last night, the storm that blew through was causing intermittent loss of power. I need UPS's more here than there. I only started thinking about this last year when the condo shut the power off during the exchange of transformers outside the building. My laptop is usually on all the time. But it is the TV's I am concerned about there and here. Downstairs computer here, has a UPS with wifi/router, monitor, and computer on it.
  16. This if for a condo on the 26th floor. I don't think they will like it if I put a generator on the balcony. I am sure my wife won't! Mostly I am interested in keeping the electronics from being damaged and keep them on during the period that a switch over to the emergency generator I think the condo has. Secondary desire is to have the system shut my computer down, if it can do that. Damn OS now had a screen login and I am not sure how the emergency system can bypass that and then shut the computer down after a specified period of time. The computer here at home in the U.S.of A. does not go to sleep nor does the screen saver need a password. I am not sure about the computer I will be using in Thailand. Thanks for the information, it has been helpful.
  17. OK, thanks. I need to look into the EPS thing more. I would like to have something to use at the condo when the family is there.. (can you believe the daughter wants to stay at our condo with the grandkids when we are all in Thailand instead of her place? Just because wife and I have a better condo! shaking my head... lol) I did a quick internet search and the first three links had virtually the same information about UPS's and EPS's! Still the description of an EPS may be what I have at the house in the U.S. of A. and call a standby generator. Rated at 22 kilowatts, the generator can run the whole house, including the furnace for heat during the winter or the air-conditioned during summer. I can turn everything on at the same time if I wanted to. I have a UPS with dead batteries that I am going to replace with new batteries and use it in my den with the computer and TV that I use for a monitor. The problem I have here is, half the house is on one phase of electrical power and half the house is on another. Lights stay on in the den and my TV shuts off sometimes. I don't think will need and EPS system in Thailand at the condo. I believe they had a standby/emergency generator that will kick in and power the condo building if the mains power shuts down. But I am not sure. The transformers for the mains power were replaced last year in July. While that was going on I heard a generator running but I think the only thing that was powered up in the building were the elevators (or just one elevator), I can't recall correctly. When I am back in Thailand this year I will have to find out more about that. If the emergency generator will only run the elevators in the building (and other stuff like sump pumps etc) but not power the lights, then that means I have to make a decision if I need an EPS or UPS in the condo. I can open the balcony doors (two balcony's) and get cross draft that can keep the place cool, but there is a lot of wind blowing through as we are on the 26th floor.
  18. The big gray 12 volt batteries next to the yellow/mustard colored Cyberpower box. Gel, sealed lead acid, maintenance free lead acid batteries ??? I don't know what the SLA means. I am interested in having a UPS that the electronics can be plugged into to block power surges, low power and over power of the mains. You are in Thailand right? If so, where did you purchase the Cyberpower unit?
  19. What kind of batteries are those?
  20. I found a gray snake in my Pennsylvania yard that I could not identify. I played around with it a little bit until it became too aggressive trying to bite me, so I left it alone and it crawled off into the brush. Later I found out it was a timber rattlesnake. What threw me off on identifying was no rattles. Too young to have them I guess.
  21. Could it be that the alcoholic beverages had more to do with this than age? My bet it is.
  22. First time was in 1972 - 1973 working a SINGINT mission as an Army grunt for the NSA. 1973 is when I learned about Songkran. I don't want to go to Thailand during the 1 or 2 week Songkran and will not go there during a 1 month long Songkran. I have been returning almost every year since 1987. Family now has 2 condos there in which I can stay if I travel there by myself, which I do sometimes, with the wife following a week or two later or she leaves a week or two before I do. Beaches are OK for a few hours. Mostly here in the U.S. if I can fish off a dock, otherwise, I don't are for them. I like deserts, desert mountains, mountains, and wide open plains. I am not very fond of city vacations and hope to never have to go on a cruise with the wife, who talks about that sometimes.
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