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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. This could be a possible intelligence activity coup as well. By knowing who was killed/injured by the exploding devices and working out who those people associate with, new, unknown participants of unknown hezbollah networks could be found out. Working out who was injured, who they associated with, who those people associated with, etc. For example, the iranian ambassador mojtaba amani was also injured by an exploding pager, a probable known participant in hezbollah planning. I am guessing that he had a pager so he could follow along with what those having been issued the pagers by the hezbollah government/military, were doing or planning. e.g. A page saying, Intell meeting at azar's house 7 pm. mojtaba amani would then attend the meeting and provide feedback to the iranian government/military about what kind of attack or activity hezbollah was planning against Israel. I used to do that kind of investigation when I was working. Knowing the target of an investigation, finding out who they worked for, who their friends were, where they traveled to, what activities they participated in, who else participated in those activities, etc.
  2. Both had clear connections with democrats. Both donated money to ActBlue.
  3. Russia Russia Russia, steele dossier!
  4. I can't stand the image you have created. Blocking this post.
  5. Hasn't it been only democrats that claimed they were going to run off to another country if (name your hated politician) was elected?
  6. I lived in California, outside the Bay area, up until 1996 and I heard/read about willie's activities and some of the people around him that he supported. I still read about willie's activities (and other political shenanigan's of California politics) since being transferred by my employer to an office in Pennsylvania. How could I be in the knowledge loop living outside of California, in Pennsylvania when you, living in San Francisco, do/did not?
  7. None of the above
  8. I am in the U.S. of A. but travel to Thailand in the summer. I stopped eating at KFC in the U.S. of A. years ago. The last time was when I was still gainfully employed about 15-18 years ago when another employee wanted to eat there for lunch. The chicken was terrible, which is why I stopped eating there. I agree with your assessment of fries at KFC in Thailand. I on't like their chicken there either. In the U.S. of A. I don't eat at McDonalds. The McDonalds hamburgers here are not very good. I don't understand why hamburgers at McDonalds in the U.S. of A. are not very good when the burgers at McDonalds in Thailand are! The other thing about McDonalds in Thailand are the pies. I think the pies in Thailand are much better tasting than the McDonalds pies in the U.S. of A.
  9. And when did they start putting the word STOP on red traffic lights?
  10. No, I assure you. The light was green. That's what my friend says.
  11. It can make you sit there at the intersection watching the light turn red, green, red, green, until someone else finally drives up behind you and honks their horn. Then you drive off slowly.
  12. .... My comment has been disappeared ....
  13. I wonder if they are claiming that the shotgun in the picture is home made? Looks like an Ithica Model 37.
  14. Sort of, but not the FBI. Another three letter agency with a lot fewer agents. I mostly assisted other law enforcement agencies.
  15. Not about fighting over women ... I worked with a guy, Neff, in Vietnam at a site detached from the company. When we closed the detachment and went back to the company, Neff found a buddy of his there. They would get almost falling down drunk and fight, rolling around on the floor trying to hit each other. Every once in a while one of them would call out, wait, I have to ralf (vomit), or pee, or get another beer. The other guy would say OK and they would stop fighting. After puking, peeing or drinking another bottle of beer, they would go back to fighting. Sometimes for an hour or more. I was told that sometimes they would both pass out on the floor. I don't know. I never watched them fight long enough to see the end of the fight. This would happen once or twice a week.
  16. I was a federal agent in the U.S. of A. In 23 years worked my way up from a GS-07 grade to GS-13 Step 6 grade. But, I have not yet moved to Thailand. Just visit during the summer now, when the grand kids are out of school.
  17. Veterans Administration Hospital (VA) doctors gave me psychotropic drugs as part of my PTSD treatment. I stopped taking them because of the hallucinations they caused. When I told the VA doctors the meds were making me hallucinate, I was told, those drugs don't do that!
  18. Ahh yesssssss. Huffpost, a bastion on honest, extremely unbiased, integrity.
  19. Isn't that a picture of a street in Brazil?
  20. Does, "gras" mean: Generally Recognized As Safe.? I had to do an internet search for that term. If that is the description, then yes, I guess she did. But I supported her until she started earning more money than I did, and she still stayed with me.
  21. Maybe a little off topic. I found out after I married my Thai wife, she was going to wait until she got her permanent green card, which would be two years after our marriage, then leave me!! After 30 years of waiting for her to leave, she is still here!!! Oh, and she has an income that is 3 times what mine is.
  22. I don't know what it rates today, but Philadelphia, Pennsylvania U.S. of A. has rated number 1 or in the top 5 as having the worst drivers in America, for several years now.
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