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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Oh no! I have been called a moron!! My life is devastated! What ever will I do from now on?? The agony! Who is my god figure? Which part of my post is a lie? Please highlight or bold those parts for me. "The shooter donated money to ActBlue, a democrat organization that raises money to get people to vote democrat. Not exactly a republican supporting organization. I have read a suggestion that he may have registered as a republican so that he could vote in a republican primary, to help choose a person less likely to win against a democrat opponent. Something that was repeatedly written about on the internet by democrats who did that. After the republican primaries, those same people went back to the voter registrars and registered as a democrat again. "
  2. I never wanted to see that movie after seeing advertisements. Now I see it was a good decision. No Italians in my paternal side of the family. I barely knew my maternal side, so I don't know about them.
  3. Arrogant and condescending, no. Facts yes, Do I have some success in life that is better than other people, yes. I went from being homeless in the early 1980's due to my PTSD after Vietnam, to being where I am now. Now is better! That the judge accepted the BS that I wrote and granted the requested annulment of the marriage? That success in court was mind boggling! Married a millionaire? No. Not a millionaire. Perhaps only about a 1/8th millionaire. This after her working for other people from 1990 (year we married) until 2012 when she opened her first business, then buying a more successful business about 5 years ago. If you recall, I wrote that the business has a "gross income of over". And remember, my wife has a college degree in business. After paying expenses for the current business, rent ($5,000.00 a month), utilities, the basic ingredients to produce the product being sold, paying salaries to the employees, paying the employers parts of social security, unemployment, health, etc, and the taxes (a god awful lot of taxes, to the city, state, and federal government), the wife is no where near being a millionaire. Did I say taxes? Estimated taxes are required to be paid every 1/4 of the year. I don't understand that very much but, her CPA does and estimates how much income the business will make then she pays an amount towards that. But that quarterly estimate does not always fulfill the governments requirements. At the end of the most recent tax year, CPA notified my wife that we had to pay an additional $60,000.00 in taxes!
  4. The shooter donated money to ActBlue, a democrat organization that raises money to get people to vote democrat. Not exactly a republican supporting organization. I have read a suggestion that he may have registered as a republican so that he could vote in a republican primary, to help choose a person less likely to win against a democrat opponent. Something that was repeatedly written about on the internet by democrats who did that. After the republican primaries, those same people went back to the voter registrars and registered as a democrat again.
  5. I asked someone about the rifles used by Secret Service and was told, that they were .338 caliber. Which I am guessing would be the .338 Winchester Magnum. I think, based on vague memories of what I have read, that U.S. and Canadian military snipers also use rifles chambered in this caliber.
  6. I understood what you wrote. What I don't quite understand is why your comment has a negative tone to it. After reading about men who are "taken to the cleaners" by both American and Thai women, I consider myself fortunate that I was able to convince a judge to annul my marriage, leaving the ex wife with nothing. As for "the brains" of the operation. My wife has a degree in business and knows what to do when it comes to that. She is also very good with numbers. I am tapped to make decisions about a variety of other subjects, so we seem to make a good pair in the course of our lives together.
  7. Hmmmmm? Emotional vampire? Yesssssss. Someone else I knew called her a succubus. So it was more than emotions. But the good thing is, legally, we were never married! And she got no money from me when it ended. 😁
  8. I'm not a victim of western marriage laws. The woman I was married to left me for someone else. I petitioned the court, in California, for an annulment of the marriage. The judge granted the annulment! I also married a woman from Thailand. As opposed to another's comment about Thai's being a drudge that can be bullied and controlled, my wife is a self motivated hard working individual, that will not be bullied, asks for advice but does what she decides to do, and does not take poo from anyone. She now owns and runs a business that has a gross income of over $1,200,000.00 USD a year. We have been married for more than 30 years.
  9. In all the Thanksgivings that I can remember from the last 70 years, I have never seen a fight during Thanksgiving, among family or friends. That would include Christmas and Easter.
  10. I believe that may be true. 2 years ago, I was invited by a Thai couple, who are close friends of my Thai family, to go up to Chiang Mai. At Don Meuang, when I bought my ticket, I found out that both of their round trip tickets cost less than half of what I was paying to go to Chiang Mai round trip. I asked why, I was told, we had special coupon price. Why didn't you tell me about it? Oh, coupon price for for Thai only.
  11. Isn't this pretty much what the democrat party says? A lot of what is on this web page is what I read in the emails the democrat party sends to me daily. https://www.cpusa.org/party_info/socialism-in-the-usa/
  12. Sepsis isn't good. About 2 years ago, my dermatologist began offering radiation treatment for skin cancers. No cutting involved, after a biopsy is done. Three treatments a week over about 5 or 6 weeks. It takes longer to drive to her office than an individual treatment takes. Getting the location correct and drawing an outline on a sheet of transparent plastic when a cancer is found, takes the most time. I can be in and out of the office for a radiation treatment in 15 minutes or less sometimes.
  13. Where do you go for treatment? I have had 4 skin cancers removed this year. The last one was surgically removed from the back of my neck 3 weeks ago. I just began radiation treatment for a fifth one in front of my left ear this week. Most of them are squamous cell carcinomas and basal cell carcinomas. I have had a couple of melanomas over the past 20 years too. I am one my doctor's most frequent patients for skin cancer treatment, here in the U.S. of A. I had several sunburns while in Vietnam and Thailand during the Vietnam war. Agent orange may be a contributing factor according to one study. After paying attention to your user name, I am guessing you are up in northwest Thailand.
  14. Want to bet that politicians will have to pay much or possibly nothing for unrealized gains? I have read in the past about loopholes that favor politicians when money in involved!
  15. The son that claimed his father was a great dad.
  16. How many times in the past 60 years has there been violence by left wing groups that has shed blood? How many times in the past 60 years has there been violence by right wing groups that has shed blood?
  17. A few years back, in an airport men's room that i visited, there were signs that read, "Don't wash feet in sink"!
  18. Now you know why I don't use Gaviscon for my heartburn!
  19. Well, that being a cordless (radio)telephone ... It's true!
  20. I saw that at an airport one time. The good thing was, it wasn't for the airline I had a reservation with.
  21. བརྡ་རྟགས་འདི་དག་གིས་ག་རེ་མཚོན་གྱི་ཡོད་དམ།
  22. What the heck? Why is that quote from kamala with a picture of Trump? And why does kamala think she was nearly assassinated?
  23. He put one of those in my garage!
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