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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. The problem with legal drugs, sometimes, is the reaction to them is not good. In my case, psychotropic drugs for depression caused hallucinations. When I told the doctors, their response, those don't cause hallucinations!
  2. Yeah, but, what if the attached 7/11 runs out of microwave spagetti? Then what?
  3. Never heard of the 7th RRFS Co B. or of ditty boppers, or Hogs, or Duffy's or Skates, or Buddy Effers (05G's), or Tape Apes. I was never there for 7 months and I was never with the 8th RRFS, Co B, or the 330thr RR Co out of Nha Trang, VN, or trained at Ft. Devens! Why you asking? You with the KGB? I was never there!
  4. Lots of incidence of loss o f hearing for people who did what I did, decades ago. Sat with earphones on listening to Morse code for hours a day going on for months, and other unexpected static crashes. Got tinnitus form that too. Then there were the loud noises of weapons being fired.
  5. Edited to add this question. Was a music festival, an Israeli military site? They claim it was accidental ... ... we in the Islamic Resistance Movement – Hamas clarify the following: 1. Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on Oct. 7 targeted the Israeli military sites, and sought to arrest the enemy’s soldiers to pressure on the Israeli authorities to release the thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli jails through a prisoners exchange deal. Therefore, the operation focused on destroying the Israeli army’s Gaza Division, the Israeli military sites stationed near the Israeli settlements around Gaza. 2. Avoiding harm to civilians, especially children, women and elderly people is a religious and moral commitment by all the Al-Qassam Brigades’ fighters. We reiterate that the Palestinian resistance was fully disciplined and committed to the Islamic values during the operation and that the Palestinian fighters only targeted the occupation soldiers and those who carried weapons against our people. In the meantime, the Palestinian fighters were keen to avoid harming civilians despite the fact that the resistance does not possess precise weapons. In addition, if there was any case of targeting civilians; it happened accidently and in the course of the confrontation with the occupation forces. https://www.timesofisrael.com/in-coded-doc-hamas-instructed-terrorists-to-kill-civilians-take-captives-report/ In coded doc, Hamas instructed terrorists to kill civilians, take captives – report Document found in vehicle used by Gaza-ruling terror group in devastating attack said to include code words for massacring people or using those taken captive as human shields
  6. I knew some refugees in California doing that. Collected all the welfare available to them, then used fake names and social security numbers so they could work on fishing boats making thousands of dollars a month!
  7. I went to a hospital in north east Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. of A.. Not wanting to walk up stairs to the second floor, I got in an elevator with walls were about 4 foot apart. On the floor were stickers with two feet like that, and the words, "Please stand 6 feet apart"!
  8. Business or First class ticket holder, being an old fart (I think 70 or 75), physical disability, and I think having small children may help too. Ugly don't count, so at least being an old fart is helpful for me.
  9. I like old things (except that old fart looking at me from the weird window in the bathroom). Israel has old things that I would like to see. But not badly enough to go there now.
  10. Off the topic of Thailand, but along the topic of explosives... I had a transfer of flights in Europe. They checked my backpack and pulled me aside to ask me a couple of questions. Security, First question: Are you an American? Me: yes. Security, Second question: Do you reload ammunition? Me: Yes. Why are you asking? Security: Your backpack tested positive for nitrocellulose explosives. Me: What happens now? Security: You can take your belongings and go to your gate. Some Americans backpacks test positive for nitrocellulose because of reloading. Me: After returning home. Purchased a new backpack and keeping it out of the reloading area and not using it to carry shooting gear to the shooting range!
  11. That picture looks very similar to the immigration line at Newark International Airport, in New Jersey. Not just once but several times when I returned there from Thailand!
  12. I have thought about going to Israel a few times, listened to radio shows where the host has set up tours to Israel, but now ... With the terrorist hamas attack against civilians and then them lying about who they did/would attack as being only gun toting military that were facing them. I am not going to go on a tour to Israel, because of hamas and their supporting palestinians!
  13. That second sentence makes me think of people who drink so they can get falling down, puking their guts out, drunk, then brag about how much of a good time they had last night, while complaining about their terrible hangover.
  14. What hurts even more, is going back and reading something that I wrote, when I was in a hurry, and cannot change it, as it was written in ink! Oh the embarrassment. Writing digital is more better satisfaction!
  15. I was a mensa member for a few months. Some of the members I met, were people I did not want to meet again.
  16. If I recall correctly what I heard on the radio a few weeks ago, Israeli civilians generally do not have firearms available. That it is (or was) difficult to legally have and carry firearms. My impression was Israel had laws similar to those in countries that are against civilians having firearms and are only available to Police (I don't know if police there do have firearms) and military. I do not know the accuracy of this. I was driving, had grandkids in the truck, and was only partially listening to what was being said. Having written the above, if my impression of the availability of firearms ownership and possession by Israeli civilians is correct, then the hamas brigades are flat out liars about the targeting of those who carried weapons against our people. It would only be natural to carry weapons for use against people who are rewarded and celebrated as heroes, when they kill Israelis, i.e. against hamas!
  17. Target for theft, for the very reasons you are pointing out.
  18. Well, since we are acknowledging, considered opinions ... My considered opinion is that progressives on the left are marxists.
  19. The logic stands. I did an informal poll of some protestors in Philadelphia PA that were in support of the Palestinian people and asked this very question. Do you know that support of the Palestinian people is de facto support of hamas. Out of about 20-25 protestors only 2 said they did not support hamas the rest of them said they did. That was before I was threatened with physical violence if I did not leave the area!
  20. You did open and read the article, did you not? You did see the graph right? You know the graph which specifies a percentage democrat's overall which indicates that 44% of democrats do not think that the U.S. of A. is not supportive enough of Palestinians. You know the Palestinians that support hamas by about 80% of the population. So if you support the Palestinians, who by a large majority, support hamas, then de facto, democrats support hamas! Depending on which poll you look at, Palestinians support of hamas ranges from 72 - 90%. (And why did you post the, almost, same response twice? Why ditto?) Democrats are divided on US support for Israelis and Palestinians An AP-NORC poll finds most Democrats who disapprove of Joe Biden's handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict want more support for the Palestinians, while fewer approvers agree. Percent of Democrats who say the U.S. support of the following is...
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